Officers advanced training school - powers of punishment
Officers advanced training school - powers of punishment
First document covers punishment awarded summarily, C.O's powers of punishment, subordinate commander's powers of punishment, detachment commander's powers of punishment, procedures when badges of rank covered, reduction of punishments, reversions, curtailment of privileges, good conduct badges, effect of punishment on airmen's career and pay, A.O.C's summary powers over officers and warrant officers and WAAF discipline. Followed by two appendixes with tables of punishment for airmen and airwomen as well as further addendum document on powers of punishment - aircrew discipline, Finally a two pages of questions.
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Ten page typewritten document
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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School Jun 1945]
Appendices:- “A” – Table of Punishments – Airmen.
“B” – Table of Punishments – Airwomen.
Addendum:- Aircrew Discipline.
References:- M.A.F.L. – A.F.A. Sects. 46 and 47
K.R. Ch. XV. Sect. 1V.
A.P. 837, Sects. 25 and 26 and App. 2.
[underlined] Punishments awarded summarily [/underlined]
1. Punishments divided into two groups:-
(a) Summary Punishments.
(b) Minor Punishments.
2. [underlined] Summary punishments [/underlined] – more serious and all affect pay:-
(a) Detention – maximum 28 days.
(b) Field Punishment – maximum 28 days.
(c) Penal Forfeiture of Pay – maximum 28 days.
(d) Fines for Drunkenness – maximum £1 (£2 with A.O.C’s authority)
(e) Deduction from Pay (to make good loss or damage) – normally limited to equivalent of 14 days’ full pay.
3. [underlined] Minor Punishments [/underlined] – less severe and do not of themselves involve loss of pay:-
(a) Severe reprimand.
(b) Reprimand
(c) Confinement to Camp – maximum 14 days.
(d) Extra Guards or Pickets – maximum 3 (for guard offences only)
(e) Admonition (for first offences not of an aggravated nature).
4. Before awarding summary punishment, C.O. must offer accused right to elect trial by C.M. Also, before awarding minor punishment for absence without leave involving automatic forfeiture of pay (see para. 13 below). If accused DOES elect trial, C.O. MUST NOT WITHDRAW OFFER and award minor punishment.
5. List of punishments, indicating who may award, set out in App. “A” to this precis. These are only punishments recognised by A.F.A. for offences dealt with summarily by C.O. or subordinate commander.
[underlined] C.O.’s Powers of Punishment [/underlined]
6. [underlined] N.C.Os. including acting W.Os. [/underlined]:-
(a) One Summary punishment – deduction from pay (to make good loss or damage).
(b) Three Minor punishments:-
(i) Severe Reprimand
(ii) Reprimand
(iii) Admonition
(N.B.) N.C.Os cannot be fined for drunkenness; C.O. cannot dispose of charge of drunkenness against N.C.O. without permission of A.O.C. (K.R. 1152 (2)).
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7. [underlined] Aircraftmen [/underlined]:-
(a) [underlined] Five summary punishments [/underlined]:-
(i) [underlined] Detention [/underlined] – up to 28 days, but not more than 168 hours for 1st offence of absence without leave not exceeding 7 days. If C.O. F.L. or below, maximum 168 hours, except absence without leave in excess of 7 days, when he can (but is not bound to) award one day’s detention for each day of absence up to limit of 28 days.
(ii) [underlined] Field Punishment [/underlined] – maximum 28 days (only awarded on active service in the field).
(iii) [underlined] Penal forfeiture of pay [/underlined] – maximum 28 days.
(iv) [underlined] Fines for Drunkenness [/underlined] – within the following limits:-
1st Offence – not exceeding 5/-
2nd Offence – not exceeding 10/-
3rd Offence – not exceeding 15/-
4th Offence – not exceeding 20/-
5th and subsequent – not exceeding 20/- or, with A.O.C’s permission, up to 40/-.
(v) [underlined] Deduction from pay [/underlined] (to make good loss or damage) normally limited to equivalent of 14 days’ full pay. Always to be awarded as specific sum of money.
(b) [underlined] Three minor punishments [/underlined]:-
(i) C.C. – up to 14 days.
(ii) Extra guards – up to 3
(iii) Admonition.
[underlined] Subordinate Commander’s Powers of Punishment [/underlined]
8. Delegated by C.O. by name, conveniently published in S.R.Os. Powers less if Subordinate Commander F.L. or below.
9. [underlined] Squadron Leader and above [/underlined]:-
(a) One summary punishment – fines for drunkenness to aircraftmen, up to 20/-.
(b) Minor punishments, as for C.O.
10. [underlined] Flight Lieutenant and below [/underlined]:-
(a) One summary punishment – fines for drunkenness, to aircraftmen, up to 15/-
(b) Minor punishments:-
(i) N.C.Os. – Reprimand or Admonition – TO CORPORALS ONLY.
(ii) Aircraftmen – C.C., 7 days; extra guards, 3; admonition.
NOTE that a subordinate commander F.L. or below cannot deal with Senior N.C.O.
[underlined] Detachment Commander’s Powers of Punishment [/underlined]
11. For definition see K.R. 1139 (A.L. 133). Same powers as C.O. of corresponding rank, but if F.L. or below his powers may be restricted by superior authority.
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[underlined] Conjoint Awards [/underlined]
12. Where circumstances demand it, summary and minor punishments may be awarded together, except that:-
(a) A minor punishment not to be conjoined with detention exceeding 168 hours.
(b) Only penal forfeiture of pay may be conjoined with field punishment.
[underlined] Absence without leave [/underlined]
13. Points to note:-
(a) Charge should state time absence commenced and ended, and show days and hours absent.
(b) Pay forfeited automatically as follows:-
(i) Less than 6 hours, nil, unless absence caused duty to be performed by other person.
(ii) 6 hours to 24 hours, 1 day.
(iii) over 24 hours, 1 day for each complete 24 hours, plus one day for any remaining part of 24 hours, however small.
(c) Absence must be proved and some punishment awarded before forfeiture takes effect.
(d) Automatic forfeiture gives right to elect trial by C.M.
(e) Number of days forfeiture to be stated after punishment awarded but not as part of punishment.
(f) Forfeiture to be recorded in Remarks column of F.160 or F.281, thus: “Forfeits ……….. day’s pay under K.R. 3470”.
[underlined] Procedure when Badges of Rank covered [/underlined]
14. W.Os. and N.C.Os who cover badges of rank during work or training are dealt with in their former rank. (A.815/42.)
[underlined] Reduction of Punishments [/underlined]
15. C.O. cannot increase punishment he has awarded, but he can reduce it. C.O. can remit Subordinate Commander’s punishment but cannot increase it.
[underlined] Reversions [/underlined]
16. C.O. can deprive acting W.O. or N.C.O. of acting rank (except acting unpaid Cpl. R.A.F.P.) for an offence but cannot at the same time award summary or minor punishment. No right to elect trial by C.M.
[underlined] Curtailment of Privileges [/underlined]
17. Policy as set out in A.P. 837 para. 771 modified by A.M. letter A. 601787/43/S.10 (c) dated 10.5.44.
[underlined] Good Conduct Badges. [/underlined]
18. G.C.Bs. affected by punishments as under:-
(a) Detention or field punishment results in automatic forfeiture of all G.C.Bs.
(b) With any other punishment which constitutes “Service Entry” on [underlined] Service [/underlined] conduct Sheet (see K.R. 2153) offender may be deprived of one or more G.C.Bs. at discretion of C.O. If C.O. Squadron Leader or below, obtain authority from Wing
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Commander or above.
(c) Punishments constituting “Service Entries” result in delay of award or restoration of G.C.Bs. (A.P. 837 Sect. 38).
[underlined] Effect of Punishments on Airmen’s Career and Pay [/underlined]
19. Commanders must understand how punishment can affect airmen’s careers and pay in following ways:-
(a) G.C.Bs. – see para. 18 above
(b) Character assessments – see K.R. 2140.
(c) Prospects of promotion.
(d) Loss of pay when undergoing detention (or field punishment).
[underlined] A.O.C’s Summary Powers over Officers and Warrant Officers [/underlined]
20. A.O.C. has power to deal summarily with R.A.F. or W.A.A.F. officers below Squadron Leader and W.Os. (not acting S.L. or W.O.) for certain offences set out in K.R. 1153. Following punishments may be awarded:-
(a) Forfeiture of seniority not exceeding 12 months.
(b) Deduction from pay to make good loss or damage.
(c) Reprimand or severe reprimand.
(a) and (b) give right to elect trial by C.M.
[underlined] W.A.A.F. Discipline [/underlined]
21. W.A.A.F. personnel subject to modified form of A.F.A.; only certain sections apply, and all civil offences dealt with by civil authorities.
22. Charge against, or application by, airwoman invariably to be heard first by a W.A.A.F. Subordinate Commander.
23. All ranks of W.A.A.F. may be sent for trial by C.M.
24. For punishments awarded by C.O. and W.A.A.F. Subordinate Commander to N.C.Os. and aircraftwomen, see App. “B” to this precis. For W.A.A.F. officers and W.Os. position same as for R.A.F.
[underlined] Amendments to this precis [/underlined]
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[table of punishments for airmen]
[underlined] NOTES: [/underlined] the above are the maximum powers of punishment. The actual sentence for any offence should depend upon the seriousness of the offence, coupled with the airman’s previous record.
(a) For conjoint awards see K.R. 1146.
(b) The C.O. or Detachment Commander has powers limited if F.L. or below (K.R. 1138, 2 (a) and K.R. 1139).
(c) For distinction between forfeiture of Good Conduct Badges and Deprivation at discretion of awarding officer, see K.R. 1181.
(d) The Offender must be given the opportunity of electing trial by Court Martial if it is proposed to award him any Summary Punishment, or if it is proposed to award him minor punishment for absence without leave involving automatic forfeiture of pay. Failure to give this right of election makes the award invalid.
(e) For a first offence of A.W.O.L. if not more than 7 days, not more than 168 hours detention may be awarded. (K.R. 1138 (2) (a)).
(f) Penal forfeiture of pay is not to be confused with Automatic forfeiture for absence without leave under K.R. 3470.
(g) For scale of fines for Drunkenness see K.R. 1152 (6) and 1141, 2 (c).
(h) To make good loss, damage, etc. See A.F.A. Sect. 138 (4).
(i) But only when awarded conjointly with another punishment which itself entails a Service Entry (K.R. 2153 (7)
(j) Confinement to camp for 7 days or less entails neither Service Entry nor Deprivation of G.C. Badges – but see note (n).
(k) An acting W.O. or N.C.O. (except Acting Corporal R.A.F.P. under K.R. 509) may be ordered to revert to his permanent rank or classification. (K.R. 1142, A.F.A. Sect. 182 note 3.)
(l) Only awarded for offences connected with Guard or Picket Duties. K.R. 1138 (5) (c)
(m) Includes Acting Warrant Officer.
(n) Unless awarded for A.W.L. exceeding 2 days.
(Appendix ‘B’ over page.
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[table of punishment – airwomen]
NOTES: The above are the maximum powers of punishment. The actual sentence for any offence should depend upon the seriousness of the offence, coupled with the airwoman’s previous record.
(a) Commanding Officer is, for this purpose, in case of W.A.A.F. Station, the W.A.A.F. Officer appointed to command or exercising command in the absence of the Commanding Officer, and in the case of a R.A.F. Station, the Station Commander, whether appointed as such or exercising the functions of Station Commander under K.R. 54 and 112.
(b) A W.A.A.F. Subordinate Commander’s power of punishment require to be delegated to her by name. They may be restricted to less than the maximum if the experience of the subordinate commander renders such restrictions desirable.
(c) Penal forfeiture of pay is not to be confused with automatic forfeiture for absence without leave under K.R. 3470.
(d) Cannot be conjoined with C.C.
(e) An acting N.C.O. may be ordered to revert to her permanent rank or classification under K.R. 1142, but is not liable to summary or minor punishment as well. In the case of reversion from acting rank, an offender does not have the option of trial by C.M.
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[underlined] General [/underlined]
1. The following is a summary of disciplinary and administrative provisions designed to assist C.Os. in regard to aircrew discipline.
[underlined] Officers and Warrant Officers [/underlined]
2. Disciplinary action under Air Force Act:-
(a) Summary disposal by A.O.C. – for offences by Flight Lieutenants and below and Warrant Officers. (Acting Squadron Leaders and Acting Warrant Officers not dealt with in this manner). See K.R. 1153 for offences punishable summarily by A.O.C.; these include:-
(i) Neglect to obey general, local or other orders (A.F.A. Sec. 11)
(ii) Negligently damaging aircraft (A.F.A. Sec. 39A (i) (a))
(iii) Breaches of K.Rs. (A.F.A. Sec. 40).
(Low flying offences not to be disposed of summarily except with Air Ministry approval – A.M.O. A.696/43 as amended by A.1269/43.)
[underlined] Punishments [/underlined]:-
Severe Reprimand
Forfeiture of Seniority (not exceeding 12 months);
Deduction of Pay to make good loss or damage.
(not in case of officers involved as pilots in accident resulting in damage to aircraft – see A.M.C.O. A.28/43)
(b) [underlined] Courts Martial [/underlined]
For really serious offences application for trial by General Court Martial may be made.
3. Administrative action:-
(a) [underlined] Reproof [/underlined] under K.R. 1154 may be administered either by C.O. or on report to Group, by A.O.C. for offences not serious enough to merit disciplinary action under A.F.A.
(b) [underlined] Deferment of promotion:- [/underlined]
(i) by withholding recommendation for appointment to acting rank, or
(ii) action under A.1251/42 to defer time promotion to F.O. or F.L. by delay of 1, 2 or 3 months according to gravity of offence.
(see A.M.C.O. A.23/43 para. 12 (ii))
(c) [underlined] Log Book endorsement [/underlined] – adverse endorsement in red ink – see A.M.C.O. A.23/43.
(d) [underlined] Disciplinary Course [/underlined] at Air Crew Refresher School, R.A.F. Sheffield. Purpose of this course explained in Appendix “B” to precis of lecture on Flying Accidents.
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(c) Disciplinary training within unit. Within discretion of C.O. to give extra training to officer or W.O. if necessary for his benefit, not by way of punishment, but for training where conduct of individual shows this to be necessary. Examples where such training might benefit:-
(i) Faulty cockpit drill – extra cockpit drill, instruction on ground over and above syllabus, followed by written exam.
(ii) Faulty engine handling – attached to C.T.O. for for [sic] his disposal in training.
(iii) Faulty gun handling – extra armament training on guns and ground instructional equipment.
(iv) Bombing faults – attach to armament section to learn bombing up, etc.
(v) Radio faults – further training on ground instructional equipment.
(vi) Bad flying or navigating – link trainer, beam approach practice.
4. See also A.P. 837 paras. 733 – 735 A.
[underlined] Aircrew (other than officers and Warrant Officers) [/underlined]
5. Disciplinary action under A.F.A.:-
(a) Summary disposal by C.O. – N.C.Os (including Acting Warrant Officers) may be dealt with on lines explained in precis of lecture on Powers of Punishment, (see para. 2 (a) (iii) above regarding penal deductions to make good loss or damage).
(b) [underlined] Reversion of Acting Warrant Officer or Acting N.C.O. [/underlined] – dealt with in lecture on Powers of Punishment.
(c) [underlined] Application for trial by District Court Martial [/underlined] – for cases too serious for summary disposal.
6. Administrative action:-
(a) [underlined] Reduction under K.R. 504 [/underlined] – A.O.C. empowered under K.R. 504 and A.M.O. A.830/43 to reduce N.C.Os for misconduct. Normal disciplinary action must be taken before C.O. recommends reduction of offender by A.O.C. C.O’s letter recommending this action to be seen and initialled by N.C.O. who may make statement. (A.830/43 does not apply to R.A.A.F. – A.1337/43).
(b) [underlined] Deferment of Promotion [/underlined] – C.Os should consider each individual carefully when submitting recommendations for approval by A.O.C. Promotion may be delayed by A.O.C. if recent adverse entries on Conduct Sheet. (One Group does not approve promotion unless Conduct Sheet shows clear 3 months free of reprimand or 6 months free of severe reprimand.)
(c) [underlined] Commission Recommendations [/underlined] – may be postponed if entries of Reprimand or Severe Reprimand on Conduct Sheets. (One Group delays recommendations until 6 months clear of reprimand and 12 months clear of severe reprimand).
(d) [underlined] Log book Endorsements, Disciplinary Course A.C.R.S., Disciplinary Training [/underlined] – same considerations as above in case of officers.
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1. An officer is charged with an offence; may the C.O. (a) dismiss [inserted] YES [/inserted] the charge? (b) Dispose of the charge and punish the officer? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
2. On an airman electing trial by C.M. may the C.O. in order to save time and trouble of a C.M., withdraw his offer, and dispose of the case summarily by awarding a minor punishment? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
3. What punishments may a C.O. award to a N.C.O.? [inserted] Reprimands Deduction from pay Admonish. [/inserted]
4. If C.O. orders deduction from pay to make good loss or damage, what is the normal limit, and how must the amount be stated? [inserted] up to 14 days pay Sum stated [/inserted]
5. Corporal Dickens is charged with 1st offence of drunkenness, and remanded by his Subordinate Commander for C.O. What action may be taken by C.O. What punishment may be awarded by C.O.? [inserted] Remand to C M Rep if perm from AOC [/inserted]
6. Is there any record that a C.O., who has awarded a summary punishment, asked accused whether he elected trial by C.M.? [inserted] Record on F160 [/inserted]
7. Which of the following punishments, awarded by a S.L. Subordinate Commander to a L.A.C., are incorrect and why?
(a) 7 days C.C. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(b) 3 extra guards [inserted] if guard offence [/inserted]
(c) Admonition [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(d) 14 days Penal Forfeiture of Pay [inserted] X [/inserted]
(e) Reprimand [inserted] X [/inserted]
(f) Severe reprimand [inserted] X [/inserted]
(g) 168 hours of detention [inserted] X [/inserted]
(h) 10/- fine for 2nd offence of drunkenness [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(j) 15/- deduction from pay to make good loss or damage. [inserted] X [/inserted]
8. What as a general rule is the maximum period of detention that a C.O. may award an aircraftman? Are there any exceptions? [inserted] 28 days [/inserted]
9. When and to whom, may the punishment of extra guards be awarded?
10. Which of the following punishments, awarded by a W/Cdr. C.O. are incorrect, and why?
(a) 10 days detention to an A.O.1. absent without leave for 5 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes. Accused has clean conduct sheet. [inserted] X 7 days max. [/inserted]
(b) 5/- fine for a 2nd offence of drunkenness by an A.C.1. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(c) 3 days C.C. to an A.C.2 charged with being late on guard mounting parade. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(d) 5/- deduction from pay to an A.C.1 to make good damage. [inserted] X [/inserted]
(e) 20/- fine to A.C.1 for 4th offence of drunkenness. [inserted] X [/inserted]
(f) 7 days C.C. to a L.A.C. for stealing a bun from the N.A.A.F.I.
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12. The Officer Commanding your Squadron is a S.L. and has been delegated the powers of a Subordinate Commander. What are his powers of (a) Summary punishment and (b) Minor punishment over – (i) N.C.O’s and (ii) Aircraftmen? [inserted] NO/ai “/all [/inserted]
13. By whom can 14 days C.C. be awarded? [inserted] CO. (Sub C S/Ldr) [/inserted]
14. What summary punishments may be given by a F.L. Subordinate Commander and to whom.? [inserted] A/Cs drunkenness only [/inserted]
15. What minor punishments may be given by a F.L. Subordinate Commander to (a) N.C.O’s, (b) Aircraftmen? [inserted] a) Rep to Cpl b Several [/inserted]
16. What are the powers of a Detachment Commander?
17. Are the following conjoint awards valid?
(a) 168 hours detention and 7 days C.C. to an A.C.1 [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
(b) 10 days detention and 7 days C.C. to an A.C.1 [inserted] NO. [/inserted]
(c) 10 days detention and 10/- deduction from pay to a L.A.C. to make good loss or damage. [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
(d) Severe reprimand and 15/- deduction from pay to a N.C.O. to make good loss or damage. [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
18. (a) What awards by a C.O. entail automatic forfeiture of all G.C.B’s? [inserted] Retention/Field Punishment [/inserted]
(b) When is the forfeiture of G.C.B’s discretionary?
(c) Who may exercise this discretion?
19. The A.O.C. has summary powers of disposal of certain charges against certain persons:-
(a) What are the ranks of these persons? [inserted] F/L and Below – W/O [/inserted]
(b) What punishment can he award? [inserted] Loss of Seniority. Deduction from Pay. Reprimand. [/inserted]
(c) Which of these punishments gives the right to elect trial by C.M.?
20. May (a) a W.A.A.F. Officer (b) a W.A.A.F. N.C.O. (c) an A.C.W. be sent for trial by C.M.?
21. What summary punishments may be given by a C.O. to (a) a W.A.A.F. N.C.O. (b) an A.C.W.?
22. What minor punishments may be given by a C.O. to (a) a W.A.A.F. N.C.O. (b) an A.C.W.?
23. How does an airman know that he has forfeited pay for absence without leave?
24. What specific punishments when awarded to an aircraftman give him the right to elect trial by C.M.?
25. An aircraftman is found guilty of absence without leave for:-
(a) 4 hours 10 mins [inserted] NONE [/inserted]
(b) 14 hours 34 mins. [inserted] 1 DAY [/inserted]
(c) 3 days 4 hours 36 mins. [inserted] 4 DAYS [/inserted]
How many days pay is forfeited in each instance?
Appendices:- “A” – Table of Punishments – Airmen.
“B” – Table of Punishments – Airwomen.
Addendum:- Aircrew Discipline.
References:- M.A.F.L. – A.F.A. Sects. 46 and 47
K.R. Ch. XV. Sect. 1V.
A.P. 837, Sects. 25 and 26 and App. 2.
[underlined] Punishments awarded summarily [/underlined]
1. Punishments divided into two groups:-
(a) Summary Punishments.
(b) Minor Punishments.
2. [underlined] Summary punishments [/underlined] – more serious and all affect pay:-
(a) Detention – maximum 28 days.
(b) Field Punishment – maximum 28 days.
(c) Penal Forfeiture of Pay – maximum 28 days.
(d) Fines for Drunkenness – maximum £1 (£2 with A.O.C’s authority)
(e) Deduction from Pay (to make good loss or damage) – normally limited to equivalent of 14 days’ full pay.
3. [underlined] Minor Punishments [/underlined] – less severe and do not of themselves involve loss of pay:-
(a) Severe reprimand.
(b) Reprimand
(c) Confinement to Camp – maximum 14 days.
(d) Extra Guards or Pickets – maximum 3 (for guard offences only)
(e) Admonition (for first offences not of an aggravated nature).
4. Before awarding summary punishment, C.O. must offer accused right to elect trial by C.M. Also, before awarding minor punishment for absence without leave involving automatic forfeiture of pay (see para. 13 below). If accused DOES elect trial, C.O. MUST NOT WITHDRAW OFFER and award minor punishment.
5. List of punishments, indicating who may award, set out in App. “A” to this precis. These are only punishments recognised by A.F.A. for offences dealt with summarily by C.O. or subordinate commander.
[underlined] C.O.’s Powers of Punishment [/underlined]
6. [underlined] N.C.Os. including acting W.Os. [/underlined]:-
(a) One Summary punishment – deduction from pay (to make good loss or damage).
(b) Three Minor punishments:-
(i) Severe Reprimand
(ii) Reprimand
(iii) Admonition
(N.B.) N.C.Os cannot be fined for drunkenness; C.O. cannot dispose of charge of drunkenness against N.C.O. without permission of A.O.C. (K.R. 1152 (2)).
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7. [underlined] Aircraftmen [/underlined]:-
(a) [underlined] Five summary punishments [/underlined]:-
(i) [underlined] Detention [/underlined] – up to 28 days, but not more than 168 hours for 1st offence of absence without leave not exceeding 7 days. If C.O. F.L. or below, maximum 168 hours, except absence without leave in excess of 7 days, when he can (but is not bound to) award one day’s detention for each day of absence up to limit of 28 days.
(ii) [underlined] Field Punishment [/underlined] – maximum 28 days (only awarded on active service in the field).
(iii) [underlined] Penal forfeiture of pay [/underlined] – maximum 28 days.
(iv) [underlined] Fines for Drunkenness [/underlined] – within the following limits:-
1st Offence – not exceeding 5/-
2nd Offence – not exceeding 10/-
3rd Offence – not exceeding 15/-
4th Offence – not exceeding 20/-
5th and subsequent – not exceeding 20/- or, with A.O.C’s permission, up to 40/-.
(v) [underlined] Deduction from pay [/underlined] (to make good loss or damage) normally limited to equivalent of 14 days’ full pay. Always to be awarded as specific sum of money.
(b) [underlined] Three minor punishments [/underlined]:-
(i) C.C. – up to 14 days.
(ii) Extra guards – up to 3
(iii) Admonition.
[underlined] Subordinate Commander’s Powers of Punishment [/underlined]
8. Delegated by C.O. by name, conveniently published in S.R.Os. Powers less if Subordinate Commander F.L. or below.
9. [underlined] Squadron Leader and above [/underlined]:-
(a) One summary punishment – fines for drunkenness to aircraftmen, up to 20/-.
(b) Minor punishments, as for C.O.
10. [underlined] Flight Lieutenant and below [/underlined]:-
(a) One summary punishment – fines for drunkenness, to aircraftmen, up to 15/-
(b) Minor punishments:-
(i) N.C.Os. – Reprimand or Admonition – TO CORPORALS ONLY.
(ii) Aircraftmen – C.C., 7 days; extra guards, 3; admonition.
NOTE that a subordinate commander F.L. or below cannot deal with Senior N.C.O.
[underlined] Detachment Commander’s Powers of Punishment [/underlined]
11. For definition see K.R. 1139 (A.L. 133). Same powers as C.O. of corresponding rank, but if F.L. or below his powers may be restricted by superior authority.
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[underlined] Conjoint Awards [/underlined]
12. Where circumstances demand it, summary and minor punishments may be awarded together, except that:-
(a) A minor punishment not to be conjoined with detention exceeding 168 hours.
(b) Only penal forfeiture of pay may be conjoined with field punishment.
[underlined] Absence without leave [/underlined]
13. Points to note:-
(a) Charge should state time absence commenced and ended, and show days and hours absent.
(b) Pay forfeited automatically as follows:-
(i) Less than 6 hours, nil, unless absence caused duty to be performed by other person.
(ii) 6 hours to 24 hours, 1 day.
(iii) over 24 hours, 1 day for each complete 24 hours, plus one day for any remaining part of 24 hours, however small.
(c) Absence must be proved and some punishment awarded before forfeiture takes effect.
(d) Automatic forfeiture gives right to elect trial by C.M.
(e) Number of days forfeiture to be stated after punishment awarded but not as part of punishment.
(f) Forfeiture to be recorded in Remarks column of F.160 or F.281, thus: “Forfeits ……….. day’s pay under K.R. 3470”.
[underlined] Procedure when Badges of Rank covered [/underlined]
14. W.Os. and N.C.Os who cover badges of rank during work or training are dealt with in their former rank. (A.815/42.)
[underlined] Reduction of Punishments [/underlined]
15. C.O. cannot increase punishment he has awarded, but he can reduce it. C.O. can remit Subordinate Commander’s punishment but cannot increase it.
[underlined] Reversions [/underlined]
16. C.O. can deprive acting W.O. or N.C.O. of acting rank (except acting unpaid Cpl. R.A.F.P.) for an offence but cannot at the same time award summary or minor punishment. No right to elect trial by C.M.
[underlined] Curtailment of Privileges [/underlined]
17. Policy as set out in A.P. 837 para. 771 modified by A.M. letter A. 601787/43/S.10 (c) dated 10.5.44.
[underlined] Good Conduct Badges. [/underlined]
18. G.C.Bs. affected by punishments as under:-
(a) Detention or field punishment results in automatic forfeiture of all G.C.Bs.
(b) With any other punishment which constitutes “Service Entry” on [underlined] Service [/underlined] conduct Sheet (see K.R. 2153) offender may be deprived of one or more G.C.Bs. at discretion of C.O. If C.O. Squadron Leader or below, obtain authority from Wing
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Commander or above.
(c) Punishments constituting “Service Entries” result in delay of award or restoration of G.C.Bs. (A.P. 837 Sect. 38).
[underlined] Effect of Punishments on Airmen’s Career and Pay [/underlined]
19. Commanders must understand how punishment can affect airmen’s careers and pay in following ways:-
(a) G.C.Bs. – see para. 18 above
(b) Character assessments – see K.R. 2140.
(c) Prospects of promotion.
(d) Loss of pay when undergoing detention (or field punishment).
[underlined] A.O.C’s Summary Powers over Officers and Warrant Officers [/underlined]
20. A.O.C. has power to deal summarily with R.A.F. or W.A.A.F. officers below Squadron Leader and W.Os. (not acting S.L. or W.O.) for certain offences set out in K.R. 1153. Following punishments may be awarded:-
(a) Forfeiture of seniority not exceeding 12 months.
(b) Deduction from pay to make good loss or damage.
(c) Reprimand or severe reprimand.
(a) and (b) give right to elect trial by C.M.
[underlined] W.A.A.F. Discipline [/underlined]
21. W.A.A.F. personnel subject to modified form of A.F.A.; only certain sections apply, and all civil offences dealt with by civil authorities.
22. Charge against, or application by, airwoman invariably to be heard first by a W.A.A.F. Subordinate Commander.
23. All ranks of W.A.A.F. may be sent for trial by C.M.
24. For punishments awarded by C.O. and W.A.A.F. Subordinate Commander to N.C.Os. and aircraftwomen, see App. “B” to this precis. For W.A.A.F. officers and W.Os. position same as for R.A.F.
[underlined] Amendments to this precis [/underlined]
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[table of punishments for airmen]
[underlined] NOTES: [/underlined] the above are the maximum powers of punishment. The actual sentence for any offence should depend upon the seriousness of the offence, coupled with the airman’s previous record.
(a) For conjoint awards see K.R. 1146.
(b) The C.O. or Detachment Commander has powers limited if F.L. or below (K.R. 1138, 2 (a) and K.R. 1139).
(c) For distinction between forfeiture of Good Conduct Badges and Deprivation at discretion of awarding officer, see K.R. 1181.
(d) The Offender must be given the opportunity of electing trial by Court Martial if it is proposed to award him any Summary Punishment, or if it is proposed to award him minor punishment for absence without leave involving automatic forfeiture of pay. Failure to give this right of election makes the award invalid.
(e) For a first offence of A.W.O.L. if not more than 7 days, not more than 168 hours detention may be awarded. (K.R. 1138 (2) (a)).
(f) Penal forfeiture of pay is not to be confused with Automatic forfeiture for absence without leave under K.R. 3470.
(g) For scale of fines for Drunkenness see K.R. 1152 (6) and 1141, 2 (c).
(h) To make good loss, damage, etc. See A.F.A. Sect. 138 (4).
(i) But only when awarded conjointly with another punishment which itself entails a Service Entry (K.R. 2153 (7)
(j) Confinement to camp for 7 days or less entails neither Service Entry nor Deprivation of G.C. Badges – but see note (n).
(k) An acting W.O. or N.C.O. (except Acting Corporal R.A.F.P. under K.R. 509) may be ordered to revert to his permanent rank or classification. (K.R. 1142, A.F.A. Sect. 182 note 3.)
(l) Only awarded for offences connected with Guard or Picket Duties. K.R. 1138 (5) (c)
(m) Includes Acting Warrant Officer.
(n) Unless awarded for A.W.L. exceeding 2 days.
(Appendix ‘B’ over page.
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[table of punishment – airwomen]
NOTES: The above are the maximum powers of punishment. The actual sentence for any offence should depend upon the seriousness of the offence, coupled with the airwoman’s previous record.
(a) Commanding Officer is, for this purpose, in case of W.A.A.F. Station, the W.A.A.F. Officer appointed to command or exercising command in the absence of the Commanding Officer, and in the case of a R.A.F. Station, the Station Commander, whether appointed as such or exercising the functions of Station Commander under K.R. 54 and 112.
(b) A W.A.A.F. Subordinate Commander’s power of punishment require to be delegated to her by name. They may be restricted to less than the maximum if the experience of the subordinate commander renders such restrictions desirable.
(c) Penal forfeiture of pay is not to be confused with automatic forfeiture for absence without leave under K.R. 3470.
(d) Cannot be conjoined with C.C.
(e) An acting N.C.O. may be ordered to revert to her permanent rank or classification under K.R. 1142, but is not liable to summary or minor punishment as well. In the case of reversion from acting rank, an offender does not have the option of trial by C.M.
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[underlined] General [/underlined]
1. The following is a summary of disciplinary and administrative provisions designed to assist C.Os. in regard to aircrew discipline.
[underlined] Officers and Warrant Officers [/underlined]
2. Disciplinary action under Air Force Act:-
(a) Summary disposal by A.O.C. – for offences by Flight Lieutenants and below and Warrant Officers. (Acting Squadron Leaders and Acting Warrant Officers not dealt with in this manner). See K.R. 1153 for offences punishable summarily by A.O.C.; these include:-
(i) Neglect to obey general, local or other orders (A.F.A. Sec. 11)
(ii) Negligently damaging aircraft (A.F.A. Sec. 39A (i) (a))
(iii) Breaches of K.Rs. (A.F.A. Sec. 40).
(Low flying offences not to be disposed of summarily except with Air Ministry approval – A.M.O. A.696/43 as amended by A.1269/43.)
[underlined] Punishments [/underlined]:-
Severe Reprimand
Forfeiture of Seniority (not exceeding 12 months);
Deduction of Pay to make good loss or damage.
(not in case of officers involved as pilots in accident resulting in damage to aircraft – see A.M.C.O. A.28/43)
(b) [underlined] Courts Martial [/underlined]
For really serious offences application for trial by General Court Martial may be made.
3. Administrative action:-
(a) [underlined] Reproof [/underlined] under K.R. 1154 may be administered either by C.O. or on report to Group, by A.O.C. for offences not serious enough to merit disciplinary action under A.F.A.
(b) [underlined] Deferment of promotion:- [/underlined]
(i) by withholding recommendation for appointment to acting rank, or
(ii) action under A.1251/42 to defer time promotion to F.O. or F.L. by delay of 1, 2 or 3 months according to gravity of offence.
(see A.M.C.O. A.23/43 para. 12 (ii))
(c) [underlined] Log Book endorsement [/underlined] – adverse endorsement in red ink – see A.M.C.O. A.23/43.
(d) [underlined] Disciplinary Course [/underlined] at Air Crew Refresher School, R.A.F. Sheffield. Purpose of this course explained in Appendix “B” to precis of lecture on Flying Accidents.
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(c) Disciplinary training within unit. Within discretion of C.O. to give extra training to officer or W.O. if necessary for his benefit, not by way of punishment, but for training where conduct of individual shows this to be necessary. Examples where such training might benefit:-
(i) Faulty cockpit drill – extra cockpit drill, instruction on ground over and above syllabus, followed by written exam.
(ii) Faulty engine handling – attached to C.T.O. for for [sic] his disposal in training.
(iii) Faulty gun handling – extra armament training on guns and ground instructional equipment.
(iv) Bombing faults – attach to armament section to learn bombing up, etc.
(v) Radio faults – further training on ground instructional equipment.
(vi) Bad flying or navigating – link trainer, beam approach practice.
4. See also A.P. 837 paras. 733 – 735 A.
[underlined] Aircrew (other than officers and Warrant Officers) [/underlined]
5. Disciplinary action under A.F.A.:-
(a) Summary disposal by C.O. – N.C.Os (including Acting Warrant Officers) may be dealt with on lines explained in precis of lecture on Powers of Punishment, (see para. 2 (a) (iii) above regarding penal deductions to make good loss or damage).
(b) [underlined] Reversion of Acting Warrant Officer or Acting N.C.O. [/underlined] – dealt with in lecture on Powers of Punishment.
(c) [underlined] Application for trial by District Court Martial [/underlined] – for cases too serious for summary disposal.
6. Administrative action:-
(a) [underlined] Reduction under K.R. 504 [/underlined] – A.O.C. empowered under K.R. 504 and A.M.O. A.830/43 to reduce N.C.Os for misconduct. Normal disciplinary action must be taken before C.O. recommends reduction of offender by A.O.C. C.O’s letter recommending this action to be seen and initialled by N.C.O. who may make statement. (A.830/43 does not apply to R.A.A.F. – A.1337/43).
(b) [underlined] Deferment of Promotion [/underlined] – C.Os should consider each individual carefully when submitting recommendations for approval by A.O.C. Promotion may be delayed by A.O.C. if recent adverse entries on Conduct Sheet. (One Group does not approve promotion unless Conduct Sheet shows clear 3 months free of reprimand or 6 months free of severe reprimand.)
(c) [underlined] Commission Recommendations [/underlined] – may be postponed if entries of Reprimand or Severe Reprimand on Conduct Sheets. (One Group delays recommendations until 6 months clear of reprimand and 12 months clear of severe reprimand).
(d) [underlined] Log book Endorsements, Disciplinary Course A.C.R.S., Disciplinary Training [/underlined] – same considerations as above in case of officers.
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1. An officer is charged with an offence; may the C.O. (a) dismiss [inserted] YES [/inserted] the charge? (b) Dispose of the charge and punish the officer? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
2. On an airman electing trial by C.M. may the C.O. in order to save time and trouble of a C.M., withdraw his offer, and dispose of the case summarily by awarding a minor punishment? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
3. What punishments may a C.O. award to a N.C.O.? [inserted] Reprimands Deduction from pay Admonish. [/inserted]
4. If C.O. orders deduction from pay to make good loss or damage, what is the normal limit, and how must the amount be stated? [inserted] up to 14 days pay Sum stated [/inserted]
5. Corporal Dickens is charged with 1st offence of drunkenness, and remanded by his Subordinate Commander for C.O. What action may be taken by C.O. What punishment may be awarded by C.O.? [inserted] Remand to C M Rep if perm from AOC [/inserted]
6. Is there any record that a C.O., who has awarded a summary punishment, asked accused whether he elected trial by C.M.? [inserted] Record on F160 [/inserted]
7. Which of the following punishments, awarded by a S.L. Subordinate Commander to a L.A.C., are incorrect and why?
(a) 7 days C.C. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(b) 3 extra guards [inserted] if guard offence [/inserted]
(c) Admonition [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(d) 14 days Penal Forfeiture of Pay [inserted] X [/inserted]
(e) Reprimand [inserted] X [/inserted]
(f) Severe reprimand [inserted] X [/inserted]
(g) 168 hours of detention [inserted] X [/inserted]
(h) 10/- fine for 2nd offence of drunkenness [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(j) 15/- deduction from pay to make good loss or damage. [inserted] X [/inserted]
8. What as a general rule is the maximum period of detention that a C.O. may award an aircraftman? Are there any exceptions? [inserted] 28 days [/inserted]
9. When and to whom, may the punishment of extra guards be awarded?
10. Which of the following punishments, awarded by a W/Cdr. C.O. are incorrect, and why?
(a) 10 days detention to an A.O.1. absent without leave for 5 days, 10 hours, 33 minutes. Accused has clean conduct sheet. [inserted] X 7 days max. [/inserted]
(b) 5/- fine for a 2nd offence of drunkenness by an A.C.1. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(c) 3 days C.C. to an A.C.2 charged with being late on guard mounting parade. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
(d) 5/- deduction from pay to an A.C.1 to make good damage. [inserted] X [/inserted]
(e) 20/- fine to A.C.1 for 4th offence of drunkenness. [inserted] X [/inserted]
(f) 7 days C.C. to a L.A.C. for stealing a bun from the N.A.A.F.I.
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12. The Officer Commanding your Squadron is a S.L. and has been delegated the powers of a Subordinate Commander. What are his powers of (a) Summary punishment and (b) Minor punishment over – (i) N.C.O’s and (ii) Aircraftmen? [inserted] NO/ai “/all [/inserted]
13. By whom can 14 days C.C. be awarded? [inserted] CO. (Sub C S/Ldr) [/inserted]
14. What summary punishments may be given by a F.L. Subordinate Commander and to whom.? [inserted] A/Cs drunkenness only [/inserted]
15. What minor punishments may be given by a F.L. Subordinate Commander to (a) N.C.O’s, (b) Aircraftmen? [inserted] a) Rep to Cpl b Several [/inserted]
16. What are the powers of a Detachment Commander?
17. Are the following conjoint awards valid?
(a) 168 hours detention and 7 days C.C. to an A.C.1 [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
(b) 10 days detention and 7 days C.C. to an A.C.1 [inserted] NO. [/inserted]
(c) 10 days detention and 10/- deduction from pay to a L.A.C. to make good loss or damage. [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
(d) Severe reprimand and 15/- deduction from pay to a N.C.O. to make good loss or damage. [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
18. (a) What awards by a C.O. entail automatic forfeiture of all G.C.B’s? [inserted] Retention/Field Punishment [/inserted]
(b) When is the forfeiture of G.C.B’s discretionary?
(c) Who may exercise this discretion?
19. The A.O.C. has summary powers of disposal of certain charges against certain persons:-
(a) What are the ranks of these persons? [inserted] F/L and Below – W/O [/inserted]
(b) What punishment can he award? [inserted] Loss of Seniority. Deduction from Pay. Reprimand. [/inserted]
(c) Which of these punishments gives the right to elect trial by C.M.?
20. May (a) a W.A.A.F. Officer (b) a W.A.A.F. N.C.O. (c) an A.C.W. be sent for trial by C.M.?
21. What summary punishments may be given by a C.O. to (a) a W.A.A.F. N.C.O. (b) an A.C.W.?
22. What minor punishments may be given by a C.O. to (a) a W.A.A.F. N.C.O. (b) an A.C.W.?
23. How does an airman know that he has forfeited pay for absence without leave?
24. What specific punishments when awarded to an aircraftman give him the right to elect trial by C.M.?
25. An aircraftman is found guilty of absence without leave for:-
(a) 4 hours 10 mins [inserted] NONE [/inserted]
(b) 14 hours 34 mins. [inserted] 1 DAY [/inserted]
(c) 3 days 4 hours 36 mins. [inserted] 4 DAYS [/inserted]
How many days pay is forfeited in each instance?
“Officers advanced training school - powers of punishment,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 13, 2025,
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