Officers advanced training school - airmen aircrew



Officers advanced training school - airmen aircrew


Covers introduction and selection of serving airmen. Followed by section on promotion of aircrew including cases for normal, special, pathfinding and captain of aircraft. Then section on commissioning of aircrew with sections on general principles, recommendation and selection. Posting of airmen covers delegation, types of posting home or overseas. Redundant aircrew covers causes of redundancy, unsuitability, medically unfit, lack of moral fibre, condition of service for permanently unfit aircrew, trade rank and questions..



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Five page typewritten document

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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School Jun 1945]
[underlined] 18E5
AIRMEN AIRCREW [/underlined]
References: A.P. 837 Sections 41, 42, 43F, 46.
A.M.Os quoted.
[underlined] Introduction [/underlined]
1. The intake of candidates for aircrew training from civilian and service sources has been temporarily suspended with the exception of Wireless Operation Mechanic (Air).
[underlined] Selection of Serving Airmen [/underlined] A.882/44, A.70/45, A.146/45)
2. Airmen of the regular Air Force, the R.A.F. V.R., and the Auxiliary Air Force will be eligible for recommendation for aircrew duties for the duration of the war only. They should be over 18 and under 26 years of age, (except W.O.M./Air for whom there is no age limit), and fulfil the medical and educational requirements detailed in A.M.O. A.146/45.
Station Commanders are to arrange for recommended airmen to attend an aviation condidates [sic] selection board, and forward nominal rolls to Group Headquarters and Record Office. A.C.S.B. inform Record Office direct of suitable candidates, who are placed on a roster and withdrawn in turn by Record Office.
[underlined] PROMOTION OF AIRCREW [/underlined] (A.3/45)
[underlined] Normal [/underlined]
3. On 25th of each month C.O. submits to A.O.C. a nominal roll of all airmen aircrew who will complete 12 months in their rank during the following month. C.O. makes an indication against each airman as to whether promotion is recommended or not.
[underlined] Special Promotion [/underlined]
4. A.O.’s C. may, at their discretion, authorise the promotion of exceptionally qualified airmen after not less than nine month’s service in existing rank. In each group not more than 10 percent of airmen in each aircrew category may be so promoted.
[underlined] Pathfinder [/underlined]
5. A special establishment has been authorised for Path-Finder Squadrons. Airmen may be granted acting rank by Group to fill vacancies in the establishment after completing a stipulated number of sorties.
[underlined] Captain of Aircraft [/underlined]
6. On appointment as captain of a heavy aircraft, a sergeant may be granted the acting rank of flight sergeant. When the A.O.C. is satisfied that the airman is an efficient captain he may be appointed to acting warrant officer.
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[underlined] COMMISSIONING OF AIRCREW (A.384/43) [/underlined]
[underlined] General [/underlined]
7. Airmen aircrew are commissioned only in the G.D. branch. Commissions are granted either on completion of training or after gaining experience in the duties in which the airmen have been trained.
[underlined] Recommendation [/underlined]
8. (a) C.Os are required to review monthly all airmen aircrew and submit recommendations on appropriate form or “NIL” return to Group.
(b) Applications are submitted on F.1020A and/or F.2148 (See A.P. 837 para. 1092) together with:-
(i) Details of flying hours
(ii) Particulars of operational flying
(iii) Certificate stating that applicant is fit for full flying duties
(iv) Certificate of willingness
(v) Copy of F.121 or certificate if no entries.
[underlined] Selection [/underlined]
9. Candidates must be interviewed by A.O.C., or in some cases by the Base Commander. Group will forward recommendations to Air Ministry who select without interview. No selection board or medical board is required. Recommendations must not be re-submitted until a decision is reached on the original application.
[underlined] POSTING OF AIRCREW [/underlined] (A.P. 837 Section 46)
[underlined] Delegation [/underlined]
10. Air Ministry D.G. of P. has delegated some measure of posting authority as follows:-
[heading] [underlined] Type of Posting – Authority [/underlined] [/heading]
(a) In operational groups – A.O.C.
(b) Within operational commands at home and overseas – A.O.C. in C.
11. D.G. of P. remain the authority for the posting of airmen aircrew between commands and between home and overseas.
[underlined] Home [/underlined]
12. As far as applicable in the case of airmen aircrew, the procedure described in the diary of action A.P. 837 para. 1266, is to be followed.
[underlined] Overseas [/underlined]
13. (a) As far as applicable – diary of action AP. 837 para. 1286
(b) In the case of airmen aircrew posted overseas substitutes are not to be detailed without the authority of Group H.Q.
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[underlined] REDUNDANT AIRCREW [/underlined]
[underlined] Causes of Redundancy [/underlined]
14. Aircrew who have to be withdrawn from flying duties for any reason become redundant in their categories. They may be withdrawn from flying duties for any of the following causes:-
(a) Reduction for misconduct or inefficiency
(b) Unsuitability
(c) Permanently Medically Unfit
(d) Lack of moral fibre.
[underlined] Reduction (A.M.Os A.328/45 and A.329/45) [/underlined]
15. [underlined] Misconduct [/underlined]
N.C.Os., but not warrant officers, may be reduced by Court Martial, A.O.C. in C. or A.O.C. for misconduct. Reduction should normally be to the highest classification held in the basic trade of the airman prior to promotion to N.C.O. rank, or where no basic trade to A.C.2 ACH/GD.
16. [underlined] Inefficiency [/underlined]
A.Os.C in C. and A.Os.C. at home are not empowered to reduce airmen [underlined] aircrew [/underlined] for inefficiency. These airmen are dealt with under A.M.O. A.1182/44 – A.C.R.B., Eastchurch.
[underlined] Unsuitability [/underlined]
17. Officer aircrew above the rank of flying officer who are unlikely to qualify in the aircrew category for which they are training or who are considered unsuitable to continue serving in their present aircrew duties are dealt with in accordance with K.R. 332, (unsuitable); or K.R. 377 clause 3 (withdrawn from course); or K.R. 1097B (adverse report) as appropriate. (A.M.O. A.121/44).
18. Aircrew of the ranks of F.O., P.O. and airmen aircrew are posted to R.A.F. Station, Eastchurch, for interview by the Re-selection Board if taken off flying for any of the following reasons:-
(a) Personnel considered unsuitable to continue serving in their aircrew category
(b) Personnel unlikely to qualify in the category for which they are training
(c) Aircrew unsuitable for any type of aircraft used in the Command.
19. Unsuitable personnel are first reported to Group, but posting instructions are not to be issued by Group until the A.O.C. has sent to Eastchurch a full history of the case, and recommendations. Upon receipt of posting instructions, C.O. is to forward to Eastchurch all service and training documents held on the station, together with particulars in the appropriate appendix to A.883/43.
[underlined] Medically Unfit [/underlined]
20. [underlined] Officer aircrew [/underlined] who are permanently medically unfit for aircrew duties are retained at units pending disposal instructions from Air Ministry (A.1182/44).
21. [underlined] Airmen Aircrew [/underlined] who become permanently medically unfit for aircrew, but fit for ground duties are posted to Eastchurch as above. Rank, other than acting rank, is retained until a decision is reached by Eastchurch. Eastchurch is not concerned with personnel removed from flying duties for disciplinary reasons.
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22. Airmen aircrew personnel who become temporarily unfit, remain mustered in aircrew category and if practicable employed in their basic trade. (A.651/41 and A.P. 837, para. 1161).
[underlined] Lack of Moral Fibre [/underlined]
23. These cases are dealt with under the terms of Air Ministry Memorandum S.61141/S.7 (c) (i). In all the above mentioned cases of disposal the A.O.C. must be satisfied that the individual does not come within the provisions of the Memorandum
[underlined] Conditions of Service for Permanently Unfit Aircrew [/underlined]
24. These conditions are outlined in detail in A.191/44. Permanently unfit aircrew can be divided into three classes:-
(a) Experienced aircrew who can be suitably employed in specialised ground trades directly connected with flying.
(b) Inexperienced aircrew with basic trades
(c) Inexperienced aircrew without basic trades.
[underlined] Trade Rank [/underlined]
25. Upon remustering, personnel will retain the temporary rank they held, as aircrew. In most cases, it is unlikely that airmen will be up to the required standard which will enable them to assume the full responsibilities of their trade in their temporary rank. In such cases, until they reach the requisite standard, they will be employed in the rank appropriate to their trade capacity and experience. Such a status is referred to as their ‘trade rank’. For all other purposes they will enjoy the normal privileges and pay of their temporary rank.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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1. What details must be submitted when an airman aircrew is recommended for a commission?
2. Should a Station Commander interview applicants for aircrew?
3. What is the period of time which must elapse before airmen aircrew can be recommended for normal promotion?
4. What action would you take if a sergeant navigator is reduced on disciplinary grounds?
5. What are the age limits for serving airmen who wish to volunteer for aircrew?
6. How long must a member of aircrew serve in his category before he can be recommended for special promotion?
7. Do Air Ministry interview applicants for commissions in the G.D. branch?
8. A sergeant pilot becomes permanently unfit. Where would he be sent for disposal?
9. Who posts an aircrew N.C.O. from one command to another?
10. What generally happens to inexperienced aircrew with no basic trade, if they are permanently grounded?
11. What rank may be granted to a sergeant pilot on appointment as captain of a heavy aircraft?
12. Suggest three trades that might be open to inexperienced aircrew, if they are permanently grounded?
13. What is meant by “unsuitability”?
14. How often should the C.O. review airmen aircrew on his station with a view to making recommendations for commissions?
15. What postings of airmen aircrew can be authorised by:-
(a) A.O.C.
(b) A.O.C. in C.
16. What do you do if airmen aircrew become temporarily medically unfit?
17. In what columns of Section 4 of an airman aircrew’s F.1580 would you make trade assessments?


“Officers advanced training school - airmen aircrew,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025,

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