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  • Tags: wireless operator

Six airmen. At least four have Canada epaulettes. On the reverse
'A Happy & Efficient Crew
Two Gunners
Wireless Operator

Five airmen standing beside a crashed Wellington with 'Q' on its side.

Seven aircrew, sitting or standing on left wing of a Halifax, between the engines. From information kindly supplied by the donor. 'Harrison and his crew. Seated left to right Harrison, Dumville, Hooker, Phillips, Samson, Taylor, standing is Content.…

Seven men, four standing behind and three squatting in front. All wear battledress with half brevet and side caps except centre front who has pilot's brevet and peaked cap. They are standing in snow with a building in the background.
Submitted with…

Four airmen all wearing tunics with brevet, a pilot and bomb aimer in front and navigator and flight engineer at the rear. Submitted with caption 'NR179 466 Sqn close friends'. On the reverse 'RAAF 466 Sqn crew NR179, standing (left to right),F/Sgt…

Gives date, aircraft serial number, 166 squadron, RAF Kirmington. Location of crash Hertenkamp Epe. Lists all crew members killed with grave numbers. On the reverse a description of the town of Epe in the Netherlands and location of cemetery. Details…

Lists crew missing on night 12/13 June 1944 and names of their next of kin.

Six airmen arranged in two rows. Frank and three men are standing with two seated. Each individual and his crew function is named.
On the reverse is 'Navigator Plotter -Paddy Lundberg Flight Engineer Dick'.

Seven airmen in a line in front of their Lancaster 'N'. Information supplied with the collection states:
'The crew are, left to right (ranks at the time the photo was taken, late 1944)
Sgt Trevor Connolly (NZ) - Wireless Operator
Eric Parker

Document containing five photographs:
1 - Six aircrew wearing battledress with brevet and peaked or side caps standing and squatting in two rows in front of a Lancaster bomber. Captioned 'Lancaster at Skellingthorpe July 1945. Back row (L-R) Bruce…

Writes that he had been away for a week on a gunner course and managed to scrape through as grade 1 and that he was now a real gunner. Writes about his New Zealand crew of skipper, bomb aimer and wireless operator as well as British navigator and…

Two men one wearing battledress with hands in pockets and the other wearing flying jacket and peaked cap and holding a cigarette standing in front of the starboard wing of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption '009 - T. Wierzbowski - pilot i J.…

Account of returning from operation to Brunswick on 14 January 1944. Aircraft was hit by tracer. Rear gunner did not check in after attack. Relates actions of crew with flight engineer and then wireless operator sent back to investigate, followed by…

Writes informing her that Dermot Hegarty was killed recently. Correspondent was his mid-upper gunner and describes aircraft's engines cut after take off. While Hay bailed out, Dermot, the rear gunner and wireless operator did not get out. He, the…

Three names. AUS 406088 F. D'O Barnett F/O. AUS415366 Simon G Emery. Note 'Simon killed April 1944'. AUS 422423 J N K Cameron F/O. Note 'Ron killed February 21st 1944'.
Newspaper cutting concerning Flying Officer R K McIntyre description of an…

Crew list - 'Crew, left to rigt [sic], Wilf Houseman - navigator, John Symons - wireless operator, Mike Sullivan - pilot, Gabby Edwards - engineer, Frank Pratt, bomb aimer, Larry Wilbraham, Tail Gunner, John Howeson mid upper'. Submitted with…

Seven airmen wearing flying suits and boots as well as Mae West and parachute harnesses standing arms round shoulders of each other in line in front of a Halifax. Captioned from left to right 'MU, WOP, NAV, PILOT, ENG, B.A., R.G.'.

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet sitting and standing in two rows. Captioned 'Photograph kept loose as my uncle has identified his colleagues on the back. Taken February 1944'. List of crew names with aircrew position and faith. On the…

Fourteen verse poem concerning Lancaster B for Baker. Individual verses for all aircrew

Five airmen wearing battledress or tunics with brevet and side caps standing arm in arm in a line in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Gerard "Jerry" Bomb Aimer, Ron "Jonnie" W.O.P., Arthur pilot, Self, Dennis flight engineer', March 1943 Winthorpe'.
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