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  • Tags: pilot

Bettie was born in Wakefield. The family moved to Doncaster when she was eleven and at 21 she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service. While in Doncaster she helped at the YMCA café as part of the war effort and that is where she met and married…

Cannot understand why they have received so few letters from him and lists those he has sent. Continues that he has finished final examinations and describes navigation exam. States that they other exams and in particular theory of flight for which…

Written from Swift Current. Writes that snow has prevented flying and they have little to do as examinations are over but some people have failed them. Mentions that the C.G.I relented on the resit of the engines examination. Discusses future course…

Written from Swift Current and states he has passed examinations and gives scores. Writes that he is pleased to be going Medicine Hat on twins along with most of his room mates. States when he is moving and but before that they are redeploying…

Writes from Medicine Hat thanking them for letters and asking them to continue writing; he is unable to reciprocate due to work load. Started flying Harvard and does not think it is worth waiting for next course on Oxford. Writes about flying,…

From Medicine Hat to parents' address. Reads 'Gone solo Harvard Xmas Calgary Banff hired car wonderful scenery thanks cable many letters = Hedley Madgett'.

Writes from Medicine Hat that he is having his first Sunday morning off. Writes of flying schedule, early starts, poor weather and lack of winter flying kit but this has now been issued. Tells of Christmas excursion by train to Calgary and activities…

Writes from Medicine Hat comparing Harvard and Oxford aircraft. Mentions that they are starting night flying and writes about navigation and cross country training generally. Talks of ground examinations and concludes with mention of bonus from…

Writes from Medicine Hat complaining of lack of mail. Talks about lack of rationing in Canada apart from sugar. Writes of inspector general's visit and that his course will get their wings on Friday 13th. Mentions old friend and talks of ground…

Telegram from Medicine Hat address for parents. Reads 'Please dont write only cable passing out 13 flying swell gone night solo = Hedley Madgett'.

Writes from Medicine Hat with only four days to go. Still has some flying required to reach his 90 hours and weather has been poor. Outbreak of scarlet fever might delay departure. Still has C.F.I test to go and has found out he has been recommended…

Writes from Swift Current that they still have not started flying. They have been issued with text books on flying and are doing lots of sports. Mentions the weather and the time his latest letter took to get from England. States that they will get…

Written from Medicine Hat and relates previous adventures while attempting a cross country flight in formation to Bowden, Alberta via Medicine Hat. Explains that he ran out of fuel and force landed near Medicine Hat and that many others suffered the…

Written from Medicine Hat announcing the course had finished and listing his ground examination results. Says that he has completed night flying but still has to do flight commander, C.F.I and final link trainer test. Writes that he passed his final…

Daily entries for most of year 1941, First half of year entries cover events in England before joining Royal Air Force. Entry for May includes call up papers and travel to Stratford on Avon. June move to Scarborough. August to Wilmslow, sea journey…

Beginning of the year daily entries describe weather, training and activities at Medicine Hat. Course finished mid February and takes leave to see female friend in United States before travelling to St Johns. Voyage in convoy back to United Kingdom…

A newspaper article about Ron after he was shot down over France. A second cutting has a brief note about Ron returning home after being missing in France.
[The details in the article are incorrect. His aircraft was a Wellington, it was shot down on…

A portrait of a young man in civilian clothes. On the reverse 'HV Barrett Ltd, 109, Holloway Rd. N.7.'

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States he has moved several times in the last week but he has finally been crewed up. Mentions his captain, Flying Officer Stammers and that his crew seem nice blokes. On the reverse address for Wynn and Son registered plumbers.

Thanks her for letter and cheque. Mentions skipper posted and crew went with him to RAF Grimsby. Describes local area and facilities. Catches up with domestic matters and mentions trip to Marham.

A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.

The letter advises Albert's mother about visiting his grave and enclosing a leaflet with details.
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