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  • Tags: wireless operator

MMuirRWL1388470-211008-10 copy.jpg
List of crew members, next of kin and addresses; captain [pilot] Sergeant K H McLean, flight engineer Sergeant S N Leigh, navigator Sergeant D H McLeod, air bomber Sergeant RWL Muir, wireless operator Sergeant R C Barrett, mid upper gunner Sergeant L…

Two versions of the same strip (b/w and colour) with enlargements of all slides.
Slide 1 - captioned 'Re-visit Easton Lodge N Chaffey, Ben Crocker,Frank Pearman, Before Brian - '. Three men in civilian clothes in garden of a large house. Man on left…

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

Two head and shoulders portraits of aircrew: a trainee on the left, an airman with a signaller brevet on the right.

The crew of V for Victor stand in a line under the nose of their Halifax 'ZA-V'. Captioned
'Aircrew V-Victor Halifax Mark III
No 10 Squadron No. 4 Group Royal Air Force- Bomber Command Melbourne Yorkshire England
Completed 38 Operations -July…

Top left - faces of ten airmen crowded together in a group. Captioned 'a little later'. Bottom left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic and side cap with foliage in the background. Captioned 'Brother Art'. Right - full length image of an…

Group of airmen seated on wooden benches around tables. They all have headsets on and are smiling at the camera.

Seven airmen, including Akin Shenbanjo, are standing under the front of their Halifax. They are wearing parachute harnesses and Mae Wests.

Alan Edgar and four of his wartime crew. They are standing under the Lancaster at RAF Scampton. A Grand Slam bomb can be seen in the background. On the reverse the five crew members are identified with their crew role.

A group of six airmen arranged in two rows in front of a brick building. On the reverse is written
'Left to Right
Bob the Navigator
Don the Rear Gunner
Allan the Air Bomber
Johnny the Mid Upper Gunner
Rid the Wireless Op
A second…

Alan Morgan and crew left to right: bomb aimer, Mac; rear gunner, Jock; Alan; upper gunner, Tommy; navigator, Andy; wireless operator, Frank.

Aircrew identities via supplementary information from donor.

Seven airmen. On the reverse -
'My Crew "The Boys" At Wigsley March 1945 reading left to right
Front Row
Jock Bathgate (A/G)
Jack Darlow (Skipper)
Jock Lanm (A/G)
Back Row
Alf Porter (Navigator)
Bob Lane (Engineer)
Eric Gabb (Wireless…

Seven airmen arranged in two rows. Underneath is annotated their crew duty. Above is a 15 Squadron crest with 1945 written on.

Observer’s, air gunner’s and W/T operators flying log book for A Taylor, wireless operator, covering the period from 25 January 1943 to 3 November 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Parkes, RAAF…

Seven airmen standing behind a large bomb on a bomb trolley after the crew's last operation. 'Whacko Bluey!' is chalked on the bomb. Bluey was a term applied to a redhead, in this case one of the ground crew.

Additional information about this…

An account by Mike Warburton (nephew of William Warburton) of how he made contact with the relatives of the other crew members of Lancaster DV400.

Handwritten list of the crew:

'Date 23rd Aug 1943
Target Berlin
A/C Stirling III EE 5938'X'
Capt WO Fear T,
Nav Sgt Ruddy G.H.
AB Sgt Bain A,
W,Op Sgt Woolcott, D.G,
FE Sgt Munro C,
M.U. Sgt Holmes J.A.C, (Can),
R.Gnr F S Davidson…

Five airmen standing beside their aircraft.
Information supplied with the collection states -
'RAF St. Eval, 304 squadron; my crew:-
From the left:
Air gunner/radio operator Sgt. Kucharek
First pilot - F/O - AFK JEZIORSKI
Navigator - F/O -…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for P F Andrews, wireless operator/air gunner, covering the period from 16 August 1943 to 13 December 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying. It also…

Five airmen standing in front of a building.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Appleby crew, Gordon Appleby - Pilot, Len Howell - Navigator, Alf Hitchcock - Air Bomber, Jack Crisp - Wireless Operator, John Higgins - Rear Gunner NOT…

Full length portrait photograph of Arthur Atkinson in uniform, with a cadet’s hat, a leading aircraftman’s rank insignia.
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