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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Left page; top, view across tennis courts to Headington School, Headington road, Headington, Oxford.
Bottom, a group of 13 girls and a teacher taken in the main assembly hall of Headington school.
Right page: top a group of 13 children and a…

Left page: a view of central London including the Tower of London, Tower Bridge and the royal yacht Britannia, annotated 'All photographs taken from the air and Bob as pilot'. Right page: top, Berkhamsted.Bottom, Park View Road, Berkhamsted.

Left page: top, left and right, Whitley NI352 in flight above fields.
Bottom left, a view of Whitley NI352 in flight from below.
Bottom right, Whitley H MH on a runway with chocks under the front wheels, annotated 'Bob's Whitley MH H'.

Left page: top two girls, annotated 'Hilly (6) Fiona (7)'.
Bottom; six children sat in a cart.
Right page: top, a group of seven men standing alongside an aircraft with a man standing in its open doorway, annotated 'Bob was engaged in charter…

Left page: from top, descriptions of the Magister, Anson and Whitley aircraft, annotated 'RAF aircraft in which Bob did his training'.
Whitley aircraft, B-DY, C-DY and E-DY, flying in formation; bottom, crashed Whitley MH-H, annotated 'Usworth 17 11…

Target photograph of Osterfeld (Oberhausen-Sterkrade). Roads and buildings are visible as are the Rhine-Herne Canal and railway running from centre left to upper right. Smoke can be seen in the lower left quadrant of the image and there is some glare…

Target photograph of Wesel. Some roads and railway tracks can be seen in the upper half while at the centre there are several plumes of smoke. The whole area is covered by thin cloud.
It is captioned: "2952 MEP. 16.2.45//7" 19,000' 112º 1600 WESEL.…

Target photograph of Dresden. No ground details are visible but the glare from fires on the ground are visible through the smoke. There are some bright spots and trails of light on the right. It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2914. MEP.…

A target photograph of snow covered Koln-Gremberg. In the upper, right quadrant are some marshalling yards and the River Rhine, partially obscured by cloud. In the upper and lower left quadrants is a main railway line. At upper centre is an area of…

A target photograph of Duisburg. Cloud or smoke obscures the ground and there are several light trails in the centre of the photograph.
It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2809 MEP. 22/23.1.45//NT(C)8" 19,000' 112º 2009 DUISBERG [sic]. Z…

Target photograph of Krefeld. Cloud, smoke and glare obscures all ground detail.
It is annotated: "3B" and captioned: "2735 MEP. 11.1.45//7" 20,000' 130º 1514 KREFELD A 1HC4000IN, 12MC500DT, 4GP250DT. C.37SECS F/S O'MALLEY K.75.".

Also a…

Target photograph of Neuss. Glare and cloud obscures all ground detail. It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2720 MEP.6/7.1.45//NT(C) 7" 20,000' 029º 1853. NEUSS E 1HC4000IN, 13ANM64DT. 31 SECS. F/S. O'MALLEY C.75".

Target photograph of Vohwinkel. Smoke and glare obscures most of the ground and only the vague outlines of some ground features are visible.
It is annotated: "5B" and captioned: "2659 MEP 1/2.1.45//NT(C)7' 19,500. 360º 1944 VOHWINKEL K 1HC4000IN.…

Target photograph of Vohwinkel. In the lower right quadrant rail tracks and sidings are visible, alongside which is a distinctive complex of roads and buildings. The buildings and streets of Gräfrath can be seen at the centre left of the image while…

Target photograph of Siegen. Cloud or smoke obscures all ground detail. It is annotated "3B" and captioned: "2547 MEP. 16.12.44//7" 17,500. 027º 1500 SIGEN [sic]. F 1HC4000IN. 5MC1000DT. 4ANM64DT. C34 SECS. F/S O'MALLEY. J.75

A target photograph of Oberhausen. Cloud or smoke obscures the ground. There are some small smoke trails at centre left.
It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2445. MEP. 4.12.44 //8 19,600. 109º 1412 OBERHAUSEN,YI 1 HC4000IN. 6ANM 50DT. 6GP500DT.…

An oblique aerial photograph, taken looking west, of Mulberry B (Port Winston) and the coastline at Gold Beach.
At centre left is the town of Arromanches-les-Bains from which three floating piers lead to their pier heads. At lower centre is the…

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is a head and shoulders portrait of a women. An attached note states 'Werwaguk Indian. Our pet waitress'.
#2 s Miami, Oklahoma, looking North across the Neosho River showing the railway junction area.
#3 is an…

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is the apron of an airfield with many aircraft parked.
#2 is a port side view of two Mustangs

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is an aerial view of Fairfax airfield, Kansas City
#2 is an aerial view of lakes.
#3 is two airmen in swimming shorts and two women in swimming costumes.
#4 is eight airmen in swimming trunks posing at the edge…

Three photographs from an album.
#1 is a view of a Harvard instrument panel.
#2 is an aerial view of Miami from the west.
#3 is an aerial view of the airfield, captioned 'The airfield as it used to be'.

An oblique aerial photograph of the Acropolis.
On the reverse 'The acropolis at Athens en route from Bari to Cyprus'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Emden showing bombed buildings.
It is captioned '561 E.W.S. 19.6.45. //15.00. 14.29. Emden F/L Henry RE176'.
On the reverse 'Emden' and 'Mrs J Rooke [redacted]'.

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