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Details meteorological report requirements for flights. Covers rules for making and recording observations in the air, and actions on completion of flights, States that Squadron navigation officers and station meteorological officers are responsible…

Handwritten engineering notes recorded during training.

Notes written during Ernie Twells' engineering training. There are calculations, diagrams and notes.


A notebook written by Ernie Twells comprising training notes, mostly physics and meteorology theory.


Ernie Twells' engineering notebook covering the theory of aircraft engines


Ernie Twells' engineering notebook covering metallurgy, carburettors, air screws and aircraft engines..


Ernie Twell's engineering notebook covering aircraft type, machine gun and gun turret operation.


Lists night flying training on 4 April 1944 mostly H2S sorties. Followed by day training flying on 5 April 1944 mostly oxygen checks and high level bombing as well as an H2S dual. Also includes some ground training which includes one crew clay pigeon…

A folder containing a paper entitled 'No.23 Course First Three Weeks Engineering Examination', a second paper entitled 'No. 36 Course Pilots Intermediate Exam "Y" Squad" Engineering', a third paper 'School of Flight Efficiency Final Paper, Part II',…


Lists training for 12 and 13 February 1944. Training includes flying and ground training. Flying involved check rides, cross country, formation flying and weapons ranges. Ground includes aircraft cleaning, link training, dinghy drills and 25 yard…

A group of 29 airmen and one woman, arranged in three rows. The front row is seated cross legged on the grass. The second row is kneeling and the third row is standing. Behind is a caravan and a hedge. Captioned 'Ernie Twells Back Row 2nd from…

A group of 29 airmen and one women arranged in three rows. The first row is seated on the grass, the second is kneeling and the third row is standing. Ernie Twells is 2nd from the right in the back row.


Doris and Ernie Twells with two men and a woman. Ernie Twells and the man are holding an ornamental plate. Captioned 'Doris and Ernie with leader of Derbyshire County Council'.

The nose and main spar of Lancaster EE134. Six men are working on it.…

Photograph 1 is a group of six trainee airmen in uniform and side caps.
Photograph 2 is a group of 36 airmen seated and standing in three rows in front of a Beaufighter.
Photograph 3 is a group of 29 trainee airmen and a woman arranged in three…

Details night flying training for six crews on 11 December. Details five crews for day training fighter affiliation and bombing for 12 December. Lists eight crews for link training. Details personnel for church parade on 12 December 1943.

A list of the coverage of the eight week course at 76 Operational Training Unit.

A list of the course at 13 air gunner school.

Details evasive manoeuvres and gunnery. Three paragraphs - 'Sighting' - Tail Gunner, Evasive Action - the 'Corkscrew' and Tail Gunner - aiming during the 'Corkscrew'.

A list of instructions on the use of a turret and its guns.

Course details for the 51 air gunner initial training school and enemy aircraft gunnery school.

A group of 20 men arranged in three rows in front of a corrugated iron clad building. They are wearing fatiques with side caps or berets.
On the reverse:
'3 B.A.G.S. West-Sale Course 39 Gunners
Back Row L to R Coxhill. Cutts. Ferguson. Blythe.…

Two typewritten pages detailing the life of Ernest Cutts. He was the youngest of seven children, born in NW Victoria, Australia. He enlisted as aircrew on his 18th birthday and was posted to No 1 Recruit Training School in Victoria. Next he went to…
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