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  • Tags: flight engineer

Photo 1 is Jack at his station, captioned 'F/Sgt Jack Cottingham. Flight Engineer'.
Photo 2 is a low level oblique of St Botolph's Church, captioned 'Taken from the rear turret. Boston Stump'.
A third photo, captioned F/Sgt Ernie Probyn. Rear…

Seven airmen wearing flying suits and boots as well as Mae West and parachute harnesses standing arms round shoulders of each other in line in front of a Halifax. Captioned from left to right 'MU, WOP, NAV, PILOT, ENG, B.A., R.G.'.

Crew list - 'Crew, left to rigt [sic], Wilf Houseman - navigator, John Symons - wireless operator, Mike Sullivan - pilot, Gabby Edwards - engineer, Frank Pratt, bomb aimer, Larry Wilbraham, Tail Gunner, John Howeson mid upper'. Submitted with…

Eleven airmen mostly wearing battledress with side or peaked caps squatting and standing in two rows under the port wing of a Halifax. Three in the back row right side have visible brevet. One man third from left front row wearing overalls is holding…

Three images from an album.
#1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Ray.
#2 is a cartoon of a black cat and the message 'Further Outlook Very Favourable'.
#3 is a cartoon of Ray with a dog's head and is annotated 'F/Sgt (Press on) Wells'.

A record of fuel consumed during a flight.

Two photographs of Ray's flight engineer's brevet.

Four photographs of a camouflage smock with Warrant Officer badges, medal ribbons and flight engineer's brevet.

Left - Full length image of an airman wearing unbuttoned tunic standing on grass with fence and trees in the background. Right - Newspaper cutting reporting Flt Engineer Sgt F A Cavadiao, RAF "missing believed killed in raid on Lorient. He had…

Writes informing her that Dermot Hegarty was killed recently. Correspondent was his mid-upper gunner and describes aircraft's engines cut after take off. While Hay bailed out, Dermot, the rear gunner and wireless operator did not get out. He, the…

Photo 1 is Ray sitting on a promenade wall with a dog.
Photo 2 is Dorothy sitting on a beach, annotated 'Bridlington'.
Photo 3 is Ray sitting on a beach.
Photo 4 is Ray standing in a park, annotated 'Horley'.
Photo 5 is Dorothy standing by the…

Photo 1 is Ray on the promenade.
Photo 2 is Dorothy on a post on the beach.
Photo 3 is Ray, Dorothy, Fred and Rays mother and father on steps.
Photo 4 is Ray on a post on the beach.
Photo 5 is Ray and Dorothy on the promenade.
Photo 6 is Dorothy…

Six photographs from an album, annotated 'The Family, Dorothy and Fred my Skipper at Sheffield. Taken in the grounds 1945'.
Photo 1 is Ray's mother, father sitting with Fred, Dorothy and Ray behind.
Photo 2 is Ray's mother and father standing in…

Photo 1 is a vertical close up of Ely Cathedral.
Photo 2 is Ray Wells and a navigator.
Photo 3 is a vertical view of the cathedral and surrounding streets.

Seven airmen at the rear of a Halifax. Each man and his position are annotated on the photograph and underneath. Each man has signed his name on the photo.
At the top is 'The Boys before our first trip Oisemont - France Halifax B-Baker 158…

Head and shoulders portrait of a sergeant wearing tunic with flight engineer brevet and side cap.

Account of returning from operation to Brunswick on 14 January 1944. Aircraft was hit by tracer. Rear gunner did not check in after attack. Relates actions of crew with flight engineer and then wireless operator sent back to investigate, followed by…

Writes that he had been away for a week on a gunner course and managed to scrape through as grade 1 and that he was now a real gunner. Writes about his New Zealand crew of skipper, bomb aimer and wireless operator as well as British navigator and…

A manual issued to RAF personnel.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

R G Wells Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period 16 April 1944 to 30 September 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer. He was stationed at RAF Riccall (1658 HCU), RAF Lisset (158 Squadron) and RAF…

Seven airmen in a line in front of their Lancaster 'N'. Information supplied with the collection states:
'The crew are, left to right (ranks at the time the photo was taken, late 1944)
Sgt Trevor Connolly (NZ) - Wireless Operator
Eric Parker
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