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  • Tags: Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

32 WAAFs arranged in three rows. There is a handwritten annotation 'Senior NCOs Admin Course. F. Flight. RAF. Wilmslow April. 1944.'

Airmen and airwomen at a party. They are loosely arranged in six rows with 'A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year ' decorating the wall, behind.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a woman in uniform.
Photo 2 is a passenger ship
Photo 3 is a head and shoulders portrait of a man.
Photo 4 is a half-length portrait of a WAAF sergeant.
A fifth photograph has been cut out.

A page from Stan's memoirs starting with the airship R101, Cobham's Flying Circus, Air Training Corps, glimpses of his service activities then ending with the 54 Maintenance Unit.

A description of their time during the war by their daughter. Her father joined the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in September 1940. He was captured by the Japanese in Singapore, 1942. He was released on 12 September 1945 and came home on…

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is groups of airmen on parade, annotated '1-4-43'.
Photo 2 is two men arms lined, one man in goggles, at the coast.
Photo 3 is four WAAFs beside a stone and thatch structure.
Photo 4 and 5 are groups of…

Barbara sitting on a wall.

Barbara sitting on a grassy hillside. On the reverse 'Ramsey May 1945'.

George and Barbara leaning on the promenade railings. Barbara in uniform, George dressed casually. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945 On Ramsey Prom - just outside the Imperial'.

Two photographs of Dhoon Glen.
Photo 1 is a waterfall. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Waterfall in Dhoon Glen'.
Photo 2 is Barbara standing beside a tree. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Glen That's not a monkey - its me!'

George and Barbara with a dog on the beach. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945. On Ramsey Beach'.

Barbara in uniform sitting on a stone wall. On the reverse 'June / 45 All my love darling Babs xxxx'.

Five photographs of Barbara in uniform.
Photo 1 is Barbara walking up a hill overlooking Ramsay.
Photo 2 is Barbara leaning on a bridge at Dhoon Valley. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945 On one of the wee bridges across the Dhoon'.
Photo 3 is…

George and Barbara standing together. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Bay. The first photograph we have ever had taken together'.

Barbara sitting on a hillside. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Bay'.

Margaret Hourigan in Women's Auxiliary Air Force uniform with the rank of sergeant

An Australian airman, a WAAF, another airman and a Wing Commander socializing.

Gillie Street was born in Aglionby, Carlisle, and spent her early childhood in Tyneside before moving back to Cumberland, aged eleven. Gillie recalls attending grammar school in Brampton and her first flying experience on a Barnstormer. Upon leaving…

Covers policy, organisation, chain of control, administration, discipline, disciplinary powers and status of W.A.A.F. officers and N.C.O.s, saluting, promotion/officers, promotion/remustering and reclassification - airwomen and pay.

Covers introduction to air force law, arrest general, arrest - who can order, arrest of officer, open arrest - no escort, arrest of W.O. or N.C.O., arrest of aircraftsman, arrest of W.A.A.F. personnel, airman's possible loss of pay when in close…

Twenty-nine airmen and one airwoman wearing a variety of uniform standing in line in snow in front of a hangar. On the reverse 'Navigators - 460 Squadron, Binbrook'.

These recollections and reflections were written by Patricia Hook, Ken's wife, who was a WAAF in the operations room at RAF Mepal. They are all very similar, concentrating primarily on the Stirling crash in December 1943, where Ken was the only…
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