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  • Tags: Lancaster

Page from Herbert Adam's flying logbook for September 1944 on 467 Squadron with his first eight operations.

Shows page with summary for May 1944 with six sorties recorded. Lancaster, 467 Squadron at RAF Waddington rear gunner. Includes two operations to French targets. His pilot on operations was Flying Officer McLauchlan.

This item was sent to the IBCC…

Witten on page of log book a description of daylight operation to Dortmund marshalling yard on 12 March 1945. Was the largest daylight raid ever carried out by the RAF with over 1000 bombers escorted by squadrons of P-51 and Spitfires. Give some…

Page lists six events, three Stirling, all crashes, three Lancasters damaged by anti-aircraft fire. The first on 1 December 1943, the last on 26 August 1944. This is not an exclusive list. The first on the list records Ken Hook's crash near…

Internal images of inside the RAF Lancaster, captioned 'Last time in a Lancaster was on Thursday 20th. March 1947 flying back to Ein Shemer from Malta Now inside a Lancaster some 67 and a half years later.'

Photo 1 - the cockpit, annotated 'Pilot…

Photo 1 - a view of the front of the Lancaster, partly obscured by a head.
Photo 2 - the Lancaster taxing in after landing with the nose of a second Lancaster on the left.
Photo 3 - the Lancaster parked annotated 'Parked for passengers & crew to…

Four pages from wireless operators log book. January, February, March and April 1946. Aircraft Lancaster. Includes local flying and trip to Italy and France.

Includes biographic details, service history and account of last operation for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Completed 111 operations on three squadrons, took part in Cologne 1000 bomber operation. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross twice.…

Actions to be performed by each crew member after the order to 'put on parachute' has been made.

Recounts that piece of parachute silk is a memento of Colin Fraser's Lancaster being shot down during an attack on Gestapo barracks at Berchtesgaden on 25 April 1945. Describes crew bale out and skilful crash landing by pilot Flying Officer Harry…

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal.

Side view of parked Lancaster. Has nose art of two figures and rows of operation symbols. Aircraft letter 'D'. Includes image of close up of nose art with airman in cockpit looking out of side window.

Target photograph. Fields and several minor roads visible. Much of the image is dotted with smoke from bomb bursts or Anti-aircraft fire and glare obscures right hand side. A Lancaster can be seen flying below. Annotated '3B' and captioned '1750 MEP…

Paul's story about his grandfather Ron, being shot down and evading capture.

Top left - four airmen standing in line under fuselage of a Lancaster. Captioned 'ground crew on "Z" Zebra, 106 Sqdn 43'.
Top right - and airman wearing battledress with half brevet sitting in wooden chair in long grass with trees and huts in the…

Top - squadron photograph of 156 Squadron personnel arranged in rows in front of hangar. 156 Squadron badge centre front.
Bottom left - air-to-air view of Lancaster over London city with river Thames top right.
Bottom middle - Arthur Pearce…

An article written by Neil Ramsey referring to a cartoon drawn by 'Budd'. He details the social life and personalities on the base including Ronnie Smith who flew a Lancaster under a Severn railway bridge. Reference is made of an Oboe reunion in…

An account of Flight Sergeant Nicholas Alkemade (1431537) bailing out of the rear turret of a Lancaster (A4-K) without his parachute and surviving a fall of 18,000 feet (5,500 metres).

Seven men and two women stand under the nose of a Lancaster. Two men standing nearer the camera wear suits and bowler hats and one a mayoral chain. Five men wearing suits and ties and two women wearing coats and hats stand in line. In the background…

Description - Five photographs in an album.
#1. Six airmen, Hawkes, Robert Wilfred is front left. It is captioned: ' THE CREW' -(SIGNED ON BACK)' and is a copy of item #39143 in the collection.
#2. A view of the pilot's station in a Lancaster.…

A group of 27 people in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Aircrew, ground crew on opposite page'. Photograph shows 26 air force personnel in two rows. The back row standing all have aircrew brevet. 12 are wearing side caps and one an officer's peaked…

Two perspex items, one of which is a navigation light cover.

Information on these items was kindly provided by the donor.

Four airmen wearing overalls or jackets standing underneath a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Pete's ground crew, George Broadbent far right'.
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