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Eleven service personnel, ten men and one woman, arranged around the mid-upper turret of a Lancaster with initials PM on its side. Labelled '103 Sq - PO Slee with air and ground crew'.

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Our kite Beany Baker'. On the reverse of 5 '440'.
Photo 2 is of a shirtless airman sitting in the cockpit viewed from the ground. The nose art is of a Bear annotated 'Bring 'em back alive'. The…

Commences with call up and journey to Innsworth camp. Describes accommodation, activities and compatriots in detail. Continues with very detailed description of training and activities at Compton Bassett. After a farewell concert was posted to Bawtry…

Prisoners of war lined up to rear fuselage of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'pow 1'.

A group of men mostly wearing Mae Wests standing by the rear fuselage of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'pow 2'.

An account of how the operation came about and evolved. Describes the events leading up to the need for food relief in Holland, a brief account of how the operation was set up and executed.

An account of how the need for Operation Manna arose, how negotiations with the German accupying forces proceeded, how the operation was announced to the Dutch people and a summary of the Operation.

A photograph of a Lancaster mid-upper turret and a summary of food drops undertaken by that aircraft. Also a list of the type of food dropped and a total number of missions flown and tonnage of food dropped.

A detailed account of the visit made by a group ex aircrew who took part in Operation Manna who had been invited for a five day visit to commemorate Operation Manna.

Medals and medallions presented to Ted Leaviss and others who attended the anniversary celebrations of Operation Manna in Holland in 1984 and later.
Medallion showing Lancasters dropping packages over a stylised Dutch landscape with 1945 and…

Chart shows route for one flight. It has an inscription which reads 'No 576 Squadron, R.A.F. Fiskerton to Delft, 30 Apr 45, Lancaster G for George, Crew: Pilot F/O. Everitt, Nav Sgt B A Gilbert, BA Sgt T Royall, Eng F/S Kitchen, W/Op P/O. T…

5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

Top - explanatory note explaining that our crews contributed to D-Day.
Top left - newspaper cutting providing account of plan for attack on Merville battery including saturation bombing by Lancasters and ground attack. Goes on with account of actual…

Bombing a tank factory at Hanover. Marshalling yards at Munster. Benzol plants near Huls and Dortmund. Warning to civilians and foreign workers at Frankfurt-on-Main and Mannheim-Ludwigshafen. Captioned '17.3.45'.

Account of Lancaster attack on the Nordstern benzol plant Gelsenkirchen escorted by Spitfires and Mustangs. Captioned '28.2.45'.

Account of Lancasters bombing benzol plant near Gelsenkirchen. Spitfire's dropped bombs on railway trucks. Benzol plant and Gelsenkirchen is underlined. captioned '5.3.45'.

Account of attack on synthetic oil plant at Kamen and Linz. Synthetic oil plant and Kamen underlined. Captioned '24-2-45'

A drawing of a Lancaster just starting its take off run presented as a certificate recording the Southgate's crews operation to Milan. The artist is Pilot Officer A Pollen, it is signed by the then A.O.C. R A Cochrane.

Account of bombing targets near Paderborn and Bielefeld, benzol plants at Scholven and Osterfeld. Osterfeld is underlined. Pinpoint attack on targets. Captioned '22-2-45'.

Account of bombing synthetic oil plant at Dortmund. Synthetic oil plant and Dortmund is underlined.
Captioned '26-2-45'.

Concise account of marshalling yards at Wanne-Eickel. Marshalling yards and Wanne-Eickel is underlined. Captioned '4.3.45'.

Page from operational diary for attack on Dortmund with details of five crews including that of Flight Lieutenant A G Lang which is noted as failed to return. Includes details of the operation for the other four crews.
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