Browse Items (17 total)

  • Collection: Jones, Hugh Brenton

A poem about the loss of Halifax, WL-U.
A second sheet states 'Written by Dale Plante niece to Allan Kurtzhals'.

Hugh apologies for not having written and wishes Daphne happy birthday. He promises to repay a £1 that he borrowed from her.


Hugh congratulates Daphne on the arrival of her baby.

Cartoon 1 is a patient undergoing an X-ray surrounded by spiders, captioned "Take a deep breath - hold it - thank you Ward 16 RAF Hospital Northallerton'.
Cartoon 2 is a man in a hospital bed. Its is annotated 'Miles & Miles of Smiles? Oooh! Oooh!…

A copy of Harry Pearce's mess bill with 2/- deducted for damages.

A head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Jones, Air Gunner. Captioned 'Hugh Brenton Jones 21.6.1926 - 18.12.1944'

14 airmen arranged in two rows outside a wooden hut.

A collage of three photographs and a cloth 434 squadron badge.
Photo 1 is the base of a memorial stone with a Canada sash and a floral bouquet.
Photo 2 is the cemetery where Hugh was buried, now a field.
Photo 3 is the memorial stone surrounded…

A commemoration of the seven men who died after a possible mid-air collision over Charleroi, 18th December 1944. The photographs of the seven men, the Halifax and their names are listed, plus a 51 squadron crest.

The report covers the loss of the Halifax with a focus on Hugh Jones. The research was undertaken by Eddy Daivier. He lists the crew and some of their operations.

A section with a header page, seven photographs and two letters.
The first page is the header which states 'The Crew'.
Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Jones, captioned 'Hugh Brenton Jones - Air Gunner'.
Photo 2 is a head and…

A section of six pages referring to the crash of the Halifax.
Page 1 simply states 'The Crash'.
Page 2 is a report of the crash in French and an eye witness report in English by Jean Bodart.
Page 3 is a copy of a photograph which appears on page…

Two pages with Hugh's service record. Hugh lied about his age in order to join up. On the page is annotated his correct birth date, 21 June 1926. On the form it is 21 January 1925.

A document with a photograph of the crew, including Hugh Jones, of the Halifax that was lost whilst on an operation on the railway at Somain. Hugh Jones was in hospital and he was replaced by Harry Brown.

Seven airmen at the nose of a Halifax. Underneath is a caption with their names 'Jim Parrott, Harry Pearce, Allen Kurtzhals, Bert Brown, Les Janzen, Gordon Olafson, Alex Divitcoff'.

A report on what happened to Halifax NP934. Information collated from operational record books, RAF reports, Herbert Browne's report (sole survivor of NR118 crash), Henry Wagner's report, analysis of the losses on the night of 17/18 December and SHJ…
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