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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Tunisia--Tunis"

Confirms information in previous telegram, information from American Consul in Tunis that son previously reported missing is interned and safe in Tunisia

A church in ornamental garden with trees and shrubs. In the foreground an entrance way with steps with low wall and railings either side. To the right side a high wall.

Postcard from Douglas Hudson from a man in Tunis after he had been freed from internment. He ask for news and sends New Year wishes for 1945.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor

Letter from French girl to Douglas Hudson while he was interned in Le Kef. Pleased that he has received news from England. Writes about weather and her ability with English language. Hopes he will be home soon and will keep gift he gave her. Writes…

Letter from French girl to Douglas Hudson while he was interned in Le Kef. Thanks him for his letter and hopes war will be over in 1941 and he can return to England. She writes she will keep the button he gave her and asks if he will send her his RAF…

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

A meteorological report for a route from Tunis to Maison B.

A commemorative poster with a map of Southern Europe and North Africa. Around the outside is a list of locations where operations were carried out. There is a paragraph with details of the operations.

A memoir written by Cliff Watson divided into 20 chapters.

The Earliest Years.
Born in Barnoldswick, then in Yorkshire, now in Lancashire in 1922. His father ran a wireless business until 1926. He describes his years at schools and a move to…

Article 1. Headlines: Sir S Cripps leaves the war cabinet, now minister of aircraft production, promotion for Mr H Morrison, Mr Eden to lead House of Commons, Col Stanley colonial secretary. Notes appointments by the King. Article 2. Headlines:…

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Article 1. Headlines: big Russian push on Moscow front, Soviet troops advance 20 miles over wide area, 10,000 Nazis die, five divisions routed: 300 localities liberated. Article 2. Headlines: Tunisia: Germans on defensive, forces await British push…

Article 1. The Times headlines: Tunis and Bizerta captured, official announcement of allied victory, relentless bombing by allied aircraft. Article 2. The Observer headlines: Fleeing Germans chased towards Cape Bon, British tanks aim to cut line of…

Cutting 1. Headlines: 50,000 prisoners taken in Tunisia, three German divisional commanders, Luftwaffe withdrawn from battle, resistance breaking up. Cutting 2. Headlines: Cape Bon peninsular blockaded, intense activity by the navy, aircraft attack…

Writes that he still has not heard from them and wonders if everything is alright with them. He suggest various ways they might get in touch: through the American consul Tunis, British consul Tangiers and Red Cross Geneva. Some compatriots have…

Writes he was pleased to receive their letter but that he can only send two a month. Comments on letter s content and notes he had received a postcard from the Red Cross informing him they were forwarding his letters to them. Suggests they cable him…

Writes that he has not had any mail for some time but he hopes that family affair has settled down. Has difficulty associating his mothers new location with home. Writes of his visit to a dentist. Contrasts the countryside to the last time they…

Owen Cox attended grammar school in York and joined the Home Guard when the war started. He joined the Royal Air Force aged 18, although his parents were not keen. His initial trade was ground wireless operator (Morse), waiting to attend a gunnery…

Says both are well. Sent care of American consul Tunis

Says both well and gives address in Nelson Lancashire. Sent via American consul Tunis.

Three weeks since last letter and has had a bad cold. Got letter from air ministry with message sent by American consul Tunis that he had got their cable and that he was well and writing to them regularly. Details recent letter from him and comments…

Looking forward to more letters from him. Mentions cost of airmail going up. Writes of activities and weather. Catches up with news of family and friends. Still awaiting news of house and discusses other issues and will be happy to get settled. Sent…

Writes of reply from Red Cross that it was not possible to send chocolate to him as no parcel post to Tunisia. However, telegrams were allowed. Also best way to communicate is through American consul in Tunis. Glad he can get cigarettes as shortage…

Writes they have finally got an unfurnished house and gives address. Mentions plans for moving and will be happy when all settled. Describes house and views. Says month since last letter. Catches up with news and gossip.

Describes activities including cleaning previous house and comments on the weather. Writes that the grocer brought her goods including bundles of firewood. Catches up with news of family/friends and gossip about activities. Worried that details of…

Received his letter and forwarded it to his parents with airmail message to send him a cable care of American Consul Tunis.
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