Browse Items (15 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Sidmouth"

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A view along the Devon coast to Sidmouth.

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47 airmen and naval officers arranged in four rows outside the hotel. They are a mixture of pilots and other airmen from both forces.

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A view of Ladram Bay, near Sidmouth.

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A view of the rear of the hotel, used by the RAF for training.

Formal photograph, posed in five rows in front of a building with brick arches. Captioned 'Officers Course, June - July 1943'.


This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Wings Graduation Banquet menu cover for course 85 from No 10 SFTS Dauphin, Manitoba on Wednesday Oct 27, 1943.
There are also two photographs, one of Patrick as a Flying Officer sitting by a window, captioned 'Sidmouth 1944'.
Second has Patrick…

Five photographs, first shows Patrick standing with two female RCAF members, captioned Dauphin 1943.Second shows two airmen walking down a road, one with a kitbag, captioned 'Moncton NB'. Third has two people crouching examining an object in a field,…

Four photographs, in the first, Patrick is tanding by a train door captioned 'C.P.R. Sask 1943'.
Second Patrick is standing in front of a Tiger Moth with a trainee aircrew flash in his hat, captioned 'Perth 1942'.
Third, Patrick is sitting with a…

Top left - view of ducks in foreground with tree surrounded pond in distance. Captioned 'Kew Gardens, Richmond, Oct 43'.
Top right - view across lake of trees. Captioned 'Kew Gardens, Richmond, Oct 43'.
Bottom left - view of a Tiger Moth in a…


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