Browse Items (73 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Scarborough"

Edited transcript. Gives personal details and service history. Enlisted in 1942.Pilot on 1473 Flight and 192 Squadron (100 Group) on Wellingtons. Starts with comments about first posting 1473 Flight which eventually merged with 1474 Flight to become…

Joe was a navigator with 578 Squadron and later with 77 Squadron, flying Halifaxes and then Dakotas. Joe has a sister and a brother. His brother ended his service with the Royal Air Force after an accident on a dinghy drill course left him deaf in…

The letter thanks Dick Curnock for sending photographs and a letter. He describes a short holiday in Manchester and discusses prices of meals, drinks and taxis.

After spending time in the Air Defence Cadet Corps, Bill Moore joined the Royal Air Force, qualifying as an observer. He tells of his family history in wartime and his transatlantic trip, landing in New York before heading to Canada for his training.…

John volunteered for the Royal Air Force as a pilot. He went to Lord’s cricket ground, followed by the Initial Training Wing at Scarborough. He spent 10 hours on Tiger Moths in Carlisle. After a short time at RAF Heaton Park in Manchester, John…

Having been nterested in aircraft through the Air Training Corps, Maurice joined the Royal Air Force in 1942 and went to RAF Cardington. In July 1943 he went to the Air Crew Reception Centre at Lord’s Cricket Ground, followed by 17 Initial Training…

James ‘Jim’ Albert Dellow had to register the start of the war he as he was 18 years old. On being asked which service he would prefer, he opted for the Royal Air Force as a pilot. Whilst waiting for his call up, he worked in an insurance office…

Front has b/w photograph of South Bay, Scarborough. Writes that postcard show similar view as that from his window.

Catches up with family news. Hopes for leave after course finishes. Will get promoted if he passes exams. Writes about pay. Mentions drill exam and possibility of a commission.

Writes about upcoming 48 hours pass, exams and postings. Mentions how he will get home on 48. Mentions interview with C.O and score on maths exam.

Writes about uniform issue and move back to Wilmslow.

Writes that most of camp had moved to the embarkation port. He and others would have to wait a further fortnight, but hoped to get a weeks leave. Thanks them for parcel.

Noted that he had moved to Scarborough the day before and describes journey. Writes that he will start study of maths, Morse and navigation and that were now known as cadet pilots U.T. He mentions timescales for promotion and getting wings. Compares…

Acknowledges receipt of parcels and catches up with news of friends. Speculates on future and that he might be sent abroad to complete his training. Writes about strict discipline and his training including PT, swimming, maths and Morse. Discusses…

Acknowledges receipt of parcel. Writes of his busy daily routine not leaving much time to write. Comments on issue of flying kit and describes it in detail and mentions parading in it watched by inhabitants of Scarborough.

Writes of passing exams and that he had now started navigation and armaments. Mentions their flight sergeant and other instructors and doing drill. Writes about their well regarded commanding officer. Writes a little about their establishment and…

Writes about recent photograph. Describes the conduct of a course member who had been discharged for being too tired to swing his arms during drill. States that he was getting on well with all his lessons. Catches up with mail sent and received.

Mentions leaving Scarborough and arriving at Wilmslow. Mentions pay and money he was sending them.

Forty nine trainee airmen in four rows, five instructors front and centre.
Annotated: 'Back row, left to right - Cadets Wylde J, Marshall R J, Bailey E H, Rushton D T, Watkin G, Ewart R R, Willoughby J A, Baldwin R H, Browne R C, Randall K W,…

Airman’s service and pay book for Flight Sergeant Robert Kirkbright from 9 July 1941 to 20 August 1943. Includes personal details, inoculation record and a list of where he served.

Writes that he trained with Lewis at Scarborough and corresponded with him while he was in Canada. Had not heard from him since back to England and asks if she could pass on Lewis's address.

Writes from Scarborough about how hot the weather has been and that they will leave shortly, Writes about going to the beach despite defences and swimming in local pool. Talks of swatting for examinations and thanks for sending cake and laundry.…


Writes from Scarborough that he is sending laundry and books which are no longer needed. Continues with talk of examinations. mentions that he saw convoy being attacked in distance while on wing spotters duty.


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