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  • Tags: 9 Squadron

Gives personal details and list of postings. Notes at one stage missing believed intered.

Six airmen wearing uniform (one with flying jacket) standing by the rear fuselage of a Wellington. On the reverse '1. P/O Moody (rear gunner), 2 ? (W/Op) 3. [.....] (observer), 4 Sgt [....], 5. Sgt Hudson, 6 "Stu"'.

Relates early life and employment before the war. Was RAF reserve and was called up at beginning of the war. Mentions training including operational training unit before joining 9 Squadron. Includes letter describing in some detail his first…

Show open countryside on right with built up area on left.

Three items the first is a letter from Officer Commanding 9 Squadron, the second and third are from the King one a typewritten note and the other coloured scroll.

Lists the previous nine operations of Lancaster W4182 and recording that on an operation to Duisburg on the 20 December 1942 just after take off the aircraft collided with Lancaster W4259 from 44 Squadron. There were no survivors. The crews are…

11 ground crew standing in front of a Wellington 'Zola'.
An image of Zola in underwear, 16 bomb symbols, and the phrase 'P hole gents' are painted on the fuselage.

On the reverse 'William Edward Perry IX Squadron Bomber Command serving with…

A mix of air and ground crew standing in front of a Lancaster. Additionally each man is named.

A biography with details of all of his life. He joined the RAF in 1940 and worked as ground crew.

The crew are posed in two rows, the second item is a crew list with Next of kin.
The crew list is, Sgt Hazell, L.C, Pilot, Sgt Gardiner, E , Flight Engineer, Sgt Miller, W.T, Navigator, Sgt Tatley, H.T, Bomb Aimer, Sgt Sharples, E.F. Gunner, Sgt…

Group portrait of five aircrew, two standing and three seated, against a neutral backdrop. Hubert Tatley is fourth from right.

Bill Siddle's time in the RAF pieced together by research. He was a pilot who flew the Lancaster with 9 and 83 Squadrons. He was commissioned in 1944, was awarded the DFC and Bar and completed more than 60 operations. He left the service in 1946 and…

From information kindly supplied by the donor, Raymond is backrow on the left.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Wooden cross with the upright marked 'No 10' and the date of death. The cross bar has 'PEXMAN ENGELSCH VLIEGENIER' written across it. The grave is in Schoonselhof cemetery.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the…

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Cloth air gunner's brevet.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Kenneth's ex employer expressing regret on hearing of his death.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

16 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a hangar door.
It is captioned 'The Squadron at War No 3 Section of No 9 (B) Squadron, Honington, as it was in October 1939.
Went the day well?
We died & never knew
But Well or ill, Freedom
we died for…

Popeye doll with red scarf, blue jumper and trousers taken on flights by a crew for luck. The word 'Foreign' is written on the back of its neck.
The mascot was recovered from the crash of Lancaster WS-O LM432. The aircraft was flying from Manston…

Joined 18 June 1941. Trained as navigator in Canada. After operational and conversions training in England during which he flew two operations. He was posted to 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney where he flew 25 operations which are listed. After a tour as a…

Target photograph showing shoreline, with smoke obscuring the island of Hakøya within Tromsø fjord. Battleship Tirpitz can be seen just right of centre through smoke. Three water-spouts from earlier explosions above and to the right. Anti-aircraft…

Bride and groom, wearing tunic with half brevet, standing in centre of group with two men, one in uniform to the left and an woman and a man wearing civilian suit on the right. Captioned 'Tom Parsons (9 Sqn), Arthur Gill (cousin), Joan Lambert…
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