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Flight Officer William Anderson began his service in the Royal Air Force at the age of eighteen when he signed up in Edinburgh. In this interview he speaks about his training, reporting to Lord’s Cricket Ground in London, being paid at the London…

Vic Farmer volunteered for the Royal Air Force at eighteen and trained as a navigator in South Africa. He describes his experiences of crewing up and serving in 550 squadron, RAF North Killingholme. He saw action on D-Day, and participated in…

Dirk Bosch was eight years old when the German army occupied his home town of Amsterdam. In this interview he describes what life was like for him during this time. He refers to seeing Dutch Jews rounded up and deported. He describes the hunger of…

Group photograph of 133 men and women in front of a Lancaster, some on the wings and the fuselage, some arranged in three rows on the ground. A civilian building is visible in the background.

On the reverse 'Blyton - Bomber Command - 1944'

A Lancaster flies over the explosion of an Upkeep bouncing bomb against a dam. A second aircraft has been hit by anti-aircraft fire and is plunging towards the water, engulfed in flames and smoke. A third Lancaster is visible on the right with a bomb…

The memoir details the events after Sergeant George Reid Williamson baled out of his Lancaster over Chateau-Thierry. After hiding in a wood for a few days, he met a local farmer who took him back to the farmhouse for food and a large overcoat. While…

Clipping from an unidentified Indian newspaper regarding a Royal Air Force attack on Danzig (Gdańsk).

Newspaper cutting from The Times about a day bombing on Danzig and Flensburg.

Wilhelm Simonsohn remembers his wartime service as a Luftwaffe night fighter pilot. He tells of his adoption by a Jewish family, and the discovery of his father’s background after being lampooned as ‘Jewish scum’ at school. He emphasises family…

Seven aircrew leaving a Lancaster 'A’, parked on a dispersal with bomb doors open following a daylight operation to Duisburg 14 October 1944. All aircrew are wearing life vests, carrying crew bags and helmets; two wearing Sidcot suits, two with…

Inside a hangar, a sergeant and other airmen are standing around damaged rear gun turret and fuselage of Lancaster. A tow bar is attached to the tail wheel, which has 'RAF Elshamwold [sic]' painted on it.

Royal Canadian Air Force observer’s and air gunner’s log book for Sergeant Albert Victor Ansell from 25 October 1942 to 30 April 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at Pan American Airways navigation school…

Outlines the history of RAF Hemswell starting from its origin as RAF Harpswell in 1918 until peacetime operations in the the 50s. The station was equipped with Ansons, then Blenheims. Part of No 3 Group, 61 and 144 Squadrons. Changed to No 5 Group,…

Stanley Archer’s account of his training as one of the first flight engineers for Lancaster operations in 1942. First he attended an air gunnery course then transferred to 97 squadron at RAF Woodhall Spa. He comments on a daylight operation on…

Side view of Lancaster R5868, being bombed up. In the foreground three trolleys full of bombs. Aircraft is under maintenance with two airmen on the wings and one in the pilot’s seat. Symbols indicating numerous operations on nose of aircraft. Four…

Air to air view of four Lancasters from the rear flying low. Squadron codes are ‘KM-K' and ' -J’.

Lancaster, rear/side view, surrounded by snow. In foreground an airman with his back to the camera. Captioned ‘Lancaster III “JO-E” (ED806) of 463 Squadron in the snow at Waddington during the winter of 1943/44’.

ED806 was on the strength…

Drawing of Lancaster dropping seven bombs. Each bomb has a crew member's name – Sgt Lennox, F/Sgt Quinn, Sgt Ketley, Sgt Archer, Sgt Jordan, Sgt Martin, Sgt Page. Captioned ‘Turin – 28/29 Nov 42 97 Squadron’.

The aircraft is dropping bombs, there is a depiction of an explosion over a river with docks. In the distance searchlights are focused on a target. There is some anti-aircraft fire. The names of the crew are written on the card – 'Sgt Lennox, Sgt…

Starboard side view of Lancaster ‘DF-K’, on dispersal with wheeled access tower at right side and a second behind the aircraft. Code letters DF indicate it belonged to the Central Bombing Establishment.

Stanley Archer standing with hands in pockets in front of the nose of a Lancaster on dispersal. He is in uniform with side cap. In the background near the starboard chock is a dog and a bicycle. On reverse ‘F/S SW Archer 97 sqdn’

Air to air view of two Lancasters, ‘NF-P’ and ‘NF-J’ of 138 Squadron taken from a third aircraft.

Four airmen, various ranks, standing in uniform in front of Lancaster tail turret armed with two .50 machine guns. On reverse ‘My Flt/Commander (next to me) and a couple of the boys. F/Sgt ‘Stan’ Archer Air Engineer 3rd from left 97 sqdn’.

Seven aircrew, one sitting, two kneeling and three standing in front of rear door of Lancaster aircraft. Basil Ambrose is standing second from the right. All are dressed in flying suits and six have Mae Wests. Anti-aircraft fire damage is visible in…

Seven aircrew, two squatting and five standing all dressed in battledress. Two are wearing peaked caps and the rest side caps. Basil Ambrose is standing third from the left. In the background the nose and inboard engines of a Lancaster are visible.…
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