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  • Tags: pilot

Photographs and short obituaries of P-1611 Niemczyk Maksymilian and P-1591 Balicki Roman.

Geoff as a trainee aircrew being presented with his wings on a parade in a hangar. captioned 'Wings presetation 3-9-46'.

A navigational chart of North West France with planned routes marked.
There is also a photograph of a pilot in a Wellington cockpit.

Full length photograph of Geoff in Royal Observer Corps uniform, pilots brevet with wife Evelyn in bridal dress, standing outside the porch of a building.

An operations crew list for 25th July 1942, 301 Squadron at Hemswell. It includes F/O “Mieczysław Stachiewicz. There are also two photographs of his Wellington, GR-O, Z1259.

A chart of central England used for navigation. It is annotated with navigational fixes. The position of a dinghy is marked with the date 23/6/42.
In the top corner is a photograph of an airman in the cockpit of his aircraft.
There is a yellow post…

Item 1 is a chit stating that Mieczysław Stachiewicz has applied for an Identity Card, dated 1.11.41
Item 2 is a photograph of a Wellington in flight.
Item 3 is a sketch for a flight from Bromcote to Yorkshire (Gool), Carlisle, Isle of Man, North…

Pilot Officer Mieczysław Stachiewicz's RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 11 June 1941 to 21 November 1942 detailing his training and operations as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Peterborough (No. 25 (Polish) Elementary Flying Training School),…

A group of seven airmen with Walter Smith standing at the extreme left at the back. Bill Radford is seated in the centre. Behind are RAF buildings.

Full length portrait of Bill Radford standing in front of his Lancaster. Handwritten on the reverse is '2of 7 PD330 Squardon Leader Bill Radford taken in front of his Lancaster at the conclusion of his 2nd Tour of Operations. Somewhere in England…

Two airmen standing in uniform with their hands in their pockets. On the reverse is handwritten -
'L Dos Sullivan A
R Bill Radford B
10 Oct '44'.

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A group of eight airmen, the front row seated , the four at the back standing. It is annotated '2nd Tour Crew 1944-45. Celebrating End of 51st Ops.& Tour Horse & Jockey, Waddington'.

A card accompanying a gift of 'Fags and Sweets' presented by Pilots and Observers from the 1914-18 war.

Left - five airmen standing in line. Four wearing tunic and side cap and the middle man wearing greatcoat and fur hat. In the background a two story building. Captioned 'my Harvard instructor P/O Hansel, with his pupils: Nev Oakley, Me, "Tuck"…

Top left - view of front of Harvard with pilot in cockpit. Captioned 'McAteer'. Top right - an airman wearing greatcoat and side cap standing at the top of steps in open door of a building. Middle - side view of Harvard with pilot in the cockpit.…

Top left - side view of Harvard on airfield. Top right - four student pilots wearing flying suits standing in front of a Harvard. Captioned 'Left to Right, Yours truly. Les Mills, McAteer (Irish) & Rogers'. Bottom left - four pilots wearing flying…

Top - a line of 7 Tiger Moths parked on grass. On the left hangars. Bottom left - a pilot wearing flying suit and carrying parachute walking away from a Tiger Moth. Captioned Sgt Smith. Bottom right - nine pilots wearing flying suits and one man in…

Second of David Geach's diaries, describing his training for aircrew at Kingstown, Heaton Park, Hastings and Harrogate until his embarkation to Canada on the Queen Mary. Covers the period from 20 June 1942 to 7 October 1942.

Top left - Man wearing flying clothes and carrying parachute walking away from Tiger Moth. Captioned 'Sgt Smith, my first instructor' Top right - two men in flying clothes standing behind the wing of a Tiger Moth. Captioned '"Murf" Murray with Sgt…

Six aircrew, four standing behind and two kneeling in front.Three are wearing parachute harness and one a flying jacket. In the background part of an aircraft. Hedley Madgett is standing on the left holding a parachute and helmet.

Royal Canadian Air Force pilots flying log book for Hedley R Madgett, covering the period from 23 September 1941 to 15 August 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Swift Current, RCAF Medicine Hat, RAF…

Len McCann standing in his pilot's uniform in front of a tree. On the reverse ' Pilot Len 'Mac' McCann Aged 28 Berlin Killed 24/3/44'

Len McCann wearing a greatcoat and cap.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

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Len McCann and an airman with a navigator brevet standing outside in winter. Behind is a leafless tree.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.
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