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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Eight men arranged in two rows. Three men are seated, five standing. All are dressed in period costume.

Five men and three men dressed as women arranged in two rows. In the front row two are kneeling and two are seating. The back row four are standing. All are dressed in period costume.

A line of 12 actors dressed in black suits, top hats and holding canes in their right hands. The backdrop is a curtain.

Man in tights and tunic holding the hand of a man dressed as a woman. Both wear period costume.

A man dressed as a woman jockey sits on the arm of a sofa. A man leans towards her talking watched by man dressed as a woman. There is a small table with a decanter. A desk with a lamp. The painted backdrop has a bookcase, french doors and a view…

A man and a man dressed as a woman stand closely together. She is wearing a long dress. Behind is the desk with a lamp and a small table with a decanter. The painted backdrop has a door, a window and a painting.

A man dressed as a woman is sitting on a sofa. A man is lying across the sofa with his head resting on a cushion on the woman's lap. There are small tables on both sides of the sofa. There is a painted backdrop of a window with an outside view,…

Two men in costume are standing beside each other. One man with a made-up face has his right hand on the left shoulder of the second man. He is standing with a walking stick in his hand.

Two men dressed in period costume. One has his arms folded and is staring at the other who is holding his sword.

Two men and three men dressed as women. Two are on the sofa, a woman is sitting at the desk and a man and woman are standing. The desk has a small lamp, there are two or three small tables. The painted backdrop depicts a door, two paintings, a…

One man lying on a sofa with a second man partly on top of him. Behind are tables, chairs, standard lamp and a painted backdrop with windows and a painting.

One man lying on the sofa with two men looking on. One man dressed as a woman wearing a dressing gown. One man wearing a dressing gown attacking a man dressed as a woman. She is also wearing a dressing gown. He has a large spear and it is raised…

One man in a dressing gown. One man in a 'bald' wig being held by a policeman and a man in a dark suit. One man is sitting on the sofa with a standing man behind him with his hand on the other man's shoulder. The painted backdrop has a painting,…

11 men dressed as women. The central character is wearing a long dress and is holding it out. The 10 dancing girl characters are wearing short dresses and bonnets. They are standing cross-legged and linking their arms. The backdrop is a curtain.

A man in flannels and shirt is being held by a man dressed as a woman wearing a short top and short shorts. There are two deckchairs on the stage and a backdrop of a garden.

Eight men dressed as women seated at two tables. Three other female characters and eight men are standing in a row behind them. The backdrop is an abstract painting.

A man in evening dress is standing holding the hand of a man dressed as a woman in a long dress. He is holding the dress out with his other hand. The backdrop is a curtain.

The leading lady is surrounded by two rows of dancing girls. The front row is kneeling, the back row standing. All are men dressed as women. The backdrop is a curtain.

Group of men and men dressed as women arranged at the sides of the band. The band are seated behind music stands. The band leader is standing at the back. The backdrop is cartoons of bandsmen.

An envelope addressed to Daphne from Victor.

Three items from an album.
Item 1 is an envelope addressed to Daphne from Victor.
Item 2 is a cutting referring to Victor being shot down over Germany.
Item 3 is a cutting about the transfer of mail to prisoners during the war.

The envelope in item PMendelskiVR15010001 opened out to reveal Victor's address in Stalag Luft 3.

Describes operations as Lancaster pilot. Detailed description of last sortie to attack Dortmund-Ems canal on 6 November 1944. His aircraft was attacked by FW 190 which was driven of and then set on fire by another fighter attack. Describes bailing…

A biography of his life. He joined the RAF as a wireless operator/air gunner. He volunteered for the Special Operations Exceutive. He was shot down in the Black Forest area and ended up at Sagan, Stalag Luft 3. He spent time building secret radios…
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