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5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

First - over 400 times they led the way. Article about RAF Pathfinders. Crest and details about 35 Squadron. Also mentions 7, 83 and 156 Squadrons as nucleus of force in August 1942. Mentions some of their attacks and numbers of decorations awarded.…

Text for a lecture. Joined RAF as air observer in June 1941. List initial training postings, conversion to Halifax, crewing up and posting to 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington in May 1943. Describes preparation for operations and lists 6 operations…

When Alfred’s mother’s house was destroyed during a Luftwaffe bombing, he was determined to join the RAF and fight back. He trained as a gunner and completed two tours and a spell as an instructor. After his final tour of operations, he joined…

Kenneth Souter was born in Sunderland. His father ran a business importing wooden pit props. Kenneth learned to fly at Cambridge, and his first air experience flight was on the 5th of July 1939, and after training he went solo on the 31st of July…

Discusses life on the home front, the bombing of Hull, and her training and service in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force at RAF Driffield.

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for G C Dennis, covering the period from 11 February 1944 to 6 December 1944 when he failed to return from operations. He was stationed at RAF Pembrey, RAF Peplow, RAF Ingham,…

Two articles. First gives brief description of two operations against Stuttgart 41/2 hours apart. Second describes attacks against German gun positions near Flushing as well as German HQ on low countries front.

Article describing attack on Leuna synthetic oil plant and subsequent nights operations on three other targets. This was the fourth successive night attacks by the RAF on Germany.

Two articles. Both provide brief descriptions of RAF attack on Bonn.

Article describing attacks on German war supplies, rail centres and synthetic oil plants some of which were within 100 miles of allied front line. More that 1000, United States heavy bombers involved. RAF Bomber Command Lancasters involved in…

Battle order for 9/10 September 1944. List aircraft and crews for operations as well as duty personnel

Article with b/w photograph of shoreline with flooded craters marked as 'gun positions'. Breach indicated by arrow. Explanatory text explains photo shows sea water swirling through breach made by RAF blockbusters in dyke guarding island of Walcheren.


Photograph of shoreline with 'breach' indicated by arrow and shows flooded area. Text explains that the photograph shows breach in dyke with sea rushing in. Germans report 6000 of garrison trapped by floods.

Article with small map and text explaining that the whole of a German fortress on island of Walcheren off the Dutch coast lay below the waters of the north sea. The RAF used 12,000 lb bombs to breach the sea wall.


Article with b/w photograph showing shoreline with water filled cratered gun positions. In the distance top a village. Explanatory text explains that photograph showed results of RAF blasting of the sea wall near Westkapelle on island of Walcheren.


Describes damage after RAF 12,000 lb bombs used to breach sea wall on island of Walcheren. Sea engulfed German guns and defence posts. Area 1000 yards by 700 yards flooded. Map shows area.

Photograph of flooded craters on shoreline with village at top. Explanatory text describes what happened after RAF 12,000-pounders tore breach in sea wall of Dutch island of Walcheren.


Article including b/w photograph of damage to E-boat pens. Explains that successful result with low allied casualties at le Havre was result of good coordination between the RAF and the army. Describes elements of coordination.

Article - Allied aircraft for the loss of two planes dropped more than 10,000 tons of bombs on Le Havre. Enabled ground troops to to win port after brief attack. effect on defenders and praise for accuracy of bombing.

Description of battles for Le Havre and generally in northern France. Mentions surrender leaflet drops along channel coast. Canadians entre Zeebrugge, Americans in Brittany. Other war news from the continent and map of battle area.

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Explains might of allied air fleets unleashed for final battles of Havre, the channel ports and the Siegfried line. Bomber command Lancasters dropped over 1000 tons of bombs on Le Havre. German commander rejected surrender ultimatum.

Article includes target photograph of dock area with smoke and explanatory text - Round the area of the Bassin du Commerce at Le Havre, explains level of damage assessed.
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