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  • Tags: pilot

A head and shoulders portrait of Fred wearing his pilot's badge and DFC.

Pilots flying log book 2 for F J Richardson, covering the period from 3 March 1943 to 8 October 1945. Detailing his operations flown, flying training and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Langar, RAF Ossington, RAF Church Broughton, RAF…

Pilots flying log book for F J Richardson, covering the period from 4 November 1941 to 23 February 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at No.1 British Flying Training School Terrell, RAF Long Newton, RAF North…

Five aircrew posed in a line in front of a wooden building. By the door 'MT Workshop Keep Out' is painted. On the reverse, 101 Squadron P/O Brodie Navigator, Sgt Davies W/Op, Sgt Waterhouse, Captain, Self A/G, Sgt Clark Bomb Aimer' and Roberts 54…

Photo 1 is ten airmen arranged in three rows, captioned 'Pilot's Course - RCAF Calgary W. Canada'.
Photo 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of Fed captioned 'Escape Photo FDS 1941'.
Photo 3 is a group of nine men in uniform captioned 'Navigation…

Frederick at the controls of an Oxford. On the reverse is a post it with 'Frederick Davy'

Seven airmen at the nose of their Lancaster. On the nose is 'Green Goddess' and a cartoon woman. On the reverse is a post it with 'F Davy 3rd from Right'.

A montage featuring a photograph of Frederick, his medals and ribbons, letter from the King, his crew, letter from his group Air Vice Marshal and a note with his crew names and a comment that they were shot down over Cologne.

Six medals awarded to Frederick:
DFC, Air Force Cross, 1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal and War Medal.

Pilot Officer Frederick Stanbury and Norman Rutherford (right) standing in front of a Mosquito.

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BMuirCMuirRWLv1 copy.pdf
Written by his nephew, a narrative of Reg's early life, his participation in student exchanges in Germany, joining the Royal Air force, training, life on the station and the crash in which he died, together with air gunners Sergeant Leslie Johnson…

Providing details of of the air operation following which her husband, Warrant Officer John 'Jack' Crawford, had been reported missing. Advising that Jack had been held in high regard and that his personal belongings had been safeguarded and would be…

Accounts from Evening Standard, Daily Mirror and Daily Express. Concerning award of Victoria Cross for Robert Palmer. Gives tribute from his squadron commander and headmaster. Mirror noted he was always selected for tough jobs. A gives comments by…

Replying to Jack's wife assuring her that all possible steps are being taken to obtain information regarding Jack's death, including from Pilot Officer Dykins.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Royal Australian Air Force Log Book for Max Langworthy, pilot. Covers period 8 January 1943 to 15 February 1958. Includes his training, operations and post-war flying. He was based at RAF Babdown Farm, RAF Bibury, RAF Morton in Marsh, RAF Rufforth,…

Geoff with four aircrew that he flew with. On the reverse captioned 'L to R Geoff Blamires - Nav, Doug Maycroft - Bomb Aimer, Den Barton - Flight Engineer, Frank Farnham - Mid upper gunner, Dennis 'Danny' Josey - Pilot. The last two are bracketed…

Geoff Dixon's first log book, from 9th March 1942 to 26 June 1942 as he began his flight training in Canada at the No 4 Elementary Flying Training School RCAF Windsor Mills, Quebec.

Flying log book for Geoffrey Walter Dixon covering the period from 23 June 1942 to 2 May, 1943. Detailing his flying training. Includes various certificates, a telegram, Air Ministry Release of Log Books procedure and a photograph of G W Dixon in…

An almost full length portrait of Geoff Packham wearing sergeant's stripes and pilot's brevet on his uniform, and his brother. Behind is a stone wall and moorland with hills in the distance.

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Geoff Paine in flying kit, parachute harness over shoulder, standing behind left wing root of Oxford. On the reverse 'Pilot Geoffrey Hugh Paine 1947 [deleted] Gwelloe, S. Rhodesia [/deleted] R.A.F. Valley conversion to multi engines A/S Oxford'.

Geoff wearing parachute harness, standing next to nose of aircraft.

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