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  • Tags: military living conditions

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Sam's barracks, captioned 'Main St'.
Photo 2 is the control tower.
Photo 3 and 4 is a road turned to mud. A bulldozer is trying to clear the mud.

Four album pages, the first page is captioned 'No 31 E.F.T.S. R.A.F. De Winton, Alberta, Canada. September-November 1942'. It has five photographs.
The first has a Tiger Moth over snow covered expanse, captioned 'Tiger Moth about to take off'.…

Four photographs from an album, captioned 'Morning Parade No 5 AOS 40° Below!
Photo 1 is buildings in the snow, captioned 'Morning Parade'.
Photo 2 is a row of buildings in the snow, captioned 'Barracks'.
Photo 3 is Sam standing in the snow with…

Norman George Smith completed his Australian training as a pilot before being posted to the UK. He was posted to 463 Squadron where he completed ten trips before the war ended. Although he was an officer Norman would borrow his navigator’s jacket…

Full length image of an airman wearing shirt and tie standing with foot on steps, In the background tents and radio aerial masts.

An airman wearing khaki uniform with shorts and a flying helmet standing inside a tent.

Four airmen wearing khaki uniform with sergeant rank, three with shorts and with long trousers, all standing in line in front of tents. Norman Powell second from left.

An airman wearing khaki uniform with shorts, holding flying helmet, sitting on a chair in front of a tent. His Mae West is over one shoulder. Other tents in the background.

An airman wearing khaki uniform with shorts, holding flying helmet, sitting on a chair in front of a tent. Other tents in the background.

Photograph 1 is of the Roll of Honour at North Coates chapel.
Photograph 2 is of the bar of an empty Officers' Mess.
Captioned 'RAF North Coates Chapel (Researched)
Photograph 3 is of two barmen and two barwomen behind the bar at the Officers'…

Covers family life, young adult life and connection to Cynthia and Peter Field as a WAAF at Huntingdon in 1941-42. Continues with description of life after the war, illness and meeting the Bahá'i faith in the 1970s. continues with account of later…

A copy of Harry Pearce's mess bill with 2/- deducted for damages.

Covers progress of work, student lectures, postal address, dress, reporting sick, leave, flying, library, church services, mess rules, mess facilities, registered mail, sports and entertainment.

Covers description and participants, field disinfectors, field incinerators, Urine disposal pits, disposal of latrine bucket contents, shallow trench latrines, trough urinal an sump, bucket latrines, deep trench latrines, ablution bench and sump,…

Covers need for high standards of catering. catering supervisory organisation, station organisation, officers having messing responsibilities, duties of catering officer, universal messing, rations, ration drawing procedure, the document page 4 is…

Twenty messing and catering questions as well as fifteen casualty procedure questions.

Covers formation and control, membership, subscriptions and contributions, payment of mess bills, discipline, entertainment, mess equipment/insurance, mess meetings, mess management, responsibility of C.O., responsibility of officer in charge, duties…

Covers objects and organisation of N.A.A.F.I., the running of the institute, president and committee of the institute, sources of P.S.I income, expenditure of P.S.I funds, procedure for dealing with the N.A.A.F.I in regard to complaints and…

What welfare is, where information is obtainable, station welfare committees, semi-official organisations, list of publications on welfare. Appendixes covers the RAF Benevolent fund, Welfare addresses, allied personnel's hospitality and…

List of eighteen questions on welfare. Officers mess precis covers membership, furniture/property/insurance, procedures on change of station, procedure on taking over mess, procedure on change of command, WAAF messes, new station or unit - opening…

Top - on the right a two story brick building with portico doorway and white framed windows, A black car is parked in front. On the left of driveway, grass and trees. Captioned 'Officers Mess RAF Mildenhall'. Bottom - in the centre a two story brick…

Five photographs identified as being taken at the Officers' Training School, Crawford.
Photo 1 is of two squads of marching men with bell. To one side are bell tents and behind are low hills.
Photo 2 is taken from a hillside looking down on many…

A man wearing shirt and trousers with braces standing behind a low table with barbed wire fence and huts in the background. On the reverse 'P Brett (W/Op) 1944-5 Fallingbostel + washing machine'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

Commences with call up and journey to Innsworth camp. Describes accommodation, activities and compatriots in detail. Continues with very detailed description of training and activities at Compton Bassett. After a farewell concert was posted to Bawtry…
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