Officers advanced training school - welfare



Officers advanced training school - welfare


What welfare is, where information is obtainable, station welfare committees, semi-official organisations, list of publications on welfare. Appendixes covers the RAF Benevolent fund, Welfare addresses, allied personnel's hospitality and organsisations



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Six page typewritten document

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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School 5 Jul 1945]
PRECIS: WELFARE [/underlined]
Appendix “A”:- Publications and A.M.O’s on Welfare
“ “B”:- R.A.F. Benevolent Fund
“ “C”:- Addresses.
References:- A.P. 837, Sect. 55
The Airman’s Welfare
Comrades in Arms
Guide to Service
1. Welfare is concerned with the mental and physical wellbeing of the individual officer and airman or airwoman and with the improvement of his or her efficiency as a member of the R.A.F. or W.A.A.F.
It follows that welfare comprises:-
(a) The elimination of personal or family worries.
(b) The provision of facilities for relaxation and recreation when off duty.
(c) The maintenance of the highest possible standard in the conditions of accommodation and messing.
(d) Provision of suitable entertainment.
2. Welfare is a means to an end, efficiency. The whole aim is to help commanders of all categories to build up a high standard of morale which can only be founded on happy and contented units.
3. The need for high morale will be even higher on cessation of war in Europe and intensification of war in the Far East when the operational spur will not be so great and many will only be thinking of release.
4. Information is obtainable from:-
(a) A.P. 837, Section 55.
(b) R.A.F. Welfare Bulletin (Index in No. 13 item 246)
(c) Appropriate R.A.F. Regional Welfare Officer (A.M.O. A. 728/44), if the subject concerns welfare off the station.
(d) Group or Command for welfare on station. Communication given welfare reference and sent through usual channels.
5. Station Welfare Committee under presidency of C.O. or S.Ad.O should be representative of all units and sections and include W.A.A.F., P.S.I., Entertainments. Should be thoroughly representative of station and have no “dead wood”.
6. Make full use of semi-official organisations.
(a) County Welfare Officer
(b) W. [deleted] P.C. [/deleted] [inserted] V.S. [/inserted])
(c) Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.) C.V.W.W. (Council of Voluntary War Work)
(d) S.S.A.F.A. See Appendix “C”
If you need address of local representatives – ask local Post Office.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis [/underlined]
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[underlined] PUBLICATIONS AND A.M.Os. ON WELFARE [/underlined]
[underlined] Publications and Pamphlets [/underlined]
Legal Aid (A.P.F.S.) “The Airman’s Welfare”.
“Guide to Service” (A.P.F.S.)
Air Ministry List of Welfare A.M.Os – amended from time to time by R.A.F. Welfare Bulletins (D.A.F.W. on D.O. request).
Private Hospitality (British Council)
Citizens’ Advice Notes (Council of Social Service)
Fishing for H.M. Forces (National Association of Fishery Boards).
Pamphlets from R.A.F. Benevolent Fund, S.S.A.F. Assocn.
[underlined] A.M.Os [/underlined]
Welfare Generally – A.240/43
“ of Lodger Units – A.151/44
[underlined] Accommodation [/underlined] Meals for airmen detained in London – A.485/41 – A580/41 – A.661/43
[underlined] Advice [/underlined] Legal – A.1163/42 – A.83/43 – A.168/43
[underlined] Allowances [/underlined] Losses due to enemy action – A.67/42
(Cars) – A.110/42
War Service Grants – A.1032/41 – A.710/42
[underlined] Authorship [/underlined] Publication – A.376/42 – A.652/42 – A.742/42
[underlined] Bicycles [/underlined] Service – A.488/43 – A.841/43 – A.1133/43
[underlined] Bombed Areas [/underlined] Civilian Casualties, information to Service relatives. – A.703/41 – N.1205/43
Free warrants for compassionate leave. – A.898/40 – A.192/41
Information regarding injury or damage to families or houses of R.A.F. personnel. – A.M. Pamphlet No. 126
[underlined] Books [/underlined] Supply of Library Allowance – A.945/43 – A.162/41
[underlined] Civil [/underlined] Liabilities (Hire Purchase, etc.) – A.715/40 – A.1/43
[underlined] Comforts [/underlined] Generally – A.224/40 – A.990/41 – A.946/43
Wireless Sets Battery Sets - A.497/41
Valves – A.1046/42 – A.240/43
[underlined] County Welfare Officers [/underlined]
[underlined] Education [/underlined] Correspondence Courses – A.131/42 – N.210/43
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[underlined] Education [/underlined] (contd.) Matriculation Examination – A.999/43 – A.3/43
[underlined] Entertainments [/underlined] Screening of Bandsmen – A.1148/42
[underlined] Maternity [/underlined] See Welfare Bulletin Sept. 1944, para. 294
Accommodation for wives of R.A.F. personnel in Maternity Homes and Hospitals – N.253/43
Special Leave for Officers and Airmen for wife’s confinement. – A.1073/42
Payment of Maternity benefit
(Officers) – A.1/43
(Airmen) – A.1319/42 – A.433/43
[underlined] Music [/underlined] Dance Band Instruments – A.1248/42
[underlined] Nuffield Fund for W.A.A.F. [/underlined] – A.196/44
[underlined] Post War [/underlined] Credits – A.474/42 – A.301/42 – A.1330/43
[underlined] R.A.F. Benevolent Fund [/underlined]
Applications through C.O. to Eaton House, 14, Eaton Rd., Hove, Sussex. (Not Dominion and Allied personnel, for these see A.P. 837, para. 1500).
[underlined] Sports Gear [/underlined] Cash Grants – A.150/39 – A.1140/42 – A.495/41
[underlined] Transport [/underlined] Repayment – A.302/42 – A.436/42 – A.608/42 – A.674/43 – A.1249/43
[underlined] War Service Emergency Grants [/underlined] A.1032/41 – A.710/42 – A.112/44
[underlined] INDEX TO WELFARE BULLETIN MAY HELP YOU [/underlined]
(See May 1944, item 246)
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[underlined] THE R.A.F. BENEVOLENT FUND [/underlined]
All applications for assistance from the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund from airmen, airwomen and officers must be made through their Commanding Officer, who then makes a recommendation in forwarding the application to Eaton House, 14, Eaton Road, Hove, Sussex.
Forms of application may be obtained from that address but if forms are not available on the Station, the following information should be provided when submitting and recommending an application.
(a) Service number, rank, surname and Christian names of applicant, Service trade and group.
(b) Date of enlistment.
(c) Details of family, number and age of children, etc.
(d) Combined weekly income of applicant and family:- including pay, allowances, War Service Grant, salary (if any) of wife and grown-up children and amount of voluntary allotment in issue (if any).
(e) Details of basic expenditure, including rent, rates, insurances, clothing clubs, hire purchase commitments, etc.
(f) Particulars of assistance applied for, supported by estimates, bills, etc. where applicable.
(g) Any special reasons occasioning the existing financial difficulties.
(h) Amount of assistance recommended and whether grant or loan; if a loan, the rate and date of commencement of repayment. See that full advantage has been taken of any official grants-in-aid (such as War Service Grants) [underlined] before [/underlined] application is made.
When submitting applications, endeavour to present a clear and concise picture of the case, supported by details of any extenuating circumstances.
Applications for assistance from dependants of personnel serving overseas may be made by the dependants direct to the Fund’s offices at the above address.
In the case of all personnel reported killed, missing or died on active service, the Fund automatically receives a casualty notification from Air Ministry. On receipt of this a letter of condolence on behalf of the Council of the Fund is sent to the next-of-kin, advising what allowances from Air Ministry should be in issue and where to apply. At the same time, the dependant is advised to get in touch with the Fund should any financial assistance be needed at present or in the future.
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[underlined] WELFARE: Addresses [/underlined]
[heading] [underlined] Address – Function [/underlined] [/heading]
Auxiliary Services Dept. R.C.A.F. Overseas H.Q. 20, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C. – R.C.A.F. Welfare
British Drama League, 9, Fitzroy Square, London, W.1 – Scripts and Plays
C.E.M.A. 9, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.1 – Concert Artists – Plays
R.A.F. Benevolent Fund 14, Eaton Road, Hove. – (See Appendix “B”)
R.A.F. Comforts Committee 42, Berkeley Street, London, W.1 – Distribution of Woollen Comforts, Indoor Games, etc.
E.N.S.A. (R.A.F. Liaison Officer) Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, S.W.1 – Assists ex-Serving men to resettle in civilian life.
Nuffield Fund Committee Air Ministry (A.F.W.12.B) [deleted] Adastral House [/deleted] [inserted] 160-180 ASHLEY GARDENS. London, [deleted] W.C.2 [/deleted] [inserted] W.1. [/inserted] – Grants and Gifts for W.A.A.F.
Nuffield Aircrew Leave Scheme Air Ministry (A.F.W. 1 a) [deleted] Adastral House, [/deleted] [inserted] AS ABOVE [/inserted] London, W. [deleted] C.2 [/deleted] [inserted] 1 [/inserted] – Information – allocation of vacancies. (See Welfare Bulletin, Jan. 1944, Item 233)
National Council of Social Service 26, Bedford Square, London, W.C.1 – Citizens’ Advice Notes
N.A.A.F.I. Ruxley Towers, Claygate Esher, Surrey – N.A.A.F.I. Headquarters
Officers Association 8, Easton Square, London, S.W.1 – Employment and aid for ex-officers
Ministry of Pensions (Air Ministry Liaison Officer) Adastral House, London, W.C.2 – War Service Grants
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Performing Rights Society Copyright House, 33, Margaret Street, London, W.1 – Queries re Performing Rights for plays, (see Welfare Bulletin, June 1944, Item 259)
R.A.F. Association 105 A, Gloucester Road, London, S.W.7 – Assists members to obtain pensions & employment (see A.M.O. 359/43).
S.S.A. Help Society [deleted] 23, Queen Anne’s Gate, [deleted] [inserted] 122 BROMPTON RD SW.3 [/inserted] London, S.W. [deleted] 1 [/deleted] [inserted] 3 [/inserted] – Help and advice to serving men and women. See A.M.O. 511/44. W.A.A.F. Hospitality, see Welfare Bulletin, Aug. 1944 for local representatives.
South African Voluntary Service 27, Princes Gate, London, S.W.7 – South African Personnel Welfare
Services Central Book Depot, Artillery House, Handel Street, London, W.C.1 – Supply of Books, A.M.O.A. 945/43
Polish Air Force Headquarters Welfare Department 1, Princes Row London, S.W.1 – Polish Welfare
[underlined] Allied Personnel’s Hospitality Organisations [/underlined]
British Norwegian Institute – Rutland House, Rutland Gate, London, S.W.7
Belgian Institute – 6, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.1
Czechoslovak Institute – 18, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W.1
The Polish Hearth – 45, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.1
Yugoslav House – 2, Lowther Gardens, Exhibition Road, London, S.W.7


“Officers advanced training school - welfare,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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