Officers advanced training school - service institutes
Officers advanced training school - service institutes
Covers objects and organisation of N.A.A.F.I., the running of the institute, president and committee of the institute, sources of P.S.I income, expenditure of P.S.I funds, procedure for dealing with the N.A.A.F.I in regard to complaints and suggestions, P.S.I property, some other activities of N.A.A.F.I., some useful A.M.Os and questions.
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Four page typewritten document
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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School 5 JUL 1945]
[underlined] 23C5
References: K.R. and A.C.I., Chap. XXI
A.P. 837, Sect. 55
A.P. 1409, Standard Instructions for Keeping Non-Public Accounts, Part III.
[underlined] Objects and Organisation of N.A.A.F.I. [/underlined]
1. The letters N.A.A.F.I. stand for Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, a company run for the Services and not for private profit. The net revenue is used for the benefit of the Services in the form of rebates paid to the P.S.I. fund.
2. It is the intention that N.A.A.F.I. will provide an institute at every R.A.F. station at home and abroad. Service is provided for airmen and airwomen, sometimes at a loss, at many small and isolated camps where no shopkeeper would open a shop. N.A.A.F.I. also supplies a large part of the food used in the airmen’s mess. The station institute funds benefit by a rebate of 6 percent on all money spent by the airmen and airwomen in the institute and on the cost of most of the food supplied by N.A.A.F.I. to the airmen’s mess. Rebate is paid monthly by N.A.A.F.I. to P.S.I.
[underlined] The Running of the Institute [/underlined]
3. Airwomen usually have a separate Institute when the W.A.A.F. sleeping site is distant from the communal site, but a common-room for R.A.F. and W.A.A.F. in the Main Institute is desireable. [sic]
4. N.C.Os. are not allowed to use the rooms provided for aircraftmen and aircraftwomen. (Sergeants have their own Mess and the Corporals have a part of the N.A.A.F.I. reserved for their use). As few civilians as possible should be allowed to use the N.A.A.F.I. K.R. 1766 governs permits for civilians.
R.A.F. personnel are responsible for the cleaning of and discipline in the rooms used by the airmen and airwomen. For this purpose a “Canteen Corporal” is usually detailed daily or weekly and the Orderly Officer visits daily. The N.A.A.F.I. staff look after the service rooms, kitchens and all rooms behind the serving counters, (K.R. 1754). The Air Ministry Works Directorate is responsible for repairs to the whole building.
5. Food is not to be sold from 1 1/2 hours before until two hours after the time for beginning the mid-day meal. This restriction includes chocolate and sweets but not liquid refreshment, cigarettes or tobacco. (A.M.O. A.204/43).
It is important to ensure even distribution of the ration of sweets and chocolate and of cigarettes and tobacco at pre-budget prices.
No intoxicating liquors other than beer may be sold in the Institute. (K.R. 1768).
6. The only airmen who should work in the N.A.A.F.I. are the airmen i/c billiard tables, the airman librarian (if the library is in the N.A.A.F.I.) and the cleaning party.
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[underlined] President and Committee of the Institute [/underlined]
7. The C.O. details an officer to act as the President of the Service Institute. The letters “P.S.I.” signify both the President and the Institute funds. The President should, if possible, be a Squadron Leader or above and never below Flight Lieutenant. The S. Ad. O. is normally the President.
8. An institute Committee is elected by and should be representative of all the corporals, aircraftmen and aircraftwomen on the camp. (K.R. 1758). The Committee (known either as “P.S.I.” Committee or the “Institute Committee”) should meet not less than monthly. They deal with complaints and suggestions about the running of the N.A.A.F.I. and proposals for the expenditure of institute funds. This Committee is distinct from the Station Welfare Committee which has a much wider sphere of activity. Minutes of Committee meetings should be kept in a special book.
[underlined] Sources of P.S.I. Income [/underlined]
9. In addition to the rebate mentioned in paragraph 4, which is the main source of P.S.I. income, P.S.I. also receives a library allowance from the Accountant Officer (K.R. 2908 and 3377 and A.M.O. A.162/41). Further income is sometimes derived from station activities such as dances, gardening, etc. A separate banking account should be kept for P.S.I. funds. Accounts are to be kept in accordance with A.P. 1409. Accounts are audited every four months and an audited balance sheet should be exhibited on the notice board in the N.A.A.F.I.
[underlined] Expenditure of P.S.I. Funds [/underlined]
10. P.S.I. funds should be used firstly to make the Institute rooms comfortable and club-like by providing extra:-
furniture pictures games wireless sets papers etc.
and then for the general benefit or airmen and airwomen on the station e.g., purchase of sports gear, travelling expenses for sports teams:-
outings gardening schemes concert parties dances library books wireless sets
and games at dispersed sites. A grant from P.S.I. funds may also be made in aid of messing on special occasions, e.g. Christmas. K.R. 1783 prohibits certain expenditure.
11. Commanders should give special consideration to personnel at satellites and detachments who have equal right to a fair share of P.S.I. funds and usually have a much greater need than those on the parent station. P.S.I. funds should not be hoarded.
[underlined] Procedure for dealing with the N.A.A.F.I. in regard to complaints and suggestions [/underlined]
12. The C.O. will deal firstly with the local Manager or Manageress of the N.A.A.F.I. and if no satisfactory settlement is arranged, the C.O. will request the District Manager to call on him. The Group Supervisor of the N.A.A.F.I. may sometimes accompany the District Manager. If this meeting does not produce a satisfactory settlement, the C.O. should refer the matter in writing to his R.A.F. Command Headquarters. (K.R. 1759).
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[underlined] P.S.I. Property [/underlined]
13. A Property Book should be kept showing all property purchased by or belonging to the P.S.I. This includes gifts made from organised public bodies such as R.A.F. Comforts Committee and from members of the public. (A.M.O. A.1065/43).
14. Items such as wireless sets, sports equipment, gramophones and musical instruments are very difficult to replace and are apt to get lost or broken unless an N.C.O. or other responsible person is put in charge of each item and a signature obtained. All property recorded in the Property Book should be physically checked by two officers at each four-monthly audit.
[underlined] Some other activities of N.A.A.F.I.. [/underlined]
15. N.A.A.F.I. have built up a large organisation for entertainment of the Services at home and abroad under the title “ E.N.S.A.” which runs concert parties and cinema shows and also assists station concert parties and lends films. Sports equipment is supplied and repaired by N.A.A.F.I. At the larger stations, N.A.A.F.I. run a grocery shop where all service personnel and their families and Officers and Sergeants’ Messes may buy at a discount of 10 percent a large range of grocery and household goods.
[underlined] Some useful A.M.Os. (Series A) [/underlined]
495/41 Assistance in provision of sports equipment by R.A.F. Sports Board.
855/41 Only one wireless licence required for any number of sets.
15/42 No charge for current for wireless sets.
632/42 Special insurance policy for Institute property.
959/42 Supply of sports gear through N.A.A.F.I. (amended by 1131/42 and 115/43).
1046/42 Supply of valves for wireless sets through N.A.A.F.I.
1150/42 Grants to new units for sports gear.
1248/42 Supply of musical instruments through R.A.F. Comforts.
201/43 Land Cultivation.
582/43 Repair of sports and games equipment by N.A.A.F.I.
945/43 Supply of library books.
87/44 Grants for new units from R.A.F. Central Fund.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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Questions: Service Institutes [/underlined]
1. What happens to the net profit earned by N.A.A.F.I.?
2. Does a Station have to be a certain size before it can get an Institute?
3. On what is the N.A.A.F.I. rebate calculated?
4. To whom is it paid?
5. Who is responsible for cleaning the Institute?
6. How is discipline maintained in the Institute?
7. Who is responsible for repairs to the Institute?
8. Who is allowed to use the Institute?
9. What restriction is there on the hours for sale of food in the Institute?
10. May whiskey and gin be sold in the Institute?
11. May airmen be employed in the Institute?
12. Who appoints the President of the Institute?
13. What rank should the President be?
14. Who appoints the Committee?
15. What ranks should they be?
16. When should they meet?
17. What matters do they deal with?
18. Where are the decisions of the Committee recorded?
19. Name two sources of income of P.S.I.
20. Where would you look for the regulations on keeping P.S.I. accounts?
21. How do airmen know the financial position of P.S.I.?
22. How are P.S.I. Funds used?
23. What is the procedure for settling complaints with the N.A.A.F.I.?
24. How is a record kept of what belongs to the P.S.I.?
25. Name two ways in which P.S.I. property is safeguarded.
26. Name three other activities of N.A.A.F.I. besides the Institute.
[underlined] 23C5
References: K.R. and A.C.I., Chap. XXI
A.P. 837, Sect. 55
A.P. 1409, Standard Instructions for Keeping Non-Public Accounts, Part III.
[underlined] Objects and Organisation of N.A.A.F.I. [/underlined]
1. The letters N.A.A.F.I. stand for Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes, a company run for the Services and not for private profit. The net revenue is used for the benefit of the Services in the form of rebates paid to the P.S.I. fund.
2. It is the intention that N.A.A.F.I. will provide an institute at every R.A.F. station at home and abroad. Service is provided for airmen and airwomen, sometimes at a loss, at many small and isolated camps where no shopkeeper would open a shop. N.A.A.F.I. also supplies a large part of the food used in the airmen’s mess. The station institute funds benefit by a rebate of 6 percent on all money spent by the airmen and airwomen in the institute and on the cost of most of the food supplied by N.A.A.F.I. to the airmen’s mess. Rebate is paid monthly by N.A.A.F.I. to P.S.I.
[underlined] The Running of the Institute [/underlined]
3. Airwomen usually have a separate Institute when the W.A.A.F. sleeping site is distant from the communal site, but a common-room for R.A.F. and W.A.A.F. in the Main Institute is desireable. [sic]
4. N.C.Os. are not allowed to use the rooms provided for aircraftmen and aircraftwomen. (Sergeants have their own Mess and the Corporals have a part of the N.A.A.F.I. reserved for their use). As few civilians as possible should be allowed to use the N.A.A.F.I. K.R. 1766 governs permits for civilians.
R.A.F. personnel are responsible for the cleaning of and discipline in the rooms used by the airmen and airwomen. For this purpose a “Canteen Corporal” is usually detailed daily or weekly and the Orderly Officer visits daily. The N.A.A.F.I. staff look after the service rooms, kitchens and all rooms behind the serving counters, (K.R. 1754). The Air Ministry Works Directorate is responsible for repairs to the whole building.
5. Food is not to be sold from 1 1/2 hours before until two hours after the time for beginning the mid-day meal. This restriction includes chocolate and sweets but not liquid refreshment, cigarettes or tobacco. (A.M.O. A.204/43).
It is important to ensure even distribution of the ration of sweets and chocolate and of cigarettes and tobacco at pre-budget prices.
No intoxicating liquors other than beer may be sold in the Institute. (K.R. 1768).
6. The only airmen who should work in the N.A.A.F.I. are the airmen i/c billiard tables, the airman librarian (if the library is in the N.A.A.F.I.) and the cleaning party.
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[underlined] President and Committee of the Institute [/underlined]
7. The C.O. details an officer to act as the President of the Service Institute. The letters “P.S.I.” signify both the President and the Institute funds. The President should, if possible, be a Squadron Leader or above and never below Flight Lieutenant. The S. Ad. O. is normally the President.
8. An institute Committee is elected by and should be representative of all the corporals, aircraftmen and aircraftwomen on the camp. (K.R. 1758). The Committee (known either as “P.S.I.” Committee or the “Institute Committee”) should meet not less than monthly. They deal with complaints and suggestions about the running of the N.A.A.F.I. and proposals for the expenditure of institute funds. This Committee is distinct from the Station Welfare Committee which has a much wider sphere of activity. Minutes of Committee meetings should be kept in a special book.
[underlined] Sources of P.S.I. Income [/underlined]
9. In addition to the rebate mentioned in paragraph 4, which is the main source of P.S.I. income, P.S.I. also receives a library allowance from the Accountant Officer (K.R. 2908 and 3377 and A.M.O. A.162/41). Further income is sometimes derived from station activities such as dances, gardening, etc. A separate banking account should be kept for P.S.I. funds. Accounts are to be kept in accordance with A.P. 1409. Accounts are audited every four months and an audited balance sheet should be exhibited on the notice board in the N.A.A.F.I.
[underlined] Expenditure of P.S.I. Funds [/underlined]
10. P.S.I. funds should be used firstly to make the Institute rooms comfortable and club-like by providing extra:-
furniture pictures games wireless sets papers etc.
and then for the general benefit or airmen and airwomen on the station e.g., purchase of sports gear, travelling expenses for sports teams:-
outings gardening schemes concert parties dances library books wireless sets
and games at dispersed sites. A grant from P.S.I. funds may also be made in aid of messing on special occasions, e.g. Christmas. K.R. 1783 prohibits certain expenditure.
11. Commanders should give special consideration to personnel at satellites and detachments who have equal right to a fair share of P.S.I. funds and usually have a much greater need than those on the parent station. P.S.I. funds should not be hoarded.
[underlined] Procedure for dealing with the N.A.A.F.I. in regard to complaints and suggestions [/underlined]
12. The C.O. will deal firstly with the local Manager or Manageress of the N.A.A.F.I. and if no satisfactory settlement is arranged, the C.O. will request the District Manager to call on him. The Group Supervisor of the N.A.A.F.I. may sometimes accompany the District Manager. If this meeting does not produce a satisfactory settlement, the C.O. should refer the matter in writing to his R.A.F. Command Headquarters. (K.R. 1759).
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[underlined] P.S.I. Property [/underlined]
13. A Property Book should be kept showing all property purchased by or belonging to the P.S.I. This includes gifts made from organised public bodies such as R.A.F. Comforts Committee and from members of the public. (A.M.O. A.1065/43).
14. Items such as wireless sets, sports equipment, gramophones and musical instruments are very difficult to replace and are apt to get lost or broken unless an N.C.O. or other responsible person is put in charge of each item and a signature obtained. All property recorded in the Property Book should be physically checked by two officers at each four-monthly audit.
[underlined] Some other activities of N.A.A.F.I.. [/underlined]
15. N.A.A.F.I. have built up a large organisation for entertainment of the Services at home and abroad under the title “ E.N.S.A.” which runs concert parties and cinema shows and also assists station concert parties and lends films. Sports equipment is supplied and repaired by N.A.A.F.I. At the larger stations, N.A.A.F.I. run a grocery shop where all service personnel and their families and Officers and Sergeants’ Messes may buy at a discount of 10 percent a large range of grocery and household goods.
[underlined] Some useful A.M.Os. (Series A) [/underlined]
495/41 Assistance in provision of sports equipment by R.A.F. Sports Board.
855/41 Only one wireless licence required for any number of sets.
15/42 No charge for current for wireless sets.
632/42 Special insurance policy for Institute property.
959/42 Supply of sports gear through N.A.A.F.I. (amended by 1131/42 and 115/43).
1046/42 Supply of valves for wireless sets through N.A.A.F.I.
1150/42 Grants to new units for sports gear.
1248/42 Supply of musical instruments through R.A.F. Comforts.
201/43 Land Cultivation.
582/43 Repair of sports and games equipment by N.A.A.F.I.
945/43 Supply of library books.
87/44 Grants for new units from R.A.F. Central Fund.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis: [/underlined]
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Questions: Service Institutes [/underlined]
1. What happens to the net profit earned by N.A.A.F.I.?
2. Does a Station have to be a certain size before it can get an Institute?
3. On what is the N.A.A.F.I. rebate calculated?
4. To whom is it paid?
5. Who is responsible for cleaning the Institute?
6. How is discipline maintained in the Institute?
7. Who is responsible for repairs to the Institute?
8. Who is allowed to use the Institute?
9. What restriction is there on the hours for sale of food in the Institute?
10. May whiskey and gin be sold in the Institute?
11. May airmen be employed in the Institute?
12. Who appoints the President of the Institute?
13. What rank should the President be?
14. Who appoints the Committee?
15. What ranks should they be?
16. When should they meet?
17. What matters do they deal with?
18. Where are the decisions of the Committee recorded?
19. Name two sources of income of P.S.I.
20. Where would you look for the regulations on keeping P.S.I. accounts?
21. How do airmen know the financial position of P.S.I.?
22. How are P.S.I. Funds used?
23. What is the procedure for settling complaints with the N.A.A.F.I.?
24. How is a record kept of what belongs to the P.S.I.?
25. Name two ways in which P.S.I. property is safeguarded.
26. Name three other activities of N.A.A.F.I. besides the Institute.
“Officers advanced training school - service institutes,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,
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