Officers advanced training school - sergeants' mess



Officers advanced training school - sergeants' mess


Covers formation and control, membership, subscriptions and contributions, payment of mess bills, discipline, entertainment, mess equipment/insurance, mess meetings, mess management, responsibility of C.O., responsibility of officer in charge, duties of chairman, caterer and treasurer and questions.



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Four page typewritten document

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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School Jun 1945]
References: K.R. 1702-1722, Chapter XX, Section 11.
A.P. 1408 – Standard Instructions for keeping non-public accounts.
A.M.Os. A.621/41, A.66/44, [missing letter].482/44, A.874/41, A.1121/43, A.1228/44., A.168/45
[underlined] Formation and Control [/underlined]
1. (a) To be formed when practicable.
(b) Advantages of a well-run mess. Introductions to mess life.
(c) Importance to N.C.Os subsequently commissioned.
(d) Discipline, tone, hospitality.
(K.R. 1702)
[underlined] Membership [/underlined]
2. (a) Full. Affiliated. Honorary.
(b) Every Warrant Officer, Flight Sergeant, and Sergeant to be member of mess.
(c) Affiliated and Honorary members not eligible for office or entitled to vote.
(K.R. 1704)
[underlined] Subscriptions and Contributions [/underlined]
3. (a) Living-in not exceeding 1/3rd of 1 day’s ordinary pay-monthly.
Living-out “ “ 1/6th “ “ “ “ “ – “
(b) Subscription charges during absence on leave but NOT during periods of more than 10 consecutive days in hospital or on sick leave.
(c) Daily rate of messing decided by Committee and approved by C.O.
(K.R. 1705)
[underlined] Payment – Mess Bills [/underlined]
4. (a) Date of payment laid down by C.O. An advantage for Mess bills, to be payable periodically on pay days. (K.R. 1706)
(b) Unpaid Mess bills of Members, deceased, missing or P.O.W.
[underlined] Discipline [/underlined]
5. (a) Senior W.O. or N.C.O. responsible
(b) Treating between full and honorary members forbidden.
(c) No credit given for bar sales – strict cash basis
(K.R. 1707, 1709, 1710).
[underlined] Entertainments [/underlined]
6. (a) Concurrence of two thirds of members in general meeting necessary.
(b) Sanction of C.O. to be obtained.
(c) Liquor consumed, except by guests, not chargeable against funds. (K.R. 1708)
[underlined] Mess Equipment – Insurance [/underlined]
7. (a) Scale laid down in A.P. 830, Vol. 111
(b) Property purchased out of Mess Funds or grant from Air Ministry and is the property of the Mess.
(c) The property mentioned in (ii) must be insured against fire and theft.
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(d) Mess must protect itself against claims under W.C.A.
(e) If Mess property exceeds £1000 in value, war-risk insurance is compulsory – if £1000 or below £1000 insurance is voluntary, but in event of loss or damage no recovery can be made or compensation paid if insurance not effected. (K.R. 1711 & 1713. AMO. A.621/41).
(f) Fidelity Guarantee insurance on civilian employee (Mess Steward) handling cash.
[underlined] Mess Meetings [/underlined]
8. (a) Held monthly – senior W.O. or N.C.O. presides
(b) Minutes recorded – submitted to C.O. for approval.
(c) Monthly statements of accounts (K.R. 1714).
[underlined] Mess Management [/underlined]
9. The following are responsible for management and supervision:-
(a) Officer in charge, appointed by C.O.
(b) Chairman of Mess Committee – appointed for 4-monthly accounting period.
(c) Committee of 3 additional to chairman
[symbol] (d) Caterer – rank of sergeant – NOT being member of [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] Committee. [inserted] 1 MONTH [/inserted]
[symbol] (e) Treasurer – rank W.O. or F/Sgt. NOT BEING Member of [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] Committee (K.R. 1346, 1715.) [inserted] 4 MONTHS [/inserted]
([underlined] Note: Sub-para. 2 of 1715 is important.) [/underlined]
[underlined] Responsibility of C.O. [/underlined]
10. (a) Appointment of officer in charge.
(b) The proper application of funds and compliance with regulations relating to checking of accounts and that they are audited.
(c) Surprise check of cash and cash book.
(d) Operation of Banking Account only by officer in charge. (K.R. 1716)
(e) (Note:- Sub-para. 6 of K.R. 1716 suspended during war by A.M.O. N.473/40).
[underlined] Responsibilities and duties of officer in charge [/underlined]
11. (a) Immediate supervision, conduct, discipline, management.
(b) Accounts, cash and finance including banking.
(c) Issue to Treasurer cash not exceeding £5.
(d) Permitted to spend up to £5 on any one transaction on behalf of Mess.
(e) Carry out check of commodities, bar stock and cash at intervals laid down by C.O.
(f) Inform C.O. of all outstanding accounts by 16th of each month and report names of members whose mess bills are unpaid. Seven days grace is allowed. (K.R. 1717, A.M.O. A.482/44 (Amended by A.355/45)
[underlined] Duties of Chairman, Caterer and Treasurer [/underlined]
12. (a) The duties of these officials are defined in these paragraphs.
(b) The Chairman must see and approve all orders for stock.
(c) The books to be maintained by the Mess are detailed in K.R. 1721.
(K.R. 1718/1720).
[underlined] Amendments to this precis [/underlined]
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1. What ar [sic] the advantages of a Sergeants’ Mess to a Station?
2. Are affiliated or honorary members entitled to attend Mess Meetings? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
3. What is the subscription monthly of a living-in Member? [inserted] 1/3 [/inserted]
4. Is the monthly Mess Subscription charged during absence on leave? [inserted] YES. [/inserted]
5. “ “ “ “ “ “ during absence in hospital? [inserted] – 10 days [/inserted]
6. Who approves the daily rate of messing? [inserted] Station Commander [/inserted]
7. When is a convenient time to require payment of mess bills? [inserted] Pay-days [/inserted]
8. Are bar sales effected in cash or on the chit system? [inserted] cash. [/inserted]
9. Who is responsible for order and discipline in Mess? [inserted] Senior N.C.O. [/inserted]
10. What proportion of members requisite to enable members to hold a dance? [inserted] 2/3 [/inserted]
11. Who pays for liquor consumed by guests?
12. In what publication is the scale of Mess Equipment found?
13. What equipment or property actually belongs to the Mess?
14. What classes of insurance is it necessary or desirable for the Mess to effect?
15. Who presides at a Mess Meeting?
16. Is it necessary for the recorded minutes of a Mess Meeting to be approved by the C.O.? [inserted] Yes [/inserted]
17. State briefly the officials who are responsible for the management of mess. [inserted] officer i/c. C.M.C., Committee, Caterer etc. [/inserted]
18. Can an existing member of the Committee be appointed Treasurer? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
19. Can the Treasurer be re-appointed after he has served one four-monthly accounting period? [inserted] NO [/inserted]
20. Is it permissible for the Treasurer to be assisted by an N.C.O. of accounting branch? [inserted] Yes [/inserted]
21. Name one of the principal duties of the Station commander towards the Sergeants’ Mess.
22. Who is responsible for the proper application of mess funds? [inserted] Station Com. [/inserted]
23. “ “ “ “ “ operation of the banking account? [inserted] officer i/c [/inserted]
24. Who receives from the Treasurer the cash collected in the Mess? [inserted] “ [/inserted]
25. Is it permissible to use cash collected in Mess to discharge bills or for petty cash transactions? [inserted] No. [/inserted]
26. What sum may be expended in any one transaction on behalf of Mess and by whom?
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27. Who is responsible for the correctness of mess accounts and balance sheets to be presented to the four-monthly audit boards?
28. Who approves orders for stock given on behalf of Mess.
29. What sum is the Treasurer authorised to hold as petty cash; from whom does he receive it?
30. Who is the custodian of the following Mess Books?
(a) The bar stock book. [inserted] Caterer [/inserted]
(b) The ledger. [inserted] Treasurer [/inserted]
(c) The petty cash book. [inserted] Treasurer [/inserted]
(d) The cash book. [inserted] Officer i/c [/inserted]
(e) The minute book. [inserted] CMC. [/inserted]
31. What publication details instructions for the keeping of above mentioned books?


“Officers advanced training school - sergeants' mess,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 21, 2025,

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