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Seven photograph montage of Ken Hicks at various ages and in various situations. Top left as a schoolboy captioned 'Kenny'. Bottom left in a family group. Top centre in a school class. Centre a comtemporary photograph in colour of Ken Hicks wearing…


Groups of airmen arranged in front of Boston aircraft.
'R.A.F. West Raynham, 5th July 1943. 107 Sqd Boston A/C,
107 Sqd, Officers, C.O. W/C. England.
107 Sqd, Senior N.C.O.
107 Sqd, A. Flight.
107 Sqd, B. Flight.'

Photograph 1 is of the port side of a Boston, 'BZ331', 'D' captioned 'Boston A/C 88 Sqd with its 'War Paint' ready for the invasion, May 1944.'

Photograph 2 is of a group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Boston, 'D'. Captioned '88…

Photographs 1 is of three airmen and a dog sitting on the ground. Reginald George Cavalier is on the left. Captioned: 'Chalky White, Les Seymour.'

Photograph 2 is of five airmen sitting on the grass in front of a barbed wire fence. Captioned:…

Photographs 1 and 2 are views of a house captioned 'Photo Sec Billet, 11th Dec 1944' (in heavy snow) and 'Vitry en Artois, Northern France. Photo Sec Billet, Jan 1945.'

Photographs 3 and 4 are street scenes in deep snow captioned 'Photo Sec…

Photograph 1 is of non-commissioned officers supervising children at a Christmas Party, captioned 'Christmas Party for the children of Vitroy [sic] en Artois and surrounding villages, in the village hall, Vitroy [sic] en Artois, given by R.A.F. 137…

Photograph 1 is of a stack of medium capacity bombs.
Photograph 2 is of the interior of a chapel. Captioned 'Binbrook chapel of rest'.
Photographs 3, 5 and 6 are of two airmen standing next to large stockpiles of medium capacity bombs.

Left page.

Top left - Two swans in water at riverside. Captioned 'Swans'

Top right - Joy Dawson sitting on a fence on the riverbank. In the background trees line the bank and a church. Captioned 'The feeder of'.

Bottom left - Joy Dawson…


Left page title 'Tea time visitors, April 48, Roger Norton, Ann'.

Top left - Stephen Dawson stands between Joy and Ann in garden with wooden fence behind.

Top right - Roger Norton in suit and tie and Ann wearing dress standing in…


A large group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Stirling aircraft. On the reverse 'Nov 1943 3 Group 622 Squadron. Bomber Command. R.A.F. Mildenhall Short Stirling Mk III'.

Left page.

Top left - a man wearing light jacket standing in a garden with a dog begging to the left. A woman's arm is visible on the right edge of the image. Captioned 'Susie, Dad and an arm'.

Top right - a man and a woman both wearing suits…


Left page.

Top - two sequential images of Joy Dawson and a girl sitting on a rockery in a garden. Joy Dawson has a cat on her lap. In the left image the girl is reaching for the cat. Captioned 'curiosity nearly killed the cat'.

Bottom left - a…


Left page.

Title 'June 50'.

Top left - Stephen and Joy Dawson sitting in a garden with baby Christine Dawson. Captioned 'Hesslemount'.

Middle top - a man and woman sitting in a garden with a baby between them.

Top right - a woman in…


Left page.

Top left - A large white multistory building with road in front with parked bicycles and women walking. Top right - view from a window on road and sea beyond. Captioned 'the view'. Middle - Joy Dawson sitting at a bar. captioned 'the…


Seven airmen in two rows. The front row is kneeling and four men at the back are standing. They are dressed in lifejackets and parachutes. Leonard Dorricott is first on the left. One man is kneeling and holding a spotted toy leopard. The pilot, Billy…

A wooden plaque of 460 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force. It has the motto 'Strike and return' and a depiction of a kangaroo and a boomerang.

A handwritten notebook containing the war diary of A Dorricott from October 1914. He embarks the SS Deseado at Southampton and sails through the Bay of Biscay, past Gibraltar to Malta. They continued with naval escorts to Port Said, through the Suez…

Nino Tenca Montini reminisces about his wartime experiences in Udine and the Friuli region. He describes the family shelter as a concrete reinforced basement, sparsely furnished with wooden benches. He recalls the urge to escape the vigilance of…

A Lincoln and a Varsity taken from the starboard side, looking across a barbed wire fence.

A Lincoln with an experimental nose. In the foreground a man is sitting with his back to the camera, on his left is an Alsatian dog. Behind him is a VW…

Wartime memoir covering Dennis Raettig's training at Blackpool and the posting to 104 Squadron at Royal Air Force Driffield in August 1941. Worked on Wellington aircraft and mentions that Driffield also hosted the blind approach landing flight…

Writes about stories of damage to Hull in bombing related by him and other acquaintances. Enquires about other people and relates some family news. Mentions that things are not comfy at her location due to bombing but she wished to stay with her…

Written at sea. Starts with some humorous banter. Mentions that the first thing he will get when they settle and but a house is a dog. Writes story of obtaining a snakeskin in Brisbane and that he will be up all night going through the strait where…


Written from Singapore. Noted that he missed ship Scalaria by few hours and laments difficulty in finding a 'homeship'. Mentions that another captain thinks every homeship coming through is his but Dennis's father is senior. Talks about Dennis's new…


Warrant Officer Robert Royston Clarke joined the Royal Air Force in 1940 and flew in Lancasters.
He joined Bomber Command after seeing the bombing of Coventry.
Robert tells about bailing out and being manhandled by the local inhabitants before…
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