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  • Tags: Wellington

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Clarence Hughes, Navigator, covering the period from 8 January 1942 to 18 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 32 Air Navigation…

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Squadron personnel of 427 Squadron in front of a Wellington. Clarence Lindsay Hughes front row 4th from the right in the seated group. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Ian Grant Henderson’s navigator’s log book covering the period from 28 June 1943 to 9 Aug 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator. He was stationed at RCAF Edmonton (2 AOS), RAF Bishops Court (7 OAFU), RAF Peplow (83…

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for E D Leaviss, air gunner, covering the period from 9 July 1944 to 8 June 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Brough, RAF…

Account of his time as a navigator on the squadron from September 1944 to January 1945. Describes his crew and training in Australia travel via the United States to England to join Bomber Command. Writes of training for multi-engine bombers and early…

Shows maps of North Wales and the Midlands as well as an explanation of the Douglas protractor as well as diagrams of the Dalton computer and photographs of Wellington. Describes training at RAF Lichfield from end of March to 21 June 1944. Shows…

Catches up with mail received. Mentions they had finished OTU and expected to go to conversion unit for Halifax and Lancaster in a few weeks. Says they were all pleased with results of their course on Wellington. He had received above average as a…

Royal Australian Air Force observer’s air gunner’s and W/T operator’s flying log book for H G Adams, navigator, covering the period from 11 May 1943 to 23 August 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He…

Flying log book for D Moore, navigator, covering the period from 5 June 1943 to 13 June 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and post war flying with 52 Squadron and civilian flying with Silver City Airlines. He…

Flying log book for D Moore, navigator, covering the period from 28 June 1951 to 4 June 1959. Detailing his instructor duties and navigator duties with Flying Training Command, telecommunications flying Unit and Radar Reconnaissance Flying Unit. He…

Letter to Jack Newton's pilot providing more information about the Belgian people who had been involved in the escape line to help his crew. Includes places they stayed and show linkage of the organisation. Includes information on Belgian resistance…

Writes of his investigation into Belgian people involved in trying to help his crew escape after they had crashed in Belgium. He gives names and locations of those involved and notes that many had been arrested by the Germans. Gives detailed…

Thanks him for his letter and says that he had not been helped in his enquiries by the Belgian escape service. Writes of a member of his group that was shot by the Germans and that he had now traced the escape line from the beginning. List names and…

Writes that he had not found out how Langlois was arrested but it seem that the Belgian he was with had been betrayed. Asks about his activates after the war and tells a little of his own. Says he is enclosing report. Report covers the crash landing…

Includes photographs of twelve squadron officers, the crashed aircraft, some of the crew, Jack and Mary Newton and Sgt R D Porteous. Recounts the last sortie of the crew to Aachen when they had to jettison their bombs, an engine caught fire and they…

Air-to-air view of a Wellington flying to the right. Registration W5421 PH-G. Signed bottom left 'Jack Newtonn 12 Squadron RAFVR'. On the reverse 'Aircraft set on fire with very pistol and set of cartridges by self, Porteous, and Copley. Left for…

Describes events leading up to and including Jack Newton's last operation before crash landing in Belgium. Lists his crew and gives account of their attempts at evasion, meeting with Belgian helpers, moving to various safe houses and Jack Newton's…

Top shows nose and front turret of a Wellington. Captioned 'The front office, where it all happened'.
Bottom show turret alone surrounded by group of onlookers.

Top - six aircrew wearing flying suits standing alongside the rear fuselage of a Wellington. Captioned 'Cab and crew missing 7/41'. Bottom six aircrew wearing a variety of flying clothes standing in front on the nose of a Wellington. Captioned…

Report describing enemy aircraft flight action. At 0:45 at De Plank a Wellington was shot down. Identification of crew impossible. Reference made to De Plank cemetery. Around 1:45 a Wellington landed at Antwerp-Deurne airfield. At 00:30 a Wellington,…

Gives account of event when Wellington W5421 of 12 Squadron landed on fire at Antwerp Deurne on 5/6 August 1941. Notes that all crew except Jack Newton became prisoners of war He became the first airman to reach UK using the Comète escape line.…

Article about Jack Newton, their Wellington's landing on fire in Antwerp and his subsequent escape with help from Belgian citizens.
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