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  • Tags: killed in action

Raymond Race was born in a family working in the textile industry and joined the RAF in 1943, serving on the metropolitan communications squadron. Tells about his family’s military service: his father joined the Royal Field Artillery; his eldest…

Bernard Sterry and Cecilia Pearson, both born in Hull, talk about their lives as evacuees during the war. Bernard, who was 10 years old when war broke out, was evacuated from Hull to North Lincolnshire until September 1944, when he came back home at…

The letter refers to the gravestone that will be erected for Doreen's late husband.

The letter advises Albert's mother about visiting his grave and enclosing a leaflet with details.

Envelope, letter, details on the unveiling of the memorial and ticket for the ceremony at Runnymede.

Envelope and receipt issued to Stan's father, JE Hawes, by the Imperial War Graves Commission.

A letter asking the family to provide the information needed for the register of those lost in service.

A programme of events for a IX Squadron reunion and presentation of the portrait of George Thomson VC. The booklet covers the events leading to the award of his VC, the programme of events and the menu, a biography of the artist, a thank you to the…

From James and Helen Girdwood. Thanks the Madgetts for writing after hearing about Girdwood's bereavement and notes similar tragedies for both families. Writes that they have found several snaps of Hedley in their son's album. Notes their son Bill…

From James and Helen Girdwood asking if they had heard any more news of Hedley who had been friends with their son Bill in Canada. Enclosed photograph of Bill. Addendum notes - 'Extract from Sidcup Times,21 June 1946 notice of pilot Jordan killed…

Outlines his training and 30 operations on 433 Squadron flying Halifax and then Lancaster. Writes of Halifax crash shortly after arriving and describes his actions on a busy night on an operation to Bochum when they were hit by antiaircraft fire.…

Congratulates him on award of DFC and ask how things are in 'civvy street'. States he was due out next April but is considering a deferment. Goes on to write about news from the squadron and his activities. Invites him to a party in the mess and…

Poem remembering those who did not live to see the end of war.

Poem about young man killed.

Squadron Leader George Bickers was brought up in a working class family in Southampton during the 1930’s, attended Bitterne Park Boys School and joined the Royal Artillery where he was promoted to Corporal, having taken control of a searchlight…

From Mr and Mrs J Girdwood thanking them for the cutting they sent. Confirms their sons grave in in Venlo Holland along with all his crew. Sorry that Madgetts have no news of Hedley's grave. Writes that their daughter a nursing sister had died after…

Reply to previous letter informing Mr Madgett that arrangements would be made for him to be recorded next of kin to attend Buckingham Palace to receive the Distinguished Flying Medal awarded to his son from His Majesty the King. Not possible to give…

Thanks him for letter he sent after the death of her husband Tommie (Squadron Leader T Lloyd). The letter was a great help to her.

Glad to hear Joan's husband is comparatively comfortable and safe in prisoner of war camp and that she was hoping to send clothes parcels. Mentions receiving letters from families of crew members who were killed. Goes on to thank Joan for telling her…

Letter from mother of Henry Simpson's pilot Ross Powdrill in reply to their letter. Thanks them for their trouble and writes that their letters had helped.

On headed note paper J Craven and Co Ltd, Adelaide, South Australia. Writes that he was glad that Cheshire had been able to find a pewter mug in memory of son. Notes they have had other bad news in that daughter's fiance Bruce Davies an air gunner on…

Annotated copy of The great raids - Peenemunde 17 August 1943 by Air Commodore J Searby.
Book includes:
Handwritten note on front 'In memory of Fred Dunn, killed Nov 22/23 1943'.
Telegram to Mr A C Dunn regretting to inform him that his son Sgt…

He thanks her for her mail. He has left Lethbridge and is now at Edmonton. The food at his new base is good. An Anson crashed killing five crew and trainees.
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