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  • Tags: bombing

Flying log book for Oliver Bell covering the period from 18th January 1935 to 30th September 1938. He was at RAF Cranwell and then posted to Aden and the Middle East with 12(B) and 8(B) Squadrons. Aircraft flown were Hart, Vincent and Wellesley.

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Flight Lieutenant Oliver Gomersal from 17 September 1943 to 7 November 1944. He trained as a navigator in Great Britain and in South Africa and was stationed in East Africa and Yemen with 621 Squadron.…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

Gives account of Robert Palmer leading formation while being fitted with secret "Oboe radar equipment which required him to fly straight and level for 10 minutes while also being engaged by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft fire.

A vertical aerial photograph of Oostkapelle. Much detail is visible on the ground. It is captioned '2441 LCF 28-10-44//7" 4000 104 1149 Oostkapelle W19.Z. 1 HC 2000 In.7 ANM59DN. 4 MC 500DT. C24 secs. P/O Goodrum Z640'.

A group of aircrew sitting at rows of wooden benches, some with maps in a briefing room with windows left and right.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

David Donaldson reminisces about an operation on Turin, describing the crossing of the Alps at night and the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Blanc. David stresses the uniqueness of the operation, only comparable to a previous one on Munich, and mentions…

5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

Top - explanatory note explaining that our crews contributed to D-Day.
Top left - newspaper cutting providing account of plan for attack on Merville battery including saturation bombing by Lancasters and ground attack. Goes on with account of actual…

List of items to be carried out including air test, briefings, take off, target area, fuel and others.

Navigation calculation sheets and chart for an operation to a V-1 site at Beauvoir.

Bombing a tank factory at Hanover. Marshalling yards at Munster. Benzol plants near Huls and Dortmund. Warning to civilians and foreign workers at Frankfurt-on-Main and Mannheim-Ludwigshafen. Captioned '17.3.45'.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Bottrop

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Calais.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Cap Gris Nez.

Calculations, observations and chart for an operation to Castrop Rauxel.

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Chalons-sur-Marne Railway Yards.

Calculations, observations and chart for an operation to Cologne.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Cologne.

Calculations, observations and chart for an operation to Dortmund.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Dortmund.

Calculations, observations and chart for an operation to Duisburg.
There is a second set of calculations.

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Eindhoven.
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