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Expresses regret that his son was reported as missing in action as result of operations 6/7 September 1943 to Munich.

Copy of a German article with translation on next page about the destruction of church St Stefan between Denklingen and Dienhausen. Account of bomber on operation to Munich being shot down by fighter and jettisoning bombs before crashing.

Recounts details of operation and being attacked by Me 109s which were driven off and then by a Ju 88 which set them on fire. Bombs jettisoned and he baled out. Continues with account of evading and attempt to reach Switzerland. Describes capture and…

Details of research into air attacks on Munich including contact with Philip Jenkinson whose aircraft was shot down on the operation and German amateur historian. Noted number of aircraft lost, casualties RAF and German, prisoners of war. Both for…

Shows routes on bombing operations (red), journeys by train (green), prison camps, routes walked, shot down, captured. Notes dates liberated and returned to England.

Lists 13 operations while a wireless operator on 166 Squadron at RAF Kirmington and 16 operations completed on 153 Squadron at RAF Scamption. He failed to return from his 17th operation from Scampton. Notes memorial to crew erected at the crash site…

166 Squadron order of battle number 9431 August 1944 (Agenville) listing 10 crews and a reserve. Peter Jenkinson is in detail 4.
Underneath 166 Squadron order of battle number 9531 August 1944 (St Roiquier) lists 8 crews and a reserve.

Gives particulars for meritorious service. Completed 27 successful sorties, skilful flight engineer, disregard for personal safety, cheerful courage and offensive spirit. Includes details of 27 operations carried out.

Lists twenty-one crews lost in action giving names of crew, aircraft number, target and cemetery or memorial, Dates between 14 October 1944 and 22 April 1945.

Lists details of Peter Jenkinson's aircraft, date, squadron, base, place of crash, names of crew.

153 Squadron, presumed 28 January 1945 at Michelbach Germany on air operations.

At the top a list of the crew including T Jones - flight engineer. 7 Squadron PFF, 8 Group, RAF Oakington, September 1944, Avro Lancaster BIII PA964 MG-G. Below 65 operations listed both day and night. two tours expired 10 September 1944.

Memoir including photographs of the crew and aircraft. Thomas Jones was a flight engineer on Stirling and Lancaster and completed 64 operations on two tours. Describes early life, joining the RAF, selection and training., crewing up and first posting…

Aircraft from 153 Squadron at Scampton. Describes crew and some history of the aircraft "P" Peter. Goes on to describe operation in detail from briefing, through the flight with navigation details, bombing and return to base. Saw no sign of Luftwaffe…

Gives accounts of operations including target, opposition, anti-aircraft fire, success of bombing, day or night, weather conditions. From September 1944 through to April 1945. Last page has list of losses.

Apologises for not writing, had been very busy. Writes that he had been on operations to Duisburg and Pilsen. Mentions off duty activities and photographs of his service mates and his aircraft. Catches up with news of acquaintance and comments on…

Informs her that her husband was missing as a result of air operations to Mannheim on night 23/24 September 1943.

Writes he is OK and had tried to phone but could not get through. Says went to Berlin last night and someplace near Cologne the night before.


Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of…

Regrets to inform her that her husband failed to return from operations on night 23/24 September 1943. Writes he took part in an attack on Mannheim as wireless operator and no news had been received. Mentions his time on the squadron as part of…

Starts with a letter to him after she finds out he is a prisoner telling how she felt when he was missing and how happy she was with the news that he was a prisoner. After a day by day diary of her feelings, activities, news of friends and…

Full length image of an airman wearing flying suit, boots and Mae West standing under the starboard inner engine of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'No 49 Squadron Royal Air Force, Fiskerton, Lincs, 1943, [...], Squadron Royal Air Force Fiskerton, Lincs…
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