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  • Tags: pilot

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Top - seven aircrew, three sitting in front, four standing behind, all wearing battledress with brevet. Five wear side caps and two wear peaked caps. In the background a hut with windows left and right. Submitted with description 'Duplicate of…

Three photographs of various airmen.
#1 is three airmen standing behind a seated officer with a cane.
#2 is a single airman
#3 is a rugby team in two rows round a seated officer.

Top - five men in uniform standing in a group on steps in front of a building. The man in the centre holds a tankard. Submitted with description 'Five officers standing on steps in front of building at RAF Syerston. Date unknown. Left-right: Lt…

A group of RAF officers and members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force all standing apart from two who are kneeling in front. All are wearing uniform tunics. In the background trees. Captioned in white ink. Submitted with description 'Lunch at WAAF…

Top - six airmen, all wearing tunics with three squatting in front and three standing behind. The man middle rear wears a peaked cap and has half brevet. In the background part of a building. Submitted with description 'Duplicate of…

A newspaper cutting about Captain Edwin Swales DFC. His aircraft was badly damaged but he ordered his crew to leave and he went down with his aircraft.

William Jones and his crew positioned on top of the starboard wing of their Lancaster.
Captioned 'Veterans. A Tribute to a Fighting Crew of Immortals'
Left to Right. Pilot. W/Op. Mid Upper. Engineer.Bomb Aimer Nav. Rear Gunner.
"Winky" The best…

Three Canadian airmen standing in front of an aircraft. The caption at the top states 'Vic thanking Moose for find him + his crew after ditching from raid on Keil' and at the bottom 'Vic Motherwell Moose Heimpel'.

The two are in the cockpit of an aircraft, smiling at each other.

Six airmen sitting on top of a Lancaster cockpit with the pilot seated inside. Victor Azzaro is third from the left. Six airmen are wearing peaked caps and one a side cap. The nose art indicates at least 65 operations were completed.

Six photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Victor in civilian clothes, captioned '1945'.
Photo 2 is Victor in uniform captioned '1945'.
Photo 3 is Daphne, sitting on a fence, captioned '1944'.
Photo 4 is a half length portrait of Victor, captioned…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and side cap. Submitted with caption 'Vic Wilson, Like Twilley and Campling, Victor Wilson was a Grantham boy. He was lost at an OTU in Scotland'.


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The two airmen and two WRNs are sitting in a shelter. It is annotated 'Jan 1944' but is Daphne's 21st birthday.

View looking forward between the flight positions through the nose of a B-29. The interior is very dark; three instrument dials can be seen on the port side station, with the right hand of the pilot visible on the control column. The aircraft is…

View from below looking up and an airman wearing side cap sitting in the left hand seat in cockpit.

Cutting records the visit of Lettice Curtis to Pocklington, a member of the ATA , who delivered Halifax aircraft to Pocklington. cutting records that Flight Lieutenant Peter Thirsk flew 29 operations on the Halifax attended.

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w full face photograph concerning Corporal W A Franklin whose wife had received first communication from him since fall of Java.
Bottom left - newspaper cutting with head and shoulders b/w photograph announcing…

Pilots flying log book for W E Lucas, covering the period from 7 November 1940 to 18 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Derby, RAF Montrose, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Honington,…

W G Didcote's crew with 115 Squadron standing in front of a Lancaster. 1944-45. Third from right: W G Didcote; third from left: B A Rowe-Evans.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Name. 20/9/15 AUS408918, Sgt pilot McBean W J, Box 120, Casterton, Victoria, Australia'. Bottom right - head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet.

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Pilots flying log book for W M Ballantyne, covering the period from 3 March 1942 to 18 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, Duties with 267 transport squadron, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at SAAF Wonderboom, SAAF…

Pilots flying log book one, for W R P Perry, covering the period from 24 November 1941 to 19 April 1943. Detailing his flying training. He was stationed at RAF Ansty, RCAF De Winton, RCAF Calgary, RCAF Moncton, RAF Ossington, RAF Scampton, RAF North…
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