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Two air to air photographs of a Spitfire off the wingtip of Dick's Lancaster.
#1 On the reverse 'Palestine '46 "Spit" on our starboard wing tip'.
#2 On the reverse 'Palestine '46 Spitfire (clipped wing spit)'

Dick wearing an oxygen mask in the pilot's seat of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Me during fighter affiliation exercises Palestine '46'.

Interview in three parts.

Part 1.
Doug Marsh was the son of a Royal Navy officer and moved around quite a bit as a child between Kent and Lincolnshire. When his father retired from the Navy his parents bought a fish and chip shop in Grimsby but…

John Bell completed a tour as a bomb aimer with 619 Squadron. The crew decided they would like to continue flying and so volunteered to join 617 Squadron. They were interviewed by Wing Commander Leonard Cheshire and accepted on to the squadron. When…

Two part interview with Bob Panton.

Part 1. Bob Panton was a child during the war. One day as his father was coming towards their house Bob saw three Dornier 17 come into view. Then out of the sun came six Spitfires and a battle started in front…

James Douglas Hudson followed a friend to join the RAF. He trained as a navigator and was posted to 101 Squadron at RAF West Raynham. On his final operational flight with the squadron he ran out of fuel and crashed. He was taken prisoner by the Vichy…

Les Rutherford was called up for the Army just short of his twenty first birthday. He was in France at the time of Dunkirk and made it to the beach of St Valery where they were under constant bombardment. He and another soldier found a door and…

Colin Cole took part in the attack that sunk the Tirpitz. He describes how the aircraft was adapted for the operation and flew via Lossiemouth. Colin disposed of the Upkeep 'bouncing bombs' as part of his service with the RAF. They were dropped on…

A port side aerial view of a Spitfire.
On the reverse 'Palestine 46 Spitfire' 'Starbd wing Spit +'.

Peter Scoley was born on a farm which became RAF Metheringham during the war. After the war Peter and his wife were fundamental in creating a museum on the site.

Peter spent most of his life in and around farming near RAF Metheringham, which he…

Ken Duddell flew operations as a flight engineer with 460, 12 and 103 Squadrons.

Ken joined the RAF in January 1942 and qualified as a flight engineer in July 1943 at RAF St Athans. He passed through a number to RAF Stations before they were…

SHarriganD[Ser#-DoB]v110002 BellGA.mp3
George Arthur Bell, (b. 1925), grew up in Lincolnshire. He was called up to the Army and was posted to India and Burma. George was demobed in 1946.

George lived around Boston a the beginning of the war. After leaving school he worked with his…

Leading Aircraftsman Richard Moore served as ground crew at RAF Locking, RAF Squires Gate and RAF Wickenby. He joined up at age eighteen and completed his basic training in Linconshire. He worked on the several types of aircraft. He was able to…

A group of some 350 RAF personnel standing and sitting, on and in front of, a Lancaster. The photograph is mounted on a page, which is captioned: "SQUADRON 75 NEW ZEALAND".

A formal photograph of 107 aircrew arranged in four rows, seated and standing, in front of a Lancaster. Each man is identified by a number from one to 107. A second image is a crop of the first, showing six men at the far right of the group.

Upper photograph: seven aircrew pose in front of a Lancaster. Standing at the rear are four non commissioned officers . Crouched at the front are Septimus Robinson (far left), an officer pilot and another non commissioned officer aircrew member.

Seven aircrew pose in front of a Lancaster. Standing at the rear are four non commissioned officers. Crouched at the front are Septimus Robinson (far left), an officer pilot and another non commissioned officer aircrew member.

Conversation recorded for the Nanton Lancaster Society.
Hamish Mahaddie, the recruiter for the Pathfinder Force recalls the life of Ian Willoughby Bazalgette VC who plagued him weekly for the opportunity to join the Pathfinders. He had been posted…

Hamish Mahaddie was selected during a tour of operations to become the recruiter for the Pathfinders working closely with Don Bennett. He discusses the changing technology of aircraft during the war years. He personally flew the Whitleys, Stirlings,…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling covering the period 1 July 1943 to 23 October 1945 when he was a test pilot with the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In addition it covers the period 14 January 1946 to 26 November 1949 when Bob was a…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Victor Keeling covering the period 15 June 1939 to 30 June 1943. Details his training and operational duties. Bob flew 27 night operations, 15 as second pilot to Pilot Officer Deacon, Sergeant Prior and…

A painting of a Lancaster in flight.
On the reverse -
'My aircraft
Q for Queenie
Q - Quadriga (4 horse chariot)
100 Sqdn
Elsham Wolds
Call sign - Shopboy from
-Curlwig Q Queenie'.

A Lancaster, 'M²', in flight.
On the reverse -
'J Rooke
49 Welton Gdns
M² in flight. Just to show she really flies.
140 operational sorties 1/1/45'.

Seven airmen under the port side of their Lancaster 'Z'.
On the reverse -
'Wonder why M/Sgt Walton is making the crew numbers up. (I will check the records and let you know)
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