Browse Items (49 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-08-24"

Mentions arrival of latest letter and complains about poor literature which a person sends. Writes about character of people in camp and why he liked to change camps. Does not think he would move again before the end of the war. Mentions getting…

Telegram telling Isabel that information has been received from the International Red Cross Committee indicating that Andrew has been killed in action.

Covering letter and photograph of Andrew's temporary cross. Letter informs Isabel that the temporary cross will be replaced a permanent stone by the Imperial War Graves Commission in due course. Envelope included.

Details allowances payable while Andrew is classified as 'missing', Will continue on present rate until December 1943 and then at reduced rate. Also mentioned how to apply for pre-natal allowance.

Letter to Isabel following up the initial telegrams. States that her husband has been reported missing after an operation on 23/24 August 1943.

For official purposes, any serviceman missing on operations, assuming nothing more is heard over a set period, is assumed to have died so that pay, pensions etc can be processed.

To Isabel from Casualty Branch confirming that information had come from an official German source confirming Andrew's death on 24th August 1943.

Gives location of Andrew's grave in the Garrison Cemetery, Doberitz, near Berlin.

Letter states that Warrant Officer Fear, Andrew's captain was buried at Doberitz (near Berlin) and it is likely that Andrew would also be buried there. When there is official confirmation, either they or the Air Ministry will send it to her.

States that Andrew has been listed as 'Missing, believed killed in action'. An official German source has informed the International Red Cross Committee that Andrew and the other members of the crew died on 24 August 1943.

Log book for Sergeant Edward Milling from 16 August 1942 to 27 September 1943. Navigator Sergeant E Milling was stationed with 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds, and 166 Squadron at RAF Kirmington, where he flew Lancasters. The log book details 27…

Pilots flying log book for Stephen Dawson, covering the period from 6 April 1942 to 30 August 1944. Detailing his instructor duties, flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Swanton Morley, RAF Cottesmore, RAF Swinderby, RAF…

Pilot’s flying log book for Pilot Officer Cyril Charles Goff from 24 February 1942 to 18 October 1943, detailing training schedule and operations flown. Served at RAF Sleap, RAF Tilstock (Whitchurch Heath), RAF Newton, RAF Shawbury and RAF Grimsby…

Thomas Page’s flight engineer’s flying log book covering the period from 4 January 1943 to 12 December 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer and glider pilot. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 SoTT), RAF…

C. L. Hughes’ Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 8th January 1942 to 8th July 1945, detailing his training, operations and instructional duties as a navigator. He was stationed at RCAF Charlottetown (32 Air Navigation School),…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Clarence Hughes, Navigator, covering the period from 8 January 1942 to 18 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 32 Air Navigation…
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