Browse Items (444 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1944-05"

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book covering the period 18 March 1944 to 28 July 1944. Details training and 17 operations, ten night time and seven daylight, all with Flight Officer Townsend as pilot in Lancaster aircraft. Targets were in…

Bill Foskett’s Flying Log Book as Bomb Aimer from 6th November 1942 until 3rd July 1945. Retrained in Canada as bomb aimer and air gunner at 31 Bombing and Gunnery School (Picton) and 31 Advanced Navigation School (Port Albert). Posted to 2…

The observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Flight Lieutenant John Francis Banks, born I July 1922, (1578295 Royal Air Force) from 28 March 1943 to 9 April 1946. Detailing his training and operations flown. Served at 41 Air School South…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J Kerevan, wireless operator, covering the period from 16 April 1943 to 12 October 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 2…

Track and calculations on chart. On the reverse, 'F/O Blamires Night Bullseye 12/5/44'.

Track and calculations on chart. On the reverse 'F/O Blamires Orleans 20 May'.

Track and calculations on chart. On the reverse 'F/O Blamires Duisburg 21/22/5/44'.

Track and calculations on the chart, on the reverse. 'F/O Blamires 22/23 May 44 Dortmund'.

Track and calculations on the chart, on the reverse, 'F/O Blamires Aachen 24/5/44.

Handwritten diary with a transcription. Covers a short period of time when Geoff had just arrived at Elsham Wolds flying operations on the Lancaster. A detailed account of his life concentrating on the non operational aspect.

His father has not heard from his son for a while but the letter offers reassurance in that John has received parcels and cards.

Bill Siddle's time in the RAF pieced together by research. He was a pilot who flew the Lancaster with 9 and 83 Squadrons. He was commissioned in 1944, was awarded the DFC and Bar and completed more than 60 operations. He left the service in 1946 and…

Gordon wishes them well and explains it is very hot. He signs the card as Navigator.

The card asks if they are receiving his mail.

Flying log book for J F Mills, Navigator, covering the period from 20 September 1942 to 24 September 1950. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 1332 heavy conversion unit, 246 squadron, number 23 reserve flying…

G. Dennett’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 14/5/42 to 17/3/46, detailing training, operations and instructional duties as a Wireless Operator, Air Bomber, Air Gunner and Radar Operator. Based at: RAF Yatesbury (No. 2…

A certificate for Robert George Sharland awarding him the Pathfinder Force badge on 1st May 1944. The certificate details Sharland's rank, service number and awards. The certificate is signed by Donald Bennett, the commanding officer of the…
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