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  • Contributor is exactly "Steve Baldwin "

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Information supplied with the collection indicates the pilot is C. Ross.

Peter Stevenson's account of his service in the Officer Training Corps at Grantham and later in the Air Training Corps. Tells of his life in Grantham and the effect of the war on the town. Also his involvement post war in museums and projects to…

First article attributed to Manchester Guardian, 18 October 1945, covers trial of five members of crew of U852 who were involved in firing on the survivors of a Greek ship Peleus. The second (non attributed) states that three officers were sentenced…

A letter enclosing John's presentation gilt caterpillar with apologies that gold pins are no longer presented.

A note welcoming Edgar Meredith to the Caterpillar Club. There is also a photograph of a group of trainee airmen arranged in eight rows.

A letter accompanying a Caterpillar Club badge awarded to Jack.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Letter from King George to all school-children, celebrating and sharing the victory of the allied nations. It is headed with the Royal Standard, in colour. On the reverse a list of 60 important war dates.

Certificate of burial for Roy Chadwick in parish of Woodford in city of Chester on 27 August 1947. Annotated 'Grave Number M.W. B13 and 14'.

Letter to Isabel stating that as Andrew was now presumed dead, the Air Ministry payment would stop from mid-May and she would receive information shortly about a pension.

A menu for a Christmas dinner at 8 (B) Squadron. It is signed by some of the airmen who took part.

For Apprentice Wing on 19 December 1938. Reverse and front has signatures.

Christmas 1940, a number of signatures on the reverse.

Article 1 headlines: Churchill-Roosevelt-talks, closest unity, General Smuts joins premier and president in news Cairo conference. Article 2 headlines; Scharnhorst sunk in arctic battle, attack by home fleet guarding Russian convoy, long fight off…

Headline: united nations are determined to make peace which will banish the scourge of war. Announces decision made by Churchill. Roosevelt and Stalin during the Tehran conference.

Paper certificate presented to H G Warren by the City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, as remembrance of his time with No.32 Service Training Flying School, RAF, in the city. It is signed by the Deputy Mayor and City Clerk.


Notes taken during Colin Wood's training. They cover navigation, wireless, radar, meteorology, intelligence, geography and operations.


A confidential document. Three aerial photographs showing the development of a daylight bombing attack on Cologne. All images are taken at timed intervals during the attack, at the start, then after 2.5 and 6 minutes. The location is adjacent to the…

Article 1: 'Cologne a mass of fires, pilots' impression of war's greatest raid, ground defences baffled by huge bombing effort'. Mentions reprisal attack on Canterbury. Sections headed: "pageant-like smoothness", 'a perfect raid', 'like a beacon',…

Article 1. Headlines: commons division after Beveridge debate, government majority of 216, Mr Morrison's reply to Labour amendment. Article 2. Headlines: Russians occupy Rzhev, a large haul of tanks and guns, continued advance from Khakov, railway…

From County high school for girls. Congratulates Roy Chadwick on being honoured by the King for his work as aircraft designer. Proud of having a 'father' who had done service to country.

Two telegrams wishing Derrick Allen and his wife best wishes and future happiness. On the right a three-quarter length portrait of Derrick Allen in suit and his bride (was Miss Colbert) is wedding dress with bouquet.

A man and woman standing behind a girl and a boy sitting on a brick wall. In the background a door and window. On the reverse 'Dr Cooke, Roy's doctor who took him to Arbuthnot Lane for the life saving op's after his accident. The Cooke family…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 242-1.jpg
Field Marshall Harold Alexander thanks Manlio Filippini for the help given to allied soldiers.

On 23 August 1947 near Adlington, death of Roy Chadwick in aircraft crash.
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