Browse Items (709 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Anne-Marie Watson "

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the front it is captioned with the names of the men and on the reverse their names are handwritten. There is also a stamp with 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

11 trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the front it is captioned with the names of the men and on the reverse their names are handwritten. There is also a stamp with 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. Their names are captioned on the front and handwritten on the reverse. Also stamped on the reverse is 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

11 trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden building. On the reverse are the signatures of the men.

11 trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the reverse are the signatures of the men and 'May 1943 108 Course R'

Ten trainees arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the reverse are the signatures of all the men and 'Q Squad 108 Course April-May 1943'.

11 trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the reverse are the signatures of all the men.

Covers duties of M.T. officer, establishments, servicing and maintenance, supply, repairs, lights on service transport, markings on vehicle, licensing of vehicle, types of run, authority of runs: driving licenses, co-ordination of M.T., records to be…

Covers officers who may hear charges, officers punishable summarily, charges against officers, charges against W.O.s, charges against N.C.O.s and aircraftsmen, use of forms for hearing charges, orderly room procedures, civil offences committed by…

A newspaper cutting describing a night operation by Mosquitoes on the Ruhr followed by USAAF day bombing. Attacks were also made on Berlin and the Gestapo building in Copenhagen.
On the reverse are adverts.

A newspaper cutting with news about attacks on U-boat shelters at Farge, an oil storage depot, benzol plants near Hamm, railway targets in the Netherlands, vessels in the Western Baltic, merchant shipping in the Skaggerak and Freisian Islands and…

Contains drawings, names and addresses of other prisoners, dairy of events on being shot down, his crew and diagram of Lancaster, poems, stories of life in camp, Lists of prisoners in his hut, aircraft they flew and when and where shot down. Diagram…

Norman Freeman was born in London, his wartime preference to be a pilot was thwarted by poor eyesight so he became a wireless/radar mechanic. After training he served all over Britain, and then France at the end of the war. Norman told of why he…

Summary: George Rogers joined the RAF in 1930 at 16 as an aircraft mechanic. He talks about the build up to war, rationing and the fall of France. George was sent to India with the Royal Navy. Holidays and relaxation are discussed with stories from…

A football team posing as a group. On the reverse each man is named and 'Aden. Oct. 1946'.


Six airmen posing beside a bicycle. All wearing khaki shorts and three without shirts. On the reverse 'Barren Rock Wheelers' and 'Aden Sept 1946'.
The six men are named.


Quotes a cable from air ministry that Donald Baker was promoted to flight lieutenant with effect from 26 June 1942.


Confirms that message was sent to her quoting a message from her son that said from senior British officer, Stalag Luft 3 on behalf of her son that there was no truth in any information of his death.

Confirms that their son, previously reported as having died was now reported to be in the best of health.

Newspaper cutting with section enclosed by 'x'. Bomber command attacked defended convoy of ships off Terschelling'.


F G Bower in Sidcot suit and leather gauntlets. On the reverse is a handwritten memoir.


Flying log book for R Starkey covering the period from 26 January 1942 to 30 March 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes certificates, instructional notes, newspaper clipping and a personal account of being shot down. He…

A cutting from the London Gazette with brief details on the award of a DSO to Sam Saunders.
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