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  • Tags: Lancaster

A large group of airmen wearing a variety of uniform many with visible brevet, some waving, all in front of a Lancaster.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal.

A group of airmen earing Mae West gathered behind the wing of a Lancaster, squadron letters 'PO-P'.

Eight airmen wearing a variety of uniform, four kneeling and four standing in front of a Lancaster with another aircraft in the background left.

Seven airmen, three kneeling and four standing in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster Mk 7, serial 'NX787' and squadron letters 'KC-F'.

Side view of an airborne Lancaster Mk 7 in post-war livery, taken from another aircraft in close formation. Squadron letters 'KC-L'.

View from a Lancaster cockpit of another Lancaster alongside on snow covered ground. Squadron letters 'PO-L'.

Eight aircrew wearing Mae Wests, four kneeling and four standing in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster. Squadron letters 'PO-N'.

Flight Sergeant Archibald Steele’s Flying Log Book as a pilot and flight engineer from 20th April 1943 to 10th September 1945. Flying training started with 19 Elementary Flying Training School then at 12 and 36 Service Flying Training Schools in…

Six aircrew standing in line all holding practice bombs. In the background the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with squadron letters 'PO-X'.

Seven airmen sitting on a blockbuster bomb in front of a Lancaster with partial nose art and bomb operation symbols.

Three airmen standing behind a 4000lb blockbuster bomb with a Lancaster in the background with squadron letters 'PO-L'. Bomb has names of ground crew with L love.

Side view of a Lancaster on ground with wheels up. Squadron letters 'QR-X'.

Seven aircrew, four standing behind three squatting. All are wearing battledress with side caps. Two are holding flying helmets. In the background a Lancaster with bomb doors open. The nose art is of a kneeling woman holding a bomb.

Seven airmen standing behind in a row while seven squat down in front. Some have visible brevet. Some are ground crew. In the background a Lancaster with bomb door open. The nose art is of a kneeling woman holding a bomb.

Seven aircrew standing in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster registration 'ED532'.

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Eric Haynes recalls his service in the RAF as a Coxswain in Air Sea Rescue. He enlisted on 4th September 1939 as a photographer; however, when he was mustered in January 1940, he was told there were no photography spaces. He entered service as RAF…

Wing Commander Guy Gibson, commanding officer of 106 Squadron, congratulating the squadron on a month of successful operations and the record tonnage of bombs dropped despite difficulties which were overcome by the ground crews. Anticipating…

Left page: top left and right, damage to the undercarriage of an aircraft. Middle right, aerial view of aircraft on the ground.
Bottom left and right, aerial views of an airfield, annotated '4 pages to do with Bob's work as test pilot Armaments…

A newspaper cutting about Lancaster Mike Squared which completed 140 operations and Joan Rooke's time in the WAAF.
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