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  • Tags: Lancaster

Two versions of document. Provides some comments on 5 Group operations with its own markers and master bombers. Mentions Guy Gibson being killed on their 5th operation. States that between 23 September 1944 and 3 March 1945 5 Group made 10 attacks on…

Page from Herbert Adam's flying logbook for September 1944 on 467 Squadron with his first eight operations.

Describes attack by 236 Lancaster of 5 Group on port facilities and two aircraft to attack two pocket battleships anchored off the port. Gives a detailed description of attack on ship which was hit with three of their ten bombs.

Flying log book for D Moore, navigator, covering the period from 5 June 1943 to 13 June 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and post war flying with 52 Squadron and civilian flying with Silver City Airlines. He…

The story of a Lancaster, NG358, LS-H. There are details of 12 operations during 1944/5. Dennis details the operations and his crew.

A photograph of the seven crew lined up in front of their Lancaster. Each individual is named.
A second copy is also included with a slightly different text format.

An air-to-air port side view of Lancaster, LS-H, NG358 in flight, viewed from slightly above and to the rear.

Port side view of Lancaster, LS-W in flight. Underneath is written 15 Sqdn Lanc and RAF Mildenhall. On the reverse 'Lanc ME844 was originally "C" until 23/27 March 1945 flew in this aircraft on 5/12/1944 - see Log Book'.

A magazine of aerial photography covering anti-invasion preparations at the Hague, anti-tank obstacles at Scheveningen, flooding from the Mohne Dam, U-boat bases and port damage, factories, railway stations, camouflaged storage tanks, marshalling…

Flying log book for flight engineers for T Knox, covering the period from 30 January 1944 to 17 January 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war duties as a parachute instructor. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF…

Mentions occupation pre-service as a brewery clerk. Aircrew navigator training, 460 Squadron on Lancaster and then mention of post war RAF and civilian career. On the reverse a shopping list.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for D Phillips, navigator, covering the period from 16 September 1943 to 7 September 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at SAAF Queenstown, RAF Moreton Valance,…

Notes place of aircrew selection board on 10/03/43 and lists all course undertaken, promotion dates, flying times on operational aircraft and last medical board.

Ten men in overalls/flying suits stand with a civilian by the front of the battle of Britain Flight Lancaster. Two man are up a ladder up to front fuselage.
Taken by RAF photographer who “recreated” the original black and white…


Twelve servicemen, three squatting and four standing on the ground. Five further are on a raised stand or ladder leading to front fuselage of a Lancaster. Notes with names on the reverse.

Seven aircrew and three ground crew wearing either battledress or coveralls squatting and standing in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Notes of names on the reverse.

Ten servicemen most wearing battledress and side caps and one with overalls sitting on the starboard inner engine of a Lancaster.

Head and shoulders view of a gentlemen in shirt sleeves in the foreground. In the background a Lancaster on runway.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Recounts meeting three men named John Mitchell in the space of a few weeks. The first was a signals officer at RAF Spilsby when the author was a wireless operator on Lancaster. He relates some of his experiences surviving two tours on Whitley and…

John Mitchell’s wireless operator’s flying log book covering the period from 12 October 1941 to 9 August 1948. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as wireless operator. He was stationed at RAF Kinloss (19 OTU), RAF Forres (19 OTU),…

L Mitchell’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 20 August 1953 to 31 October 1955. Detailing his operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Aldergrove (202 Squadron), RAF St Mawgan (School of Maritime Reconnaissance/236…

Seven aircrew in flying clothing, in a row in front of a Lancaster tail turret, squadron letters KC-H. Eric (far left) was part of the crew when his squadron commander, Wing Commander Rolo Kingsford-Smith (centre) 'borrowed' a Lancaster from No 617…

Covers Eric's time training in Australia and his time in Britain with 627 Squadron flying Mosquito from RAF Woodhall Spa. He discusses the attack on Oslo on New Years Eve 1944. He flew a total of 45 operations, all with the same pilot, John Herriman.
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