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Page from Herbert Adam's flying logbook for September 1944 on 467 Squadron with his first eight operations.

List of 29 operations as navigator on Lancaster of 467 Squadron between 10 September 1044 and 16 January 1945. Includes comments on each sortie with bomb load, flight times, fighters seen, weather, anti-aircraft fire, aircraft shot down.

Describes operations by Bomber Command and USAAF aircraft to Hamburg from 24 to 28 July 1943. Mentions it was the first firestorm and the use of Window. Writes that the next firestorm was Darmstadt on September 11 1944. Mentions subsequent firestorms…

Two versions of document. Provides some comments on 5 Group operations with its own markers and master bombers. Mentions Guy Gibson being killed on their 5th operation. States that between 23 September 1944 and 3 March 1945 5 Group made 10 attacks on…

Briefly describes his crew's first operation to Le Havre after being on the squadron for 3 days. Had few problems apart from losing an engine. Did the next 21 operations with the same aircraft (D-Dog) but they were told that it was written off while…

Catches up with news from home and exchanges banter. Mentions that his crew have finally arrived at an operational station and after a few local area trips completed their first operation to France.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…


Writes that they are still going well and hope to finish their tour before Christmas. Mentions upcoming leave and that a fellow Australian had finished his tour successfully. Sadly another of his friends crew who shared their hut were missing after…

Writes that the weather was cool and windy an that he had done a couple more operations and now had twelve to finish. Mentions recent night out with navigators and other crews at local pub. Comments on rivalry with another crew to see who got into…

Writes that the weather had been bad and he had only done one more operation. Mentions playing crib. bridge and going to cinema in Lincoln. Comments that there were problems of getting mail from Australia. Catches up with news of friends including…

Writes that they had been busy and been to Germany three nights out of last four. Had now done eight operations and had no trouble so far. Says he had had a lot of mail in the last few days and talks of other correspondence. Catches up with news of…


A list of the 33 operations undertaken by Dennis from 17 September 1944 to 15 April 1945. Each operation has a small description of the task.

A note referring to before and after photographs of an operation on 2 March 1945. The photographs are on display in the corridor of offices next to 'Bomber' Harris' office at Strike Command headquarters.


Aerial view of Lancaster 'LS-W' seen from the port side and slightly above.
On the reverse 'Lanc ME844 15 Sqdn Mildenhall
80 ops as 'C' until 23/3/45 then 'W'
Flew in this a/c as 'C' on 5/12/44 as 'Master Bomber' SCHWAMMENUAL DAM
Daylight T/O…

Shows maps of North Wales and the Midlands as well as an explanation of the Douglas protractor as well as diagrams of the Dalton computer and photographs of Wellington. Describes training at RAF Lichfield from end of March to 21 June 1944. Shows…

Writes of training and briefly about operations on 467 Squadron. Continues to describe events after finishing his tour when he was training crews destined for Tiger Force as well as other training tasks. Writes of a training crash of a Lancaster…

Extracts from publications giving details of all operations by 467 and 463 Squadrons from 10 September 1944 to 25 April 1945. Details include number of aircraft, target, bombloads and losses. Interspersed are details of operations carried out by…

A detailed account of a 467 Squadron Lancaster crew's operation to the Dortmund-Ems canal on 1 January 1945. Crew captain was Flying Officer M G Bache and crew is listed. Book covers crew early training and operations before the subject date. There…

A document with a photograph of the crew, including Hugh Jones, of the Halifax that was lost whilst on an operation on the railway at Somain. Hugh Jones was in hospital and he was replaced by Harry Brown.

Letters from air secretary branch stating that commissioning parchment was being prepared. Letter from RAF Historian researcher stating that he would obtain and send on the recommendation for his Distinguished Flying Cross and also copies of all his…

Ian Grant Henderson’s navigator’s log book covering the period from 28 June 1943 to 9 Aug 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator. He was stationed at RCAF Edmonton (2 AOS), RAF Bishops Court (7 OAFU), RAF Peplow (83…

Gillie Street was born in Aglionby, Carlisle, and spent her early childhood in Tyneside before moving back to Cumberland, aged 11. Gillie recalls attending grammar school in Brampton and her first flying experience on a Barnstormer. Upon leaving…

A vertical aerial photograph of a severely damaged oil plant at Bohlen. On the reverse 'Synthetic oil plant at Bohlen taken by recce aircraft 20/2/1945'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Munich, taken during an operation. There is no detail visible but the aiming point is marked, 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7132 WAD 26/27.11.44//NT 7" 18000 081. 0500 Munich B 18x106x4 inc (c 6/27) 30 sec F/O…

A vertical aerial photograph of Ladbergen taken during an operation. The ground is obscured by cloud but an explosion is visible through the clouds.
It is captioned '7101 WAD. 21/22.11.44//NT. 7" 4000 o45 2105 D.E. Ladbergen 13x 1000 ANM 65 DT. 22…
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