Letter from Herbert Adams to his mother



Letter from Herbert Adams to his mother


Writes that they are still going well and hope to finish their tour before Christmas. Mentions upcoming leave and that a fellow Australian had finished his tour successfully. Sadly another of his friends crew who shared their hut were missing after their last trip and there was not much hope. Catches up with news of other friends and mentions his latest activities.
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One page handwritten letter


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[date stamp]
Sender’s Name & Address Aus 424504 F/Sgt Adams HG. AUSPO. Kodak House, Kingsway, London.
Tues 14/11/44.
[underlined] No 35 [/underlined]
Dear Mum,
Here we are again. Still not much to write about except to let you all know that we’re all still going well & slowly but surely getting them done. It looks like we’ll just about finish off our tour by Xmas – we have 11 to do & have some more leave coming up at the end of this month. I think I told you in my last letter that Scottie Gall finished up O.K. last week, so that’s one of the local lads who looks like seeing home again. Bushie Goodfellow wasn’t so lucky. All their crew were missing on the last trip we did & so there’s not a lot of hope for them now unless they happened to bail out over the land & become P.O.W.s. We miss them quite a bit as they’ve been in the same room as us since we arrived here. My old cobber from Coota Hospital & onwards, Rod Brownlee has turned up here at last. He’s looking well & glad to be here with the fellers again. We went to town last night with him in Pete’s car & saw the pictures. He’s been having more bad luck with his family at home. He’d saved up £40 to buy a motor bike when he heard his youngest kiddie had broken his arm rather badly & the other one was in hospital with bronchitis or something. He said he had a real battle with his conscience & finally decided it was best to send his £40 home just in case she needed it for the doctors bills or such.
Cheerio for now Mum, love to all at home. Bert xxxx



H G Adams, “Letter from Herbert Adams to his mother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 17, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/27296.

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