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  • Tags: pilot

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster in flight showing crew positions, annotated with the names of Kenneth Pope's crew. Pilot Jim Cross, navigator Darce Edwards, flight engineer Ken Pope, radio operator Bill Maurer, mid-upper gunner Bill Perry, rear…

Top page - title caption 'RAF Aston Down (Gloucestershire) Air Ministry Film Unit'.
Top - four aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line with a dog in front, all in front of a Lancaster. In the distant background other aircraft…

A starboard side view of a Lancaster, PA964, on the ground. There are eight aircrew standing at the nose. On the reverse is a list of the aircrew including Tom Jones and a list of his operations.

Eight airmen at the port door of a Lancaster, PA964. Two men are sitting in the door and the other six are standing or leaning on the fuselage. On the reverse are the aircrew names.'

Eight aircrew, including Tom Jones, standing at the starboard side front of a Lancaster, PA964. On the reverse the aircrew are identified.

Top - front quarter view of a Lancaster parked with another in the distance on the right. Submitted with description 'Lancaster at dispersal on unidentified airfield. Annotated as "'G' George Aug 1943. Vic Coles' kite. Photo by Bill Haig." This…

Lancaster 'N' with pilot at the controls looking out of the open cockpit window. At the nose are trolleys with bombs being prepared by seven armourers. Six aircrew wearing Mae Wests are standing behind the bomb trolley. A tractor and buildings are in…

Three photographs annotated with individual crew names.
Photo 1 is seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of the tail of a Lancaster.
Photo 2 is one airmen posing in front of the tail turret. He is holding onto two guns.
Photo 3 is one airman…

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

This item was sent to…

The seven aircrew are standing at the nose of 'Liz Beth', their Lancaster. Each crew member is identified along with brief details of the crash at Normington, Lincolnshire on completion of an operation to Turin 12/13 July 1943.
The second part of…

Seven airmen in a row in front of Lancaster ME422 JI-Q.
The crew are: 47225 (549527) Flight Lieutenant Roy Henry 'Marco' Marks, pilot (4th from left)
Sergeant T. Collins flight engineer
164442 (1583325) Flying Officer Robert Arthur Edward…

View of front of Lancaster with pilot looking out of cockpit window. On the fuselage nose art of skull and crossbones and name 'Piratical Pete'.

Nose art of angry bee with bomb and words 'er-tag'. An airman looks out of cockpit window. Aircraft has five rows of operation tally bomb symbols.

A pilot in the cockpit of a Lancaster. Buildings and Hurricanes behind.

A document issued to Pilots and Flight Engineers to assist the operation of Lancasters.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

A Lancaster banking away from a second aircraft. It is captioned '' Nan' 50 Sqdn pilot Drew Wyness F/Lt DFC Skellingthorpe 1943'.

Cockpit view of pilot and Lancaster KB700 named 'Ruhr Express'.

In foreground, large bomb on its trolley, standing behind seven aircrew in flying clothing, Lancaster in background.

Photograph 1 is of a bomb being loaded into a Lancaster X.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 is of Syd Marshall and a woman.

The group is arranged in four rows. They appear to all be pilots. On the reverse ' GH 3 rows back. RIGHT'.

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The group of men is arranged in six rows in front of a hangar. It is captioned '1941 Either 11 OTU or 12 Squadron Binbrook. Sgt AE Cosgrove RAFVR 968259 (3rd row from top, 6th from right)'.

A large group of airmen wearing tunics or battledress, many with aircrew brevet squatting and standing in front of busses. Submitted with caption 'Port Adelaide'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

A large number of airmen arranged in three rows in front of a brick building.

A large group of airmen arranged in five rows. The majority are wearing pilot wings.

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