Browse Items (2016 total)

  • Tags: navigator

The Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book for Andrew Bain <br />
Covers the period from 26 June 1942 until August 1943. In June 1946 stamped by the RAF Central Depository ‘Death Presumed’. He qualified as an air gunner on the 31 October 1942 and as an observer on the 9 October 1942. He identifies his flying…

Five airmen standing beside their aircraft.
Information supplied with the collection states -
'RAF St. Eval, 304 squadron; my crew:-
From the left:
Air gunner/radio operator Sgt. Kucharek
First pilot - F/O - AFK JEZIORSKI
Navigator - F/O -…

A F K Jeziorski’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 1 April 1944 to 30 Sep 1948. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Manby (1 AAS), RAF Watchfield (1 Beam Approach School), RAF…

Mentions that they were captain and navigator of leading Lancaster which attacked locomotive works at Le Creusot. Awarded Distinguished Service Order.

Five airmen standing in front of a building.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Appleby crew, Gordon Appleby - Pilot, Len Howell - Navigator, Alf Hitchcock - Air Bomber, Jack Crisp - Wireless Operator, John Higgins - Rear Gunner NOT…

A photograph taken of the three crew under the front of a Halifax on the day of its first flight. It is captioned 'Halifax Maiden Flight 25.10.39
Crew: Navigator S/L A L Christian
Observer - EA Wright Esq
Pilot - Maj JLBH Cordes (Retd)
at; RAF…

Seven airmen in two rows.
Back row, left to right: Frank Benger, mid-upper gunner; Jim Neal, flight engineer; Jack Pollard, wireless operator; Arthur Long, navigator. Front, left to right: Alec Bishop, rear gunner; Harry Tweed, pilot; Alan Johns,…

Flying log book for Arthur Loudon, navigator, covering the period from 10 July 1943 to 12 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAAF Bradfield Park, RAAF Mount Gambier, RAAF East Sale,…

A landscape group photograph of seven airmen in uniform, standing by, sitting on and resting against something not seen, submitted with caption; 'Arthur Vickers crew 1943. 2nd left rear Bill Elsey, Bomb Aimer. Arthur Vickers right rear.' Huts are…

A newspaper cutting with a photograph and report on Frank Heath, who is missing. On the reverse are adverts.

An exercise book kept by Ted Neale with his observations and calculations used in astro-observations, No 19 AN, 42 Air School, Port Elizabeth.

Notes used in the training of a navigator.

Navigation calculations for operation to Augsburg. His aircraft returned early with engine failure.

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Aulnoye.

An00509's autobiography. Seventeen chapters and an epilogue. Chapters 1-4 deal with early life and schooling. Chapter 5-14 the war years and 15-17 after the war.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University…

A detailed account of Reg Payne's service in the RAF. He starts with a list of 18 RAF bases where he served in his 5 years of service. He was 16 when war was declared but volunteered for the RAF at 17. After tests he was selected for training as a…

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Account of Pilot Officer James Douglas Hudson's award of Distinguished Flying Cross. Notes was member of RAFVR called up at outbreak of war and trained as navigator. While on deployment his Blenheim was brought down in North Africa and he was…

Air and ground crew posed in three rows and another row on the Mosquito's inner wing and engines. Eric is front row, second from the left.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

This item was sent to the…

Contains personal details, record of service and other details including posting to 104 squadron 23 September 1944 - shows discharge on 17 May 1945 on appointment to temporary commission.

Includes records of medical, movements, next of kin, date of commission to flying officer and record of previous service.

Record of training navigation star and sun sights from ground and air between April 1943 and February 1944. Locations April to July 1943 at 24 bombing gunnery and navigation school at Moffat Southern Rhodesia on Anson aircraft. December 1943 at No 23…

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. Contains articles on local news, letters of thanks, entertainment, keeping fit, sports reports and results, poems, personal experiences in the RAF, sketches showing life at RAF Woodbrook, South African…

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. On the front cover is written: '1801494 LAC ROYALL G.L. 27/6/43'. The magazine contains articles of local and war news, a description of what life is currently like in Britain, photographs of key personnel at…
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