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  • Tags: military service conditions

Writes of days activities including issues with ration cards. Mentions organising savings group and other activities and catches up with baby news. Mentions blackout. Writes that she has had a reply to advertisement and home help has appeared. Talks…

Writes that she is sending parcel with socks and cigarettes. Mentions she has received belongings of released internee who will arrive soon. Continues with news of sister, other friends visiting and her plans for other activities. Writes about her…

Writes that she has been billeted and that she is very disappointed and cut up about him not getting a commission. Hopes that he might be chosen for specialised training on strength of his navigation results and get another chance of a commission.…

Replies to his previous letter and hope the weather will be good so he can finish his high level bombing training. Encloses latest photograph of daughter Frances and writes of laundry and books. Continues with mention of fire watch schedule and…

The letter refers to an erroneous posting then transfer to Waddington. He will be flying Manchesters. He is billeted with an old couple who don't tolerate drinking. He enjoyed seven days of leave in Coventry and surrounding towns.

Offers banter on how well David is getting on compared with his own lack of progress while still waiting for the War Office Selection Board. Hopes for leave in the near future and catches up with news. Additional information about this item was…

Writes of the impending disestablishment of 100 Group and telling a little of the history. Goes on to say that he has opened a subscription list for a leaving presentation or the A.O.C. Suggest £1.00 for wing commanders and above and 10 shillings…

Alan writes from Torquay during his training. He had just arrived in pitch black then the next day turned up at the receiving unit. There are lectures and physical training. He will then move to an Initial Training Wing in about a week. Then he…

Apologizes for not writing and relates daily goings on at RAF Stradishall. Mentions a visit to Doncaster, having to get up early for flying almost every day, a football match, not night flying yet and the fact that they are very isolated.

Opens by expressing concern over wife’s health issues. Goes on to give news about upcoming leave. Mentions crew outing to Scunthorpe. Provides details of tenth operation which was a successful daylight operation. Mentioned that the crew had now…

Begins with slight admonishment over wife’s letter writing regularity and discussion of progress on wife’s health issues. Provides details of 11th operation which involved an extremely long sortie, taking off in daylight and recovering next…

Expresses concern over regularity of wife’s letters and length of time that letters take to get through. Mentions that they might not be able to depart on leave until Tuesday as the might be on operations Monday night. Recounts that planned 13th…

Starts with thanks for letter number 3 but complains about lack of letters for a couple of days particularly as he had been on operations. Sets up times for future phone calls. Noted that the crew’s original aircraft had been lost while being flown…

Starts with complaint that phone calls from wife are replacing letters which he does not like, but did enjoy hearing his wife’s voice. Letter is then a long explanation of why he cannot answer her last letter as it is in his locker at the squadron…

Starts with suggestion that a recent news film of daylight operation to Le Havre, which he was on, gives a good idea of what bombing is like. However as most of his operations were at night he goes on to describe these. Describes emotions and…

Letter from colleague who was an instructor at Syerson. Glad to hear that Ken was settling down at Woodhall Spa and catches up with news and gossip of friends and family.

Wishes that he could fly with him again and encourages him to transfer to coastal command and a course at Blackpool which he recommends. States that he was not doing much flying and writes about getting accommodation. Comments that it was difficult…

Note on envelope 'from Al Laughland DFM later killed'. Asks after Vic Rosser's ankle. Describes a little of his current posting and activities. Catches up with friends news.

Writes from RAF Stoney Cross. Starts with banter over letters and states that he suspects he was experiencing all the joys of being on an operational squadron. Catches up with news of colleagues and writes of his own activities. Suggests they might…

Speculates on Rosser's current (civil/military) status and therefore addresses him as 'Mr'. Writes that he arrived in India some months ago but after the Japanese surrender and that he was flying transport on Dakotas from Rangoon. Comments on…

Writes about his new station, the local area and places to go. Writes that they had not done much yet due to weather but he had gone solo. Writes a little about his flying, ground school and staff. Continues with description of sports and athletics.…

Letter from Ed Perkins at RAF Acklington. Writes that they had been fog bound and unable to fly. Announced one of his squadron had shot down a JU-88 and comments on resulting celebration. Mentions bad news concerning mutual friend. Comments on Rosser…

Note on envelope 'Johnny Cantrell - deceased 21 Feb 46'. Writes that he had not received to his invitation and then tells a story about spending 12 days at Bari. Continues with news and gossip about the squadron and his activities. Concludes that he…

Congratulates him on award of DFC and ask how things are in 'civvy street'. States he was due out next April but is considering a deferment. Goes on to write about news from the squadron and his activities. Invites him to a party in the mess and…

Apologises for taking so long to answer letter. Mentions Cologne and Essen operations and fighter engagement on the former which resulted in damage and belly landing at RAF Manston. Catches up with news of families and colleagues as well as some oh…
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