Letter to David Donaldson from brother Norman
Letter to David Donaldson from brother Norman
Offers banter on how well David is getting on compared with his own lack of progress while still waiting for the War Office Selection Board. Hopes for leave in the near future and catches up with news. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.
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One page handwritten letter
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14410589 Sigmn. Donaldson
Army Section
RAF Medmenham
Nr. Marlow, Bucks
Dear Willy
As you see, I consider this a red letter day. (I have not gone psychic like Mr Longden). I hear that you have reached even dizzier heights, and may definitely be considered the odds-on favourite for the promotion stakes. I see that they’ve cut out the gold braid for Groups, which will no doubt be a disappointment to you. You must be earning almost as much as I shall if I ever start drawing staff pay. Any [inserted] way [/inserted] Good Show.
I’m [deleted] a [/deleted] still at rock bottom as you see, (though I did earn 3/6 yesterday for the first time instead of 3/- “proficiency pay” ha ha); I’m still waiting to go on my WOSB, which should have happened by now, but we’ve heard nothing at all. However, someone heard from someone who had heard A telling B that there was a bit more chance of our being Warrant Officers so we are a bit cheerier. Whichever I get, there [deleted] indecipherable word [/deleted] is a 50-50 chance of catching the Banana Boat soon afterwards, I think. If I don’t get either, of course, I imagine I shall be off back to Catterick unless you can get me into the RAF into the same job; I suppose [deleted] indecipherable word [/deleted] that your powers of graft are now immense. Incidentally, if you really want a big name, why not try a Col. Gates stunt – make the men recite poetry on parade, “to encourage perfect harmony in the drill movements”, or something like that? [inserted] You’d get a staff job at the A.M. as a full G.C. then! [/inserted]
I hope to get home on leave Sunday week, if the WOSB doesn’t ruin it. Have you seen Collins lately about the White Squall [their sailing boat] If not, I’ll pop over while I’m there & have a look at her. Joyce very kindly sent my riding things along, for which you might thank her very much if you see her. I hope Frances is well. Love,
14410589 Sigmn. Donaldson
Army Section
RAF Medmenham
Nr. Marlow, Bucks
Dear Willy
As you see, I consider this a red letter day. (I have not gone psychic like Mr Longden). I hear that you have reached even dizzier heights, and may definitely be considered the odds-on favourite for the promotion stakes. I see that they’ve cut out the gold braid for Groups, which will no doubt be a disappointment to you. You must be earning almost as much as I shall if I ever start drawing staff pay. Any [inserted] way [/inserted] Good Show.
I’m [deleted] a [/deleted] still at rock bottom as you see, (though I did earn 3/6 yesterday for the first time instead of 3/- “proficiency pay” ha ha); I’m still waiting to go on my WOSB, which should have happened by now, but we’ve heard nothing at all. However, someone heard from someone who had heard A telling B that there was a bit more chance of our being Warrant Officers so we are a bit cheerier. Whichever I get, there [deleted] indecipherable word [/deleted] is a 50-50 chance of catching the Banana Boat soon afterwards, I think. If I don’t get either, of course, I imagine I shall be off back to Catterick unless you can get me into the RAF into the same job; I suppose [deleted] indecipherable word [/deleted] that your powers of graft are now immense. Incidentally, if you really want a big name, why not try a Col. Gates stunt – make the men recite poetry on parade, “to encourage perfect harmony in the drill movements”, or something like that? [inserted] You’d get a staff job at the A.M. as a full G.C. then! [/inserted]
I hope to get home on leave Sunday week, if the WOSB doesn’t ruin it. Have you seen Collins lately about the White Squall [their sailing boat] If not, I’ll pop over while I’m there & have a look at her. Joyce very kindly sent my riding things along, for which you might thank her very much if you see her. I hope Frances is well. Love,
N Donaldson, “Letter to David Donaldson from brother Norman,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/16077.
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