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  • Tags: Mosquito

Three clippings from The Star, the first reviewing a book written by Constance Babington-Smith, Evidence in Camera describing the work done by the Photographic Interpreters.
The second a cartoon.
The third dated October 17th 1957 is a book review…

Three Mosquitoes being serviced in a hangar. Nearest aircraft is DZ744, code "G" a Mk II belonging to 333 (Norwegian) Squadron.

A report on RAF operations over France. The tank depot at Mailly was attacked as were railways, aircraft stores and an ammunition dump.

List of Halifax, Wellington and Mosquito aircraft lost from 192 and 462 Squadrons from December 1943 to April 1945. Gives aircraft registration, date, description of incident, some with captain named.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…

Some information about 467 Squadron's history and about Lancaster R5863 'S Sugar' which is currently in the RAF museum at Hendon. Mentions operations on 6 June 1944. Includes colour photograph showing front quarter of a Lancaster inside a museum. In…

Pamphlet with b/w artwork of a Mosquito with transparent boost gauge overlaid. On the rear cover eagle and roundel.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

Article describing attack on Leuna synthetic oil plant and subsequent nights operations on three other targets. This was the fourth successive night attacks by the RAF on Germany.

Description of attack on Essen home of Krupps.

Photo 1 is The Mess, annotated 'The Mess (English Corner)'.
Photo 2 is an airport terminal annotated 'Flughafen (Home of Flyers)'.
Photo 3 is a railway station annotated 'Klein Borstal Station'.
Photo 4 is a church, annotated 'Hamburg from the…

Tags: ; ;

Photo 1 is two men in a swimming pool, one diving, annotated 'Geordie and Paddy'.
Photo 2 is five airmen annotated 'The Gang - Flying Control'.
Photo 3 is three airmen at the nose of a Mosquito, annotated 'Ginger & Crew'.
Photo 4 is two airmen…

Tadeusz record of flying at No 48 M.U for years 1952 to 1958. Lists aircraft types and hours by month.

Top - a runway with FIDO aflame on edges. A Mosquito is landing on left side. Submitted with description 'Mosquito landing with the aid of FIDO. Date and location not recorded'.
Bottom - side by side target photographs of port area showing aiming…

Oblique aerial photograph showing a built up area on bottom half and open countryside above. Rocket trails from top left to centre. Submitted with description 'Target photo of rocket attack on an unidentified group of buildings. The handwritten…

Target Mailly-le-Camp attacked by Lancasters. Covers weather forecast, plan of attack, total number of sorties, narrative of attack, day reconnaissance, enemy defences air and ground, enemy aircraft destroyed, casualties, target details, route,…

Starts with account of operation to Paris on 3 May 1944 when attacked by Me 109 and writes of crew actions. Continues with list of operations giving details of target, anti-aircraft fire, flight time, some bomb loads, events, results. From 3 August…

Writes of being given their own aircraft with nude lady nose art which survived the war. Mentions icing problem on operation to Saarbrücken. Describes operation to Frankfurt where engaged by Ju-88 where he injured his jaw. Writes that they learn as…

A Mosquito flying over Everest. On the reverse a telex message with details about the event, various rubber stamps and references.
On a separate sheet 'Mosquito flying over Mount Everest'.


A port/side view of a Mosquito 'TV959' on the ground. On the reverse De Havilland Mosquito T.3' and on a separate sheet 'Mosquito TV959'.


Draft comments on last operation of John Davies. Died on active service with 166 Squadron. List crew of his Lancaster (pilot and flight engineer survived) and recounts operation to V1 site at Trossy St Maximin in which and other crew John were…

Account of daylight operation against Dortmund-Ems canal aqueducts. Operation was abandoned due to cloud cover. Landed at Waddington. Includes b/w photographs of target,

Three silhouettes and four photographs. On the reverse 'Mosquito IV'.
#1 is a frontal silhouette.
#2 is an underside silhouette.
#3 is a port side silhouette.
#4 is a starboard/front aerial photograph.
#5 is a port side aerial photograph.
#6 is…


Mosquito and 7 RAF Personnel (2 in life jackets) gathered together around a 4000lb HC Bomb with the legend Kiel. May 2nd 1945 written on it in chalk, submitted with the caption; “Believed to be the last bomb dropped on Germany carried out by 608…

Seven individuals, one aircrew, posed in two rows in front of Mosquito. Buildings in the background.
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