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  • Tags: pilot

Account highly successful attach on Turin on 12/13 July 1943 by aircraft of 57 Squadron which included Sgt E H Tansley as second pilot in aircraft ED655. Includes list of aircraft and bomb load of ED655. Account of a further attack on Milan on 16/17…

Transcript of the Diary of Sgt. Bernard Clark RAFVR 30 November – 20 December 1943 with notes by M Warburton. Includes head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing greatcoat and side cap. Includes crew list of his aircraft. Entries contain…

Transcript of diary entry for 20 December 1943. Includes crew list. Account of their first operation to Berlin on. He was wireless operator. Mentions anti-aircraft fire over coast, problems with Monica system, problems with oxygen, problems with rear…

Extracts from the operational log book of Alan Gibson covering his tour of 31 operations on 166 Squadron.

His pilot on his first operation was Flight Sergeant Burnett. Pilot Officer Allen also flew on one operation with him.

Pilot Officer J H Catlin for Distinguished Flying Cross. Sergeant Barry Collin Wright for Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Sergeant William Birch for Distinguished Flying Medal. Gives account of action for operation to Leipzig in February 1944. Describes…

Covers his flight from England west via the United States to Australia in 1943.

The extract relates to Jozef's service in the Polish Air Force. The reverse is blank.

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Describing operations under fire and return in a damaged aircraft leading to award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Gives operational history and descriptions of actions on operation to Cologne in December 1944 where he showed conspicuous bravery. He had a record of prolonged and heroic endeavour which was beyond praise.

Covers from April 1941 on 150 Squadron flying Wellington, then on 21 Operational Training Unit and finally on 156 Squadron with Wellington and then Lancaster until operation to Dortmund 4 May 1943 when his aircraft was hit and target indicator bomb…

First page annotated 'Unpublished writing by Charles Cuthill, publication rights please, Matt Nicol'. Continues with account of icing, flashes round the aircraft and static on the intercom. Difficult flying conditions and weather. Reference to…

Flying log book for F A Robinson covering the period from 8 September 1938 to 22 January 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes flight certificates, congratulatory messages and notes of appreciation from senior officers, a…

Five airmen arranged in a row.
Information supplied with the collection identifies the pilot.

Top centre a full length wedding group portrait. An officer in uniform tunic carrying a peaked cap. On the right a women in full length white wedding dress carrying a bouquet. Behind bridesmaids partially visible and in the background a church arched…

The seven airmen are grouped at the nose of their Lancaster 'Z'.
On the reverse -
'F/Lt Hammond & Crew
missing 22/23-10-43 (Kassel)
Curly Walton ((M/Sgt) (American)
possibly EE196 [confirmed as EE196]
Crew began with 103 Sqdn but went with 'C'…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '248 LMG F/O Pike 429'

Left page: top, an aircraft with 'Hunting Aerospace Surveys Ltd' on the fuselage, annotated, 'Bob pilot'.
Bottom, left head and shoulder portrait of a boy, annotated 'Nov 1963''.
Bottom right, portrait of a girl with toys, annotated 'Hilly'.…

On the left a man wearing uniform tunic with pilot's wings, sergeant rank and side cap. On the left a woman wearing overcoat. Between then a boy and a girl all sitting. In the background a curtain.

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On the right a man wearing uniform tunic with pilot's wings, sergeant rank and side cap. On the left a woman wearing overcoat. Between then a boy and a girl all sitting. In the background a curtain.

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Extract from "But Not in Anger". Story of a Hastings of 53 Squadron on route from El Adam to Castel Benito Tripoli which shed a propeller blade which struck the fuselage injuring the co-pilot and cutting the tail control rods. Relates story of crew…

Fifty one personnel of differing ranks, some in the rear are RAF trainees wearing tunic and white flash side caps, other may be staff or from other air forces (Turkish). Personnel in front are sitting and those behind standing. In the background an…

Fifty one pilots wearing battledress or tunic with side or peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows. Photograph taken after dark. In the background a single storey hut with corrugated iron roof. On the reverse five signatures.

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Newspaper clipping reporting the death of Pilot Officer Olding in an aircraft crash.

Describes events leading up to and including Jack Newton's last operation before crash landing in Belgium. Lists his crew and gives account of their attempts at evasion, meeting with Belgian helpers, moving to various safe houses and Jack Newton's…
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