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  • Tags: air gunner

Seven aircrew standing and sitting in two rows. All wear battledress with brevet and side caps. From left to right, rear row: Sergeant Cyril Marjoram, gunner; Sergeant Douglas Richard Bacon, gunner; Flight Sergeant Tom Smith, wireless operator and…

A list of 15 flights to and from Warsaw and aircrew. They cover from 13 Aug 1944 to 2 Nov 1944.

Relates actions on operation to Berlin on 30/31 January 1944. Baker was wounded during night fighter attack. Finding wireless operator dead, the rear gunner unconscious and navigator wounded, he then manned the rear turret despite no communications…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with sergeant rank and air gunner brevet.

Seven aircrew are on grass arranged in two rows, 4 standing and 3 crouched. Men wear various combinations of battledress and tunics, side caps and peaked caps. William Anderson is standing second from the left. Buildings are visible in the…

PExtonWallaceJ1807 copy.jpg
A head and shoulders portrait of William and Joyce Spencer, parents of Robbie. William is in uniform and is wearing an air gunner's brevet. Joyce is wearing a hat and tweed overcoat with a large silk flower on her lapel.

Additional information…

Full face portrait of a man wearing side cap. Caption 'Wilfred Gaughran 1920-1944'

#1 is a Wellington with its landing gear down flying above some houses.
#2 is six airmen in khaki grouped in front of a Lincoln. Another copy at PSouterKP2127.

On the left a bride wearing white wedding dress and holding bouquet. On the right ad RAF officer wearing tunic with air gunner's brevet and medal ribbons. In the background part of a stone building and a wooden door.

Two men wearing uniform tunic with half brevet and three women wearing wedding dresses and holding bouquets standing in line in front of a doorway to a stone building. On the reverse 'Toy's cousin Barbara, my sister Shirley. Wedding photograph of mid…

Formal portrait of a Marie Helene Kenworthy, George Henry Duke, best man and two other airmen; the airman on the right is a sergeant with pilot’s brevet, the groom is also a sergeant and the bride is in a white wedding dress and veil and carrying a…

Full length portrait of a man wearing tunic with air gunner brevet walking on a path arm in arm with his bride wearing wedding dress and holding bouquet of flowers. In the background an arched doorway.

Photo 1 is Clifford Watson and his bride on their wedding day. He is in uniform and she is wearing a pale long wedding dress with headdress and carrying a bouquet.
Photo 2 is Sergeant Clifford Watson in flying kit.
Photo 3 is Clifford and Hilda…

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of a wedding party with bride and groom (in RAF tunic with half brevet) and two other men and three bridesmaids. Caption mentions Pilot Officer C R Sugar.
Top right - newspaper cutting - long service…

Written for Cornish aviation society. Welcomes Philip Jenkinson and gives account of his training and operations on 10 Squadron Halifax. Describes being shot down and baling out. Mentions evading, capture and as a prisoner being on a tour of his…

William Cross Memoir of a supply drop to Polish fighters. They lost an engine and struggled to maintain height. The pilot had bailed out leaving the rest of the crew to fly the aircraft. They landed successfully in Russian territory and met up with…

Samuel Guyan in front of a window with his hands in his pockets.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'W/O Samuel Guyan DFC, Last Day 1946'.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 120A. F/Sgt Stevens. 427'

Penswick, J - Notes-02.pdf
A compilation of photographs of Jack comprising 25 images in this collection.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Photo 1 is Warrant Officer George Bailey at the 90 Squadron memorial.
Photo 2 is a Horsa being towed by a Halifax.
Photo 3 is a Horsa in D-day markings.

A copy of a photograph of seven airmen at the tail of their Halifax III, ZL-K. Each airmen and their role is identified on the caption.
A second image is a better quality photograph of the seven airmen in a row,
Two of the men have POW added to…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 140. W/O Clibbery. 427'
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