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  • Tags: ground personnel

Two men standing in a field. The one on the left is in shirtsleeves and the one on the right is wearing Royal Air Force tunic unbuttoned. Both are drinking from mugs. In the background a line of seated spectators and Nissen huts. On the reverse 'Cpl…

Forty airmen wearing tunic sitting and standing in four rows in front of corrugated iron hut. Most are sergeants and one (front row fourth from left has pilot's brevet). Captioned 'Bob Palmer, back row fourth from left'.

Top - a large group of trainee airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps sitting and standing in three rows in front of a brick building with large windows criss-crossed with blast tape. On the reverse signatures. Captioned 1 - 'Heaven help poor old…

Two photographs of an upside down Master aircraft 2810.
Photo 1 is a side view with eight airmen.
Photo 2 is a front view with 12 airmen.

A crashed B-24 Liberator. The nosewheel has collapsed and the port tyre is punctured. In front is a truck, three men and a wooden board. On the reverse 'A Yankee Liberator with nose wheel collapsed and port wheel punctured'.

An upside down Fairey IIIF. Five airmen are in attendance. On the reverse ' "B" Flight crash (No injuries)'.

A Halifax crashed into a bunker. 12 airmen are in attendance.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Two images of a Lancaster, 'AR-K', that has landed with the undercarriage up. The port outer engine has broken away and is being examined by two groundcrew.

Ground crew working on a Lancaster which has landed wheels up. One airmen is leaning on the nose of the aircraft with his hands in his pockets.

A crashed Mosquito being recovered by Stan's team. Seven ground crew are posed at the front of the aircraft. Their lorry is parked at the front. On the reverse 'Mosquito Crash Swannington 1944-45 No 9 Salvage Party 54 M.U. R & S'.
In a second image…

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is the nose of a crashed Roc being inspected by six men.
Photo 2 is two airmen in khaki and shorts standing by a lorry.
Photo 3 is the tail of an aircraft that has crashed into a building. Three airmen are…

Six men filling in a crater supervised by an airman. There is a lorry and a Lancaster in the distance.

Top row, from left;
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven are standing all with half caps with six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from…

A handwritten list of the crew of Lancaster PM-C 44-45,
F/O Lou Morgan Pilot
Russ Johnston Nav
Nobby Clark B/A
Ivor Cole Wop
Murray Ward A/G
Jack Round A/G

F/O Breheney Eng Leader
F/L Wymark Gunnery leader
S/L Van Rollagem flight com

A crown of airmen and members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, several with bicycles, waving to a Lancaster taxiing past. Submitted with description 'Imperial War Museum photo No. CH10046. Annotated "Waving the boys off at Syerston." A group of…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airwoman wearing tunic with sergeants rank. On the reverse 'Cynthia Barry, Bomber Command 2 Group, Huntingdon 1942'. Two versions of the same image.

Head and shoulders portrait of a member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force wearing tunic with sergeants rank.

The first issue of The Dafoe Digest, a magazine produced by No 5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe. Each section on the base has had a chance to write a short article about their activities.

Photograph 1 and 2 are of damage to the rudder of a Boston . It is being inspected by air and ground crew. Captioned 'Boston A/C, 88 Sqd returned from a raid on Transformer and Switching Stn near Orleans, France 3rd Oct 1943.' Captioned 'Air Crew…

Three items on an album page.

Item 1 is K Watson's mess bill for May 1949, Sergeants' Mess, RAF Shallufa.
Item 2 is a photo of the damage to the Lincoln after hitting a marker pole, captioned 'Kite after striking marker pole, Shallufa'.
Item 3…

The Lancaster has landed with the undercarriage up. The port outer engine mountings have failed and the engine is lying on the grass. One airmen is looking closely at the damage.

A Wellington with a collapsed undercarriage. Ground personnel are working on it and a tracked device is visible under the starboard undercarriage.

Daphne Brownlee joined the Royal Air Force and joined a Bomber Command Operational Training Unit at Kinloss, and worked in Flying Control.
She tells of the hours she and her colleagues worked and also what life was like on the base, including her…
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