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  • Tags: Lancaster

Account of attack on synthetic oil plant at Kamen and Linz. Synthetic oil plant and Kamen underlined. Captioned '24-2-45'

Bombing a tank factory at Hanover. Marshalling yards at Munster. Benzol plants near Huls and Dortmund. Warning to civilians and foreign workers at Frankfurt-on-Main and Mannheim-Ludwigshafen. Captioned '17.3.45'.

Account of bombing synthetic oil plant at Dortmund. Synthetic oil plant and Dortmund is underlined.
Captioned '26-2-45'.

Account of Lancasters bombing benzol plant near Gelsenkirchen. Spitfire's dropped bombs on railway trucks. Benzol plant and Gelsenkirchen is underlined. captioned '5.3.45'.

Allan McDonald was born in Hull and watched Alan Cobham’s Flying Circus as a child. He worked as an apprentice electrician before joining the Air Force. He served as ground personnel in Northern Ireland until he passed the exams to become aircrew…

Concise account of marshalling yards at Wanne-Eickel. Marshalling yards and Wanne-Eickel is underlined. Captioned '4.3.45'.

Account of bombing targets near Paderborn and Bielefeld, benzol plants at Scholven and Osterfeld. Osterfeld is underlined. Pinpoint attack on targets. Captioned '22-2-45'.

Account of Lancaster operation to Munster and Rheine railyards and Bremen oil refinery. Munster rail yards underlined. Captioned '21-5-45'.

Account of Lancaster attack on the Nordstern benzol plant Gelsenkirchen escorted by Spitfires and Mustangs. Captioned '28.2.45'.

Squadron aircrew in three rows in front of a Lancaster. Front row sitting in chairs, second row standing and third row standing on benches.

A large group pf personnel in five rows for formal squadron photograph in front of a Lancaster.


Expresses regret that her husband Flight Sergeant Frank James Hobbs a wireless operator was missing as a result of air operations to Stuttgart in a Lancaster on night 15/16 March 1944. Continues that he might not have been killed and enquiries were…

Observers and air gunners flying log book for Frank Hobbs, wireless operator, covering the period from 15 March 1941 to 16 March 1943 when he was killed in action. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Pembrey,…

Confirms previous telegram that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs now believed to have lost his life as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. Information received that Lancaster crashed at Blerancourt, France and all seven crew were…

Vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre showing end of breakwater around dock area. Numerous bomb craters visible throughout together with damaged or destroyed dockside buildings. Warship in dock lower right. Rectangular structure to top left of…

Stanley Bradford was working in a Reserved Occupation until he volunteered. The three services were represented but as he approached them in turn the army and navy both rejected him because of his work. The RAF said that since he was in Reserved…

James Burchill was in the ATC before he volunteered for aircrew training. He was expected to be deferred but was told he had been chosen for immediate service. On one operation he was injured and by the time he was ready for operational duties again…

David Berrie joined the RAF and served as a wireless operator. He flew six operations with 576 Squadron from RAF Elsham Wolds. Shares his experience about living on the station with Polish crews. Remembers crashing twice in twenty-four hours and on…

Peter Beckett grew up in Mildenhall village. He attended the local Air Training Corps which enabled him to visit the airfield and take the opportunity to have air test flights with operational aircrews and help the ground staff with their work. He…

At the start of the war, Doug Beasley left school at 16 to start work. Initially a member of the Air Training Corps, he was sent for aircrew selection when he became 18. There was a 12-month wait to enlist as a pilot, so he opted to become a flight…

Max was born in Beaufort, Victoria and grew up on his parents’ dairy farm. Gaining a scholarship led to him becoming a student teacher and attending training college. He was called up when he was 18 and applied to become a reserve in the Air Force,…

Maurice Barrick had always wanted to serve in the Royal Air Force. Upon completion of training, he was posted to Bomber Command 467 Squadron at RAF Waddington. He did four operational flights and two trips flying British prisoners of war from…

Vertical aerial photograph over Trossy St Maximin. The top and bottom sections are largely obscured by cloud and bomb explosions. Two Lancasters are visible, one directly below and one diving away in the bottom left corner of the…

A vertical aerial photograph identified as Bois Desjardins. Much of the image is obscured by bright lights. Captioned '5691 BIN. 25/26-7-44 //NT(C) 8" 10.000' [arrow] 070° 0253 Bois Desjardins Y. 18x500. 19 secs. P/O. Lester. V 460'.
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