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  • Tags: V-1

A rear/ side view of a Fi 103 V1 Flying bomb.

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Five cuttings from newspapers. Item 1 refers to an attack on Northern France on 31 August 1944 (annotation). Item 2 is a comment from Sir Arthur Harris praising the accurate bombing of the German garrison at Le Havre, September 1944. Item 3 is a…

Gerry Philbin's talents in hockey whilst serving in the RCAF are described. He then transferred to the UK to fly Halifaxes. During an operation they were shot down and only he and Sergeant Millard survived. He was captured but escaped with the help…

Three images of St Leu d'Esserent taken after the attack.
Photo 1 is a vertical image showing bomb craters. It is annotated with 'C' and 'D's.
Photo 2 shows an entrance to an underground store.
Photo 3 show an entrance to an underground store. It…

Six aerial photographs of St Leu d'Esseent.
Photo 1 is a vertical target photograph with tunnels, railway and landing quay marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the operation. It is captioned '1962 TLP 5-8-44//8" 15000…

A vertical aerial photograph of Siracourt V-1 base. The entire image is filled with bomb craters. Above is a caption with details of the operation, aircraft taking part and bomb loads.
Under the image is a caption '2801 LMG 6.7.44//8" 13000' -->…

Two images of the concrete V-1 bunker at Siracourt.
Photo 1 is a side view and photo 2 is a view along the top.

A vertical aerial photograph of an attack on Gorenflos V-1 base. Rows of bomb craters and explosions can be seen.
The image is annotated '26565. LMG. 25.6.44// 8" 12600 --135° 0900 Goenflos Raid .A. 13x500 c secs W/O Puskas .A.429'

A vertical aerial photograph of Siracourt V-1 site. Smoke is rising from bomb explosions and the fields are littered with craters.
It is annotated '2801 LMG 6.7.44 // 8" 13000' --098° 0258 Siracourt Raid A 3 x 1000 10 x500 c 28secs WO Puskas A…

A vertical aerial photograph identifying two Noball targets at Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam,

Four photographs of St. Leau d'Esserent.
Photo 1 is a target aerial photograph with areas to be bombed. Tunnel entrances, constructions, excavations, railway and a landing quay are marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the…

A damaged concrete bunker described as 'Sautrecourt 2008' in additional information supplied with the collection. This is likely to be Siracourt which was visited in 2008.

Two concrete structures identified in text supplied with the collection as V-1 storage bunkers at Renescure.

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A full frame vertical aerial photograph of a Lancaster flying over a heavily bombed V-1 site.
On the reverse 'KB745 VR-V 419 Sqn Middleton St Geo attacking V1 site July 1944.
Lost 5/10/44 crashed into high ground on Op to Norway'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. A Halifax is directly underneath heading towards a town. To the left of the town are numerous bomb explosions. Bomb craters can be see in the fields, some in lines and others in…

Seven newspaper cuttings.
Item 1 is about Bombing-up the last Lancaster. Asterisked is a reference to Reg Hutton.
Item 2 and 3 refer to D-day viewed from a Lancaster by Flight Sergeant Hutton.
Item 4 and 5 refer to bombing of shore batteries by…

Draft comments on last operation of John Davies. Died on active service with 166 Squadron. List crew of his Lancaster (pilot and flight engineer survived) and recounts operation to V1 site at Trossy St Maximin in which and other crew John were…

Starts with account of operation to Paris on 3 May 1944 when attacked by Me 109 and writes of crew actions. Continues with list of operations giving details of target, anti-aircraft fire, flight time, some bomb loads, events, results. From 3 August…

Aeronautical chart Hull to Venice with route to Frankfurt area. Titled '12-8-44, Russelsheim, Opel works, (Buzz Bombs)'. Has other notes on markers. Area marked in red.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No…

Brian Llewellyn was a member of the Air Training Corps during the war and spent time with the RAF as well as the Polish Air Force. He talks about his time in Lincolnshire, including various stations he visited and his first flight. Brian had many…
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